Card Apprentice Daily Log-Chapter 114: Demigod Michael Angelo Godson

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Chapter 114: Demigod Michael Angelo Godson

Date 24 Mar 2321

Time 0:01

Location Sky Blossom City, Guild Association Mall, Warehouse no. 234, Card lab

As the bright light covered the entire card lab in its gentle aura I immersed myself in its embrace forgetting to morph the origin core into the origin card. Deeper I gazed into the light I felt like a message was being sent from the other end of the light, this feeling made me remember a concept back on earth, data transfer through light.

Yes, instead of using radio waves of different frequencies, amplitudes and phases as a medium of data transfer there was another theory to make use of light to transfer data after all light is faster than sound. But tragically like any other great theories, this one was also ahead of its time. Alas, this theory never came to life back on earth. But right now I was experiencing this phenomenon in the flesh, someone or something was trying to send me data in the form of a message through light.

If not for my soul pupils I would have never realised ‘the unknown’ was using light as a medium to transfer data to me instead I would end up thinking it was some kind of divine revelation or a blessing.

So many questions in my mind but right now was not the time to focus on these questions instead I had to receive the data being sent to me by the unknown. The data transfer completed in a few seconds and then the light vanished within.

As the light vanished into me I realised the light not only carried a message but came bearing gifts. As the light was completely absorbed by my eyes I felt my body and mind which were exhausted creating the card had suddenly rejuvenated with immense power and strength, then the remaining light was absorbed by my mutated soul and my active soul control broke through to 29% and both my mental strength had been enhanced and strengthened especially my second mental strength as now both my mental strengths were equal in size.

As the feeling of being powered left my body, hundreds of questions flooded my mind, where did the light come from? Who sent the message? How did the light refresh my body and mind? How much power was in the light to help me increase active soul control by 5% and increase my mental strengths by a huge margin?

The answers to these questions were beyond my reach at present so I could only let go and focus on the matter at hand, the origin card creation. The data that I received was also regarding this issue because the data contained in the message was regarding a skill, the unknown who sent me this message had blessed the origin core and wanted me to arrange the soul pathways in the origin core such that it incorporates that specific skill within it.

I always wondered how they created skill cards based on martial arts and techniques and today I got a glimpse at the answer, the skill info I got from the message was also about a technique, Insight forecast. A godly ability that would allow the user to predict the opponent’s next action. This prediction was not just limited to one enemy instead, it could be applied to multiple enemies, meaning the host could predict the moves of multiple enemies even before they happened. This ability was deadly in the hands of a warrior but in the hands of a marksman, it was an onslaught, total massacre.

This skill was ridiculously overpowered but whoever sent me the data did not expect my card creation skills to be enough to incorporate the complete original skill into the origin card, he/she thought I would make many errors in the arrangement of the soul pathways of this skill and the end product will be a low-end version of the skill. Since my knowledge of the skill was useless without the blessing blessed on the origin core, whoever sent this info thought I could only make use of this info once and only on this origin core.

But they were wrong as I have been bestowed with soul pupils a cheat that unveils the mysteries of all. And the mystery of the blessing blessed on the original core was not hidden from my eyes, the blessing was nothing but an enhancement to specific soul pathways which could be easily misunderstood by any other card apprentice as a blessing. Thanks to my soul pupils I recorded the soul pathways that were enhanced. And also with the data I received earlier from the light I was 100% certain that I could replicate this skill into other cards, an unexpected gain.

The trick to martial arts and technique skill cards turned out to be the soul pathway arrangement and the pattern of soul energy circulation through the said soul pathway arrangement, simple for me who can see the soul pathways but a near-impossible feat for the card apprentices who make use of their mental strength to feel the soul pathways.

These new turn of events were sudden and now I had to make many changes to the soul pathways and arrangement. I would just add the new skill as it is and be done with card creation but I was not that kind of card creationist, now thanks to this Insight forecast technique I had a base to create a human core for pax. Earlier I did not add a human core to the card because the card I was creating was considered as an item card. how can I possibly incorporate an item into a human core, it would no longer be considered as a human core. maybe there was a way but I was not proficient to that level yet. But using the technique as the medium I came up with a way to add the human core to the card I was creating.

Techniques and martial skills were quite similar to programming which led to a possibility that I could run a program through soul pathways. Arranging soul pathways to create AI and the artificial beast Will was different to programming a soul pathway into doing a specific action or bunch of actions. This opened doors to new heights in card creation. Until now I was limited to arranging the soul pathways to get a certain action but now I could program a soul pathway to do a bunch of actions, the latter was a lot simpler and easier.

Using this newfound knowledge I and my slave consciousness went through the whole card creation process again making small changes here and there. At last, I morphed the origin core into the origin card.

[Card Name: Iron Flesh

Card Type: Origin card

Card Rank: -/-

Card Rate: -/-

Card Durability: -/-

Card Effect: The card gives the user the strength and capabilities of mechanical wonders. There are three tiers for the user to switch between,

Tier 1: Cyborg (angel form)

The user’s body is incorporated with a human core which enhances the user’s body with superhuman regeneration, strength, endurance, agility using Viltronian knowledge and nanotechnology turning the user into a half man and half machine.

While the Viltronian counterparts give the user godly physical prowess the nanotechnology counterpart gives the user access to machine capabilities like mechanical angel wings for flight, soul energy-based weapons, sensory system, thermal organ, etc and along with all these abilities the nanotechnology also complimented the Viltronian godly physical properties.

Tier 2: Exo-armour suit (angel form)

The Human core contains an Exo-armour suit which provides the user with external armour with a variety of abilities and weapons. This Exo armour suit is fused with the user at the nano level and enhances tier 1’s properties.

The Exo-armor comes with a cerebral and soul link which allows the user to manoeuvre the exo-armour efficiently and connect with tier 3

Tier 3: Mech – Iron Flesh (angel form)

Iron Flesh is a 21 meters tall and 20 tonnes in weight Mech designed based on the elder giant’s height and Michael Angelo idol. It is equipped with world-class systems for adaptability, defence and offence.

The user has to use cerebral and soul link from the Exo-armour suit to control and manoeuvre the mech.

Iron Flesh is not just a hunk of metal but has its beast will with an ability to memories and learn.

Additional skills,

Absolute Alloy Replication – Iron Flesh can replicate the alloy and ores sacrificed to it and this replication is permanent if the sacrificed amount is equal to the total mass of the Iron flesh.

Insight Forecast – This skill is a demigod bestowal skill to Pax Godson, the last surviving descendant of the demigod Michael Angelo Godson. This skill allows the user to predict the moves of the opponent.

Blessing – Demigod Michael Angelo Godson has bestowed his blessings for his last descendent having been moved by the origin card created in one of his forms.]

Reading the card info a bomb went off in my head this meek teenager in front of turned out to be the last surviving blood of a demigod.
