Card Apprentice Daily Log-Chapter 87: Why?!

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Chapter 87: Why?!

Date 22 Mar 2321

Time 21:57

Location Sky Blossom City, B-rank Blue Blossom Lake field dungeon.

When the three guild leaders were lost in the heat of the argument, there was a knock on the conference room door,

‘Knock! Knock!”

“We are at our destination guild masters” reported the guild member.

“Good, Gentlemen let’s stop our discussion here and win a fortune for ourselves, shall we.” Said Boris looking at the other two guild masters.

“I can’t agree with you more” Mark agreed, while Van calmly nodded and said, “let’s head to the deck.”

All three of the guild masters left the conference room and headed to the deck. Reaching the deck of the vessel they looked down at the B-rank Blue Blossom lake field dungeon entrance.

“Van you were right the southern part of the B-rank Blue Blossom lake field dungeon is less populated with monsters. The water is so still and calm I thought it would be bubbling with monsters and beasts.” Boris praised Van for his foresight.

“No! The southern side of the dungeon is less guarded by the field monsters but it is not this calm it’s as if there are no monsters in the lake.” Said Van acting humble.

“You two isn’t it because of the Dungeon reversal. There aren’t any monsters in the dungeon that are supposed to undergo dungeon reversal, and you call me dumb.” Said Mark feeling proud for noticing what Van and Boris did not notice.

“You idiot!” Shouted Boris and Van simultaneously. And Boris continued “Other times you forget to use your brain but out of all of those moments you choose right now to use your brain”

Both Boris and Van knew why the B-rank Blue Blossom lake field dungeon was empty but they acted as if they didn’t because of the turbulent soul energy in the atmosphere which caused them to be suspicious and cautious, maybe they are not alone here.

“Enemy attack!!! Sound The Alarm! All hands-on deck! Rise the shields.” The turbulent soul energy had sudden sharp change feeling this change in the surrounding soul energy Van shouted hurriedly but he was still too late.

Boris felt the abnormalities in soul energy in the surrounding atmosphere, maybe the abnormality is because of the Dungeon reversal he thought but he was still on alert and after listening to Van shout in panic he directly summoned his grimoire and activated a card, “Immovable Mountain!” Pretty soon a huge Golden mountain shaped soul energy covered the complete shipping vessel he was standing on.


One by one all the 9 vessels behind the lead shipping vessel were bombarded and blew up, the 99 cargo helicopters carrying them also met a similar fate after the shock of the sudden bombardment. Even 2 of the 11 cargo helicopters carrying the lead shipping vessel at the rear blew up in the aftershock but thankfully the remaining 9 cargo helicopters could still lift the weight of the shipping vessel otherwise even though the vessel survived from bombardment it would be crushed plummeting to the earth.

“Targets in sight, awaiting order!” Reported a mysterious man dressed in a special combat force uniform while standing on the deck of a stealth floater speedster.

“Hold the position!” Ordered the half black half white clown masked man in a special combat force uniform while watching the surveillance feed in the convoy floater monitoring the three guild leaders who were talking on the deck.

“Sir the cannon’s are powered up to 100%.” Reported a logistic analyst.

“Good! Are the cannon’s locked on the targets?” Asked the half black half white clown masked man. The analyst reported, “cannon’s locked on the targets!”

“Fire!” Ordered the clown masked man.


“Reporting stats! 9 out of 10 targets down! Cannon’s reloading!”

“Send the troops to take care of the survivors, I will take care of the last target.” Ordered the clown masked man as he jumped off the convoy floater and summoning his grimoire he chanted, “Summon! Twin Winged Cursed Lizard!”


“Mark! Boris! Get hold of yourselves. It’s not time to mourn.” Shouted Van, looking at his allies who looked like they had lost their soul watching their trusted comrades die an unjust death.

“Sarah!!!” Shouted Boris as his bloodshot eyes looked at the wreckage of the shipping vessels that were free-falling to the ground.

“Sun Boar Possession” Mark activated his origin card and jumped off the shipping vessel towards the free-falling wreckage.

Boris also wanted to Jump of the vessel and search for his beloved Sarah but he could not because once he moves the golden Mountain shaped soul energy protecting the vessel will be deactivated.

