Card Apprentice Daily Log-Chapter 36: Who is at fault?

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Chapter 36: Who is at fault?

Date 21 Mar 2321

Time 10:45

Location Sky Blossom City, Guild Association Mall, Warehouse no.234

“The Gale Rabbit Leather Boots sold for 250,000$ last night in the auction. People went crazy over its design and perfect card ratings.

This Warehouse is allotted to me by the auction management to use as my personal warehouse. Since you are my one and only client, it’s all yours use it as you see fit. I have yet to recruit staff but Corey should be enough for now.”

After leaving school I directly came to guild mall since I wanted to participate in the rookie tournament my previous plans had to be optimised for current circumstances.

The tournament is on the 27th but the next mall auction is also on the 27th.

I was planning to make some money on the next auction but I need that money now to prepare for the tournament.

The auction plan is still a go but I will have to think of other methods to amass money for the tournament.

All my plans needed a certain amount of capital investment and time to bear fruits. But I needed money now to make new cards for the tournament.

“Well keep the money with you, I know it’s not a lot but use it to get me some rare card ingredients and cards to help with my mental strength.

Don’t worry about the cost, just get them. I will somehow arrange the money.”

“Ok, I keep an eye out for it.” Susan nodded in understanding.

Looking at the 100 military trunks in the middle of the warehouse I said, “I will be done with those by evening.

Susan, do you know how I can make a lot of cash, fast. Something that doesn’t require any investment from my side.”

Susan frowned hearing me and worriedly asked, “why? Are you in some kind of trouble?”

“Yeah, money troubles.”

“I can lend you some.”

“Not enough I need to make strong cards, a small amount of money is not enough I need a lot and right now.”

“Oh! so it was to make cards. I thought you were in some kind of deep trouble. If you want to make easy money then you can always provide your services as a silver card creator, like how you helped me.”

“Can I do that after all, I don’t have my license yet?”

To professionally sell my services as a card creator I would require a degree certification in card creation and be licensed by the card creator guild.

“Yes! You can. License is only required to use the tools and services of the card creation guild.”

“But without the surety from the card creation guild and no help from their forums, How will I get someone to provide my services to.”

This is also the reason why card creators are rich since they are licenced by the guild they charge an enormous amount of fees to create cards. Customers do not complain as they trust the ability of a licenced card creator and think the cost is worth it.

“You don’t need to worry about that part, I will bring you the clients, think of it as a perk for being my exclusive client.”

Yes, I am Susan’s exclusive client, it is not set in contract just based on mutual trust. She promised me that in return she will take no other clients as she has her hands full with me.

It is a win-win situation for both of us. Thanks to my cards she made half a million dollars after tax in her first auction. And I needed somebody I could trust and help me take care of small things.

“Good I will leave it to you. So I will start with these trunks now. I will create the cards here as no card room can fit all these trunks.”

“Okay, I will ask Corey to keep watch. You can ask her if you need anything. Do not exhaust yourself I will be bringing your first client in the evening.”

“You going somewhere? I wanted books on golem card creation.”

“Yes to reach a potential client, I had this friend/colleague/client, she is in search of a good card creator.

I will ask Corey to bring you the basics of golem card creation, but for advanced and higher books you will have to attend a college. Since they are sensitive and copyrighted info.”

Advanced design and knowledge of all types of cards are copyrighted information. But basic info is enough with my knowledge of robotics I should come up with something awesome.

Soon after Susan left Corey came with the books on the basics of golem card creation.

“Sir, do you need anything else?”

“Looks like Susan decided to trust you and give you a chance, congrats.”

“Thank you, sir.”

“No need to thank me…

As someone who has agonized from the same trust me when I say It’s never too late. Since you know to ask for help then you are not beyond salvation.

It’s in your nature a part of you… don’t try to suppress or deny it, it will only grow stronger.

Embrace your mistakes and find a way to forgive yourself, it’s the only way to defeat it.”


“Don’t mind me, those eyes of yours are shouting for help, I could not just act ignorant.”

Corey’s eyes got red and teary as she said, “It hurts.”

“Good, it means you’re doing something right. It’s hard now but it will get harder, learn to deal with it.”

It’s in human nature to look down and wanting to feel superior. In pain or happiness, humans always try to comfort themselves by comparing and looking down on others. It is also the reason which causes them to be restless.

Humans feel comforted and superior looking down on others circumstances but also get threatened seeing others in better circumstances than themself.

This all comes naturally to humans, nobody teaches them that. What’s more disturbing is that humans have made it all this a requirement to live in this shit world. But some take it to next level and people start to get hurt.

Who is at fault? If we start pointing fingers then no amount of figures will be enough. So, it’s pointless to punish yourself for which everyone is at fault.

Corey made mistakes but good for her trying to change. Fighting your nature is hard as change doesn’t come easy.

Saying my piece I got busy with creating the G-rank storage trunk cards. Corey wiped her tears and began cleaning the warehouse, she did not expect me to comfort her but it felt good for someone to recognise the change in her. Although the change is not enough, it’s a start.

Creating a G rank storage trunk card was easy thanks to my origin card but the time required for transferring the soul pathways to the core could not be shortened.

It took 90 seconds to create one card, so two and half hours for 100 cards. It costs 46 dollars for the ingredients of a storage trunk card.

G-rank core – 10$

Military-grade trunk – 36$

But a good storage trunk card can be sold for 10,000$ – 12,000$ depending on the market.

Considering the minimum profit of 10,000$ per card, I can make nearly 1000,000$ with 4600$ as an investment. But my profit drops to 61% after paying 34% government tax and 5% mall charges.

So, my net profit is 610,000$ which is nowhere near the amount I require to create 50 E-rank female armour let alone the money I required to create cards for the tournament.

If I expect to make any serious and easy money the auction was the only place but I did not have the time to wait for the auction.

I could always create a card recipe and copyright it to get royalty but it’s not possible cause my card creating techniques are different from the rest of the techniques used by card creators out there.

When I create a card I am highly dependent on my soul pupils and my otherworldly knowledge as I barely have an understanding of the techniques mentioned in the card recipes.

If I want to live off royalties of my copyright card recipes, then I will have to create a recipe that is so easy that any third-grade card creator can make it otherwise no one will opt for my card recipes over other card recipes out there.

For that my knowledge of this worlds card creating technique is severely lacking.
