Card Apprentice Daily Log-Chapter 35: The Circle

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Chapter 35: The Circle

Date 21 Mar 2321

Time 9:49

Location Sky Blossom City, Lion Cub High School, Principal’s Office

“So, if I am not wrong they both should be able to summon unstoppable war machines to fight for them. Now, do you think you are their match?”

I have yet to see a golem, but from young Wyatt’s memories I gather they are similar to big robots instead of wires, hardware and software they have soul core, soul pathways and some sentient one’s have beast will.

The abyssal giant bear spirit guard is strong but not strong enough to take on a huge robot of sorts. I could attack the Bright brothers who are the cores of their golems but they should already be prepared for that.

Being hit by reality hard the invincible feeling I got from practising the abyssal giant bear form finally subsided.

Now that I was in my right mind I finally knew wealth and power is never enough there is always someone richer and stronger than you.

How foolish of me with my current rate of progress I will never be able to take on Kevin Zhang and his mercenary group within a year. Looks like I can not be lazy anymore.

Until now I had just focused on making money but I will have to start thinking about gathering good card ingredients, skill/item cards and try to learn how to create different types of cards, especially golem cards as they are closer to my expertise back on earth, robotics.

Seeing me in deep thought Andre shook his head, he seemed to think my confidence was hit hard and I was doubting myself, so trying to encourage me he said, “Kid your mother’s origin card ‘Aura sight’ is not to be underestimated, even though it does not have the raw strength and destructive power of a golem it is a great card and many high ranking Card apprentices would choose Aura sight as the origin card over a golem.”

“What’s so special about Aura sight? When I activate it all I can see is the auras of all objects and beings. If they are far away the auras overlap and it’s hard to distinguish between two auras.”

Every form of matter has a distinctive aura to it but it is invisible to the naked eye, somewhat similar to soul pathways.

I truthfully told the drawbacks of soul pupils withholding the crucial information I found until now on the origin card, not because I did not want to lie to Andrea or I trusted him but due to his title the Judge.

He got this title, not for punishing criminals or something but due to his origin card which tells him if someone is lying to him.

Very powerful right, but this card has obvious limitations like how I withheld crucial information and misled him into thinking that my origin card was Aura sight. Another limitation is that he can’t judge someone with higher active soul control than him.

But it is still something worth being feared for. Therefore someone with such a useful card is stuck as a mere high school principal with no future.

It is rumoured that the upper circle of the city is very uneasy and wary about Andre’s origin card and his humble background therefore they are suppressing all his merits and confining him to Lion Cub High.

This guy is dangerous I came here to get info on the tournament but somehow the conversation switched about me and my origin card. For some reason conversation with him feels like an interrogation.

Looks like I should maintain a healthy distance from him. And why does he know so much about mama Wyatt’s origin card? I will have to look into mama and papa Wyatt’s life history for this.

But whom am I supposed to ask for info about mama and papa Wyatt’s life history, supposedly they are my parents and I should be the one with the most info on them.

“Oh, that’s because you have not had enough practice and experience to get used to using the aura sight efficiently like your normal sight.

Your mother could spot monsters hiding hundreds of meters inside the ground easily. If you asked her to find a needle in the haystack she could in seconds.

Do you know what makes the aura sight crucial and sort after?”

Yes indeed soul pupils have numerous applications but I lack the practice and experience to wield it to its full potential and discover all its uses.


“It has the ability to discern truth from illusion. Think about it with the aura sight you can easily be able to tell the difference between illusion and reality.

Most importantly nothing can hide from your eyes normal stealth and invisibility is useless against it.

The Aura Sight card has various possibilities to explore, just parctice it hard enough and you will get the hang of it.

Thanks to this origin card your mother was labelled Nemesis of assassin and illusion type. This card has more to offer than you think.”

Yes, I can use soul pupils to easily discern an illusion from reality, why did I not think of it! My experience with soul pupils is lacking to come up with all the ways I can use it but with enough time I will be able to think of its various applications.

Seeing how Andre is singing praises of mama Wyatt I guess she was a big deal in Sky Blossom City but to think her son committed suicide because of the people she fought to protect, how tragic.

Be this world or other world heroes life is always miserable and tragic. Back on earth soldiers died to protect their country but the country could not protect their loved ones. While the corrupt officials and politicians enjoyed long life bathed in black money.

“When will the tournament be held?”

“You still hung up on that! I guess it could help broaden your horizons… It will be held on the 27th of this month.”

“Thank you then I’ll take my leave.”

“Happy to help, try attending the classes they may be helpful.”

Receiving a wake-up call I could not dilly-dally any more, time to get serious. In this tournament, I had to be in the top 5 no matter what!.

After Wyatt left the office Andre summoned his silver grimoire and called ‘Kevin Zhang’.

Tring-a-ring! tring-a-ring!

“Andre it’s rare of you to call me, what’s the matter?”

“Kevin, I called to talk about the boy.”

“What about him?”

“You must have heard of him contracting his mother’s grimoire.”

“I did hear him contracting one of his parent’s grimoire, so what of it get to the point.”

“Cancel all your plans involving the boy, he is under the cities protection now.”

“What? Are you kidding me! Didn’t I already clear it with you and the circle, you want more that’s it right. And people call me the thug.”

“The situation has changed, the boy is no longer a nobody since he has inherited his mother’s origin card. You know what that means right.”

“But that’s not possible!”

“He is one of the special cases. Kevin, I know your temper so I will warn you again don’t do something you will end up regretting later, that boy is off-limits.

This matter is related to the circle so no mistakes will be tolerated.”


“Fu<k!” Kevin cursed in anger. He invested so much yet he had nothing to show for.

Fu<k them! Fu<k the circle! Looks like he will have to return to the sky blossom city and deal with things himself.