“Shit! All guild members hurry and save the survivors” Van cursed seeing Boris jump off the vessel and added, “MF! Mark come back! Sarah… she is!! Fuck!! I asked her not to come… that stubborn girl”

“Roar!!” The Twin winged cursed lizard roared attracting the attention of Van and Boris. *clap**clap* “do you regret coming on this expedition!!!” The Clown masked man standing on the head of the Twin winged cursed lizard clapped excitedly as if he was enjoying the firework display.

“You!… half white half black clown mask! You are from the circle! Why are you targeting us? We did not hurt any of the circle’s interest…why?” Roared Boris in despair, it was as if he saw the dead-end in the half black half white clown mask.

“Your existence itself is a nuisance to the circle’s interest.” Said the clown masked man and continued, “the circle gave you a chance but you dared to neglect it and rush to your grave in these antique shipping vessels.”

“Is it because of the Dungeon reversal! I was told the Circle had no interest in exploring the Dungeon reversal.” Shouted Boris, as he was the one who got the info on B-rank blue blossom lake field dungeon reversal according to his source the Circle was not interested in it but the Gemma guild was and had paid quite a lot of resources to keep the info hidden. But nobody can order a clown mask except for the circle.

“I don’t know I am just a hunting hound who kills whomever my Master points at no questions asked.” Said the clown masked man.

“But why!!!!… ” Boris screamed not being able to comprehend where he went wrong. He did not feel much if he and his comrades fell here because they were adventures and prepared for their death but Sarah! She was innocent and yet to see the world, she did not deserve to die here.

“Enough Boris! get it together! Forget about Sarah! Call Mark back… we both are not his match maybe together we can stand a chance.” Said Van stressing with eyes but Boris was too agitated to get his signal.

“How could you say that….” In the midway of his shout, Boris finally read Van’s eyes and what they were trying to signal. And continued, “…You bastard that girl loved you more than her blood relative…but… once this crisis is over I will settle the scores with you.”

“Good! Let’s do that. Now call that idiot Mark back… I will try to buy us some time.” Seeing that Boris finally got his signal Van ordered Boris to call Mark while he engaged the hostile.

“I do not know what you are planning but you are correct you two are not worth my time maybe three of you together can barely scratch the surface of my power. I will wait for you to call your bear of a comrade” the clown masked did not take the three guild leaders seriously, their power combined was not enough to threaten him.

He was bored waiting in the base and finally got a chance to come out. He wants to enjoy his time out so the only way to do that is to prolong his mission as much as possible.

Hearing the clown masked man both Van and Boris felt belittled but they endured their shame because they both combined were not an opponent of the clown masked man and their only option was to get rid of him with the help of mark.

Boris was busy contacting Mark but under the Sun boar possession Mark’s intelligence decrease, making Mark more of a beast than a human causing difficulty for Boris to contact Mark.

Date 22 Mar 2321

Time 22:07

Location Sky Blossom City, Guild Association Mall, Warehouse no. 234.

“Grandpa Stop it right now otherwise I will not speak to you for my entire life!” Corey threatens William in the only way she could think of.

William’s wrath or curiosity had not yet been satisfied because the more he toyed with the ant at his feet the more it dared to struggle, unlike other ants who accept their fate. This makes William more angry and curious about the ant. Angry because he the lord of the Bright family could not take care of a card student and curious cause there was something mysterious about this ant that gave it the strength to fight its fate.

This was so much fun but because of his beloved granddaughter, he had to leave this ant alone for now, ” What am I doing Corey! I am innocent…ask him I was just teaching him how to behave, that’s all. To think one day my beloved granddaughter would threaten me for a boy….”

Corey did not care for her grandfather’s words and directly rush to Wyatt and helped him up to sit on the couch. Seeing this William’s nerves popped. Wyatt could feel the killing intent William so he hurriedly sat and let go of Corey’s support.

Just when Wyatt let go of Corey and distanced himself from her and sat on the couch a figure suddenly appeared out of thin air in the warehouse right above Wyatt.

Except for William, no one was aware of the figure which suddenly appeared above Wyatt. The figure neared unguarded Wyatt at a fast speed but William ignored it as he already wanted to kill this bastard who made his granddaughter threaten him, so Wyatt’s life was none of his concern.
