Card Apprentice Daily Log-Chapter 89: Pawn

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Chapter 89: Pawn

Date 22 Mar 2321

Time 23:17

Location Sky Blossom City, Guild Association Mall, Warehouse no. 234.

“Now that was one awkward dinner!” I wanted to reward myself with a nice dinner and chilling beer after a productive day but a few uninvited guests made it awkward but thankfully beer is perfect for any situation, your parents getting divorced here have a beer, your girlfriend broke up with you here have a beer, your cheating husband gave you an std here have a beer, you hot for you cousin here have a beer, your boss screwed you over here have a beer.

“Man! Beer does fix everything.” I said, throwing the crushed beer can into the bin.”What? I ain’t afraid of you old man, Man for someone who is tamed by a card for decades you sure have a lot of pride.”

William was glaring at me maybe because Corey gave more priority to my appetite than her grandfather, not just Corey even Susan and Jackie made a plate for me together. The macaroni and cheese and grilled meat sandwich were good but Mashed potatoes were a bit overdone, overall the dinner was satisfying except for William giving me the death gaze the whole time. I did not shy away because of one weird look I became more proactive adding fuel to William’s Jealousy as the old man had to behave in front of his granddaughter.

And did not forget to bring up the topic of William’s origin card once again. During the dinner, even Corey personally recommended me and boasted about my card creation to William but he did not seem to budge. I tried taunting him, gambling with him, gaining his recognition, even used Corey but nothing seems to work.

I had huge plans for my second origin card in a way it is a bit overpowered thanks to the dungeon calamity seed. But after knowing about the features of William’s origin card I wanted to add it to my Origin card. Especially how his card had independent conscious, many cards have beast will or artificial will but these will are only active when the card apprentice is using them but William’s card is active on its own.

I want this feature of Williams origin card because I wanted a card that did not need me to tell what to do but it would actively work for my betterment. Think of a card that is watching over and protecting me 24/7 yeah, of course, the card has other powerful effects otherwise I wouldn’t call it overpowered.

For this feature, I wanted to explore Williams origin card under the ruse of helping him create a card to control his origin card but this old man is too stubborn no matter what I do he doesn’t even consider my offer. Unless there is something about the card that makes William not even consider my offer. What can it be? Is there any other restriction to the card?

Yes, there has to be no wonder this old fellow refused without even considering my offer. This restriction must be something others can use against him otherwise he would not try to hide it from the public. If nobody knows about the restriction then nobody can use it against him. These damned sly foxes, now I know why the elders of the Bright family did not hesitate to reveal William’s origin card info, they were helping William by covering the complete restrictions of his origin card using incomplete but true card info.

Now that everyone knows that Williams origin card has him satisfy weird conditions, whenever William acts out of the ordinary all of it will be credited as conditions put forward by his origin card and never will anybody doubt that maybe there is more to Williams Origin card than told. Maybe many leaders in the city suspect that there is more to William’s origin card but they will never know until they forcefully take the matter into their hands.

Now that I knew why William would not budge regarding his origin card I no longer wasted my breath on him. My only concerns right now were gathering capital for my second origin card creation, then Uncle and Auntie Wyatt and the unknown Girl currently lying unconscious in my new bed and her ‘Fated Encounter’ card. Especially the card type Demi-God’s Bestowal I had never heard or read of till now.

Since I knew that the girl had something to do with the Tyrant Guild Master, I will send her packing to the Tyrant Guild after she regains consciousness and tells me more about the card. As for Uncle and Auntie Wyatt, I could only wait and hope that they reach here safely.

Now all that remains is raising Capital for my second origin card, but the best way to raise Capital currently was to pawn a soul jade and I happened to have a pawn star glaring at me right now. It’s nice when everything works out in your favour.

“Old man, since you are not up for it let’s forget about the gamble. how about we make another deal.”

“Deal? kiddo! deals are made between equals, now tell me do you think you are equal to me?” William sneered, Wyatt’s words sounded like a child acting adult to him, not to mention what can an orphan high schooler offer to interest him.

“No! You are right we are not. How can I a young card creationist with a limitless future be the same as an arrogant old man with a leg in the coffin?

But I don’t mind being on the losing side since you are Corey’s grandfather.” I should have thought of pawning a soul jade earlier but I had to try my hand on William’s origin card.

“Fuck! How about I cut your limitless future right here! right now!… Brat do not test my patients after all Corey will not be there every time to help, you got to sleep sometime.

That is when I am used to hunting the damned beasts.” William had enough of it, this ant was talented but he has seen many talented ants get quashed before they even matured.

“Damn it, Old man! If you keep threatening me… I will just marry your granddaughter for good. believe me, I will.”

“That’s it! I had it with you! I will slice your soul into thousand slices, don’t worry it will be slow and painful…”

“Grandpa!! Stop it!”

“What? What am I doing?” William looked at his granddaughter aggrieved and in disbelief? ‘That jerk just told me he will marry you and I am the bad guy here. Melinda was right…My granddaughter is unfilial’

Speaking of Malinda, didn’t she say Corey is in good company. Did she not see how shameless this bastard is… what I was worried about for years is not far from coming true.

“Grandpa just listens to what Wyatt has to say… please for me okay” said Corey holding the hands of her grandpa.

William’s mouth twitched as he thought ‘no! my worries have already come true.’ Holding his granddaughter’s hand tighter he said, ” be quick I am very busy”

Everyone in the room rolled their eyes as a busy person wouldn’t bicker with someone 1/3rd of his age for hours.

“Okay, I will also stop playing the game and come straight to the point. I am short on cash and want to pawn a soul jade with you for cash.” I said since testing the water to save myself the embarrassment of being rejected was not working.

“$100million that’s my offer, anything more I am out. Don’t think because of my granddaughter I will just give you money. Usually, I do not do small deals like these but considering that you are my granddaughter’s colleagues I will help this once.” Said William with a grunt showing his disband for me openly.

“Okay! I promise to return the money within a week. Don’t get comfy with my soul jade” I promised sincerely as William was doing me a favour here.

“Brat, this jade is just a grade 1 soul jade, grandpa here owns 10s of grade 1 mine.” William Smirked.

Now that I had enough funds for the creation of my second card I did not want to waste any and get to the card creation but considering the gravity of the card towards my strength I decided to revise the plan again and proceed with card creation when I am at my peak condition mentally and physically.

It’s a pity that I did not get to explore the mystery behind William’s Origin card but it was not going to happen anyway cause even I wouldn’t trust an orphan high schooler with something so important to me no matter how talented he was.

It was already nearing midnight Sasan and Corey decided to head home, surprisingly William offered to escort Susan home of course Corey will be tagging along too.

Since that mysterious girl was sleeping on my bed, I had to head home too but considering the bounty on Ronnie’s head, we decided to order two beds at the mall which were delivered right then since we are practically living at the mall. Yes, we were spending the night at the Warehouse considering Ronnie’s safety.

While I was about to sleep my grimoire sounded with a notification,

[You have received a message from William Bright. Open/ Mark as read/ Delete ]
