Card Apprentice Daily Log-Chapter 90: Price to Pay

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Chapter 90: Price to Pay

Date 23 Mar 2321

Time 00:12

Location Sky Blossom City, Fine Gold Sky Blossom Branch, Fine Gold Tower, Tower 1 Penthouse

Cindy rushed to the penthouse office hurriedly as she shouted, “Madam! Not good… I just got devastating news from all of our spies in all three Raven, Sun Boar and Tyrant guilds.”

Diana who was going through some papers still calmly read the papers regardless of the commotion created by Cindy. Still reading the documents Daina asked in a casually calm and relaxed manner, ” What is it, Cindy? Did the three guilds cancel their expedition to the B-rank Blue Blossom Lake field dungeon?”

“No madam… quite the opposite. The expedition forces of all three guilds were massacred on their way to the B-rank Blue Blossom Lake field dungeon an hour ago. The guild leaders of the Raven guild and the Sun Boar guild were also butchered while the guild leader of the Tyrant guild is missing.”

Diana finally lifted her head in shock! This news was important and devastating enough for the Fine Gold who were planning on procuring these guilds. So she hurriedly asked, “Were there any survivors?”

To clear the B-rank Blue Blossom Lake field dungeon 2/3rd of each of the guild’s members participated in the expedition. Most of these guild members participating in the expedition were the pro and elite of their respective guilds. If 2/3rd of the guild population and elites were massacred what’s the use of acquiring these three guilds. Instead of bolstering her new guild by swallowing the three guilds, she will end up supporting the three guilds.

“No! Madam everyone participating in the expedition was massacred, except for the Tyrant guild leader who is missing.” Cindy finally regained her calm after reporting the turn of events at the latest.

“Any clues to what happened?” Asked Diana thinking that ‘thankfully I did not decide to start with three guilds right the moment after they left for expedition otherwise people would think I killed the allied expedition to procure their guild. Making me and Fine Gold scapegoat for the real murderer.’

“The investigation is still going on and the city lord mansion will be conducting the investigation while the guild association will assist in all and every way possible. But early reports say that evidence of floater soul cannons and cursed flame was found at the scene of the crime.” Cindy without a delay reported all the incident reports collected till the present.

Hearing the incident report Diana who was verifying the documents casually calm and relaxed manner till now finally showed a hint of fear on her face as she thought, ‘was it them? It has to be them… who else is powerful enough in the city to ambush and massacre the three guilds within hours? Wait!… Cursed fire… is it her, no doubt. What were they thinking to release her? I gotta leave town right now.’

Cindy who had finally regained calm once again felt nervous and anxious seeing the rarely seen fear on Diana’s face, she has been working for Diana for more than a decade now and had rarely seen fear on her face and the only reason Diana would show fear is that the matter at hand had to be somehow related with the circle. Why would the Circle want the three guilds dead? Why does it scare Diana?

“Cindy ready my private floater, we are leaving this God-forsaken city, asap. Hurry inform Jaya and you too leave what you are doing and follow me. we should leave this city within the next few minutes.” Diana ordered Cindy as he started to collect all the documents scattered on her desk into her storage item.

“Where to madam?” Asked Cindy to be thorough.

“Anywhere as long as we leave this city hurry! Before that old bitch shows up?” Diana Shouted frantically at Cindy, the situation was dire they had to flee unless it was too late.

“I finally was permitted to go outside after a long time and decided to visit my dear disciple but did not think that my only disciple thought so less of me to flee the city to avoid her master.” An ethereal voice sounded in the penthouse office, hearing this sound, Diana’s knees weakened and her body trembled in fright for a second but soon the fear was masked by an icy cold calm expression.

Cindy was shocked she looked all around the room but could not find who spoke the words, unable to find the source of the sound she was scared but fear would not save her so she boldly asked, “Whoever you are this is Fine Gold property, please leave your trespassing.”

Hearing Cindy, Diana’s brows frowned ‘fool are you doing this on purpose!’ But her frown tightened even more as she saw Cindy’s head fly in the air spraying the office glass wall red with her blood while her body collapsed to the floor as blood sprayed out of her neck like a fountain.

“Just a cheap imitation clone and dares to teach me the rules, the Sky blossom city is the Circle’s property I can go anywhere I want.” Said the Ethereal voice as a figure wearing a black bodysuit walked out of the shadows and the figure’s face was covered with half white and half black clown mask.

Diana did not react to Cindy’s beheading as this body was just one of Cindy’s clones and also thought that Cindy deserved it since she knowingly taunted the existence which she could not defeat. Diana decided to teach Cindy a lesson she would never forget if she were to survives this night.

“Diana long time no see, I see you still do not hide or cure your scars as stubborn as always I see.” Said the clown masked person as she comfortably sat on one of the visitors chairs.

“Master! Were you hiding in the shadows to make an entry? How typical of you but did you have to kill them all… was there no other way.” Asked Diana as she sat on her chair.

“Nope! You broke the Circle’s direct order. somebody had to pay… it can not be you since you are still useful to the circle, so it had to be them to stop you from proceeding with your plans. You know how it works or have you forgotten sitting in this fancy penthouse office of yours.” Said the clown masked person nonchalantly.

“Then why are you here?…”

“You went against the Circle’s direct orders though the Circle needs you and will not harm you, on the other hand, that alien cub you adopted as your sister…
