Chaos Devourer System-Chapter 483: Arriving At The Giaran’s Planet

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Chapter 483: Arriving At The Giaran's Planet

Chapter 483: Arriving At The Giaran’s Planet

“Zeras. His name is Zeras, my lady…” This time, it was D’arvey who responded, as a grateful smile appeared on Korama’s face. Before the spoiled princess could say any more words, he quickly disappeared into the spaceship, which immediately traveled away with all of its speed, becoming a shooting star.

“Zoom…” D’arvey sent the order through his communication device, and instantly, they also disappeared away from the crowd and into the distance. It was only a matter of time before the crowds completely dispersed from the scene, yet with so many higher families getting involved, it would no doubt spread through the realm: the 10-year-old Princess Senna proposed to an alien called Zeras! freё

“Huuu. It seems we were able to get out of that one pretty safely,” D’arvey said as Zeras looked at Fluffy, who was currently licking its small paws. Zeras turned to look at him, its lips widening a bit as it petted Zeras’s cheek. Of course, it understood what Zeras meant. This whole disaster might have truly been because it called its other family, or they would have encountered no scene.

“At least, you understand that you are at fault…” Zeras mused out loudly as he finally placed his attention on the three Giarnns before him and noticed that they were currently wiping off their eyebrows.

“It seems those Tromo clan are truly strong, huh? Or they wouldn’t have gotten you all so riled up,” Zeras said as D’arvey chuckled.

“Do you know that Korama that we saw? He is at the True Universe Origin Rank,” D’arvey said as Zeras’s eyebrows narrowed, his eyes flashing in shock.

“Then how come he radiated a very simple wave of aura?” Zeras asked in confusion. He had truly sensed the man’s cultivation and had discovered that it was just around the peak galaxy or Pseudo-universe origin rank at best. So how was it possible for such a person to be at the True Universe Origin Rank?

“That’s because they all hide their aura and lock their cultivation base. The True Universe Origin Ranks are akin to gods compared to mortals. In their true states, they can’t walk among us. So there is a law in the upper realms where they are forced to lock their cultivation base and hide their aura. Only for very important reasons can they unleash it…”

“That’s funny. Even a person at the True Universe Origin Rank must obey the rules,” Zeras said, rolling his eyes.

“Idiot. No one is at the peak here. If you think you’re strong, you will find a person who can kill you with a finger just at the end of the street. Even True Universe Origin ranks are no different from Cosmic rank experts from Earth. Just a little stronger but definitely not close to matching the world leaders who are at the Galaxy rank stage,” Roaryie said, snorting coldly, as Zeras’s eyes twitched continuously.

“Ahhh, we have faced two troubles already just bringing you here, Zeras. Firstly, you have fought with those pirates and crashed their ship. They definitely will get back at us one day, just as they said. Secondly, we almost crossed paths with the Tyromo clan. I still don’t understand how that changed so quickly. If the princess had truly been angered and not quickly calmed, I’m afraid you’d be on your way to the Tyromo clan right now, or dead,” D’arvey said with a heavy voice.

“Is it that bad? I thought that was just some simple skirmish,” Zeras said. He had found out that they were taking the matter too seriously. Wasn’t it just some childish girl who got the situation wrong, and is just displaying the sweet dumbness of childhood?

“We are born here, Zeras, and you just came here less than three hours ago. I’m pretty sure you’re the one taking it too simply. In the upper realm, you have to play it safe. If you had been taken by the Tyromo clan, then I’m afraid that would have been it. We’re just one of the thousands of low races. We have to play it well to survive among those thousands. As for crossing paths with those who are higher, that is one way to ensure our extinction, never the rise of it,” D’arvey said as Zeras’s eyebrows raised up in irritation, and he was about to open his lips when suddenly he felt the scratching on his lips, which was from none other than Fluffy.

“Huh?” Zeras mused as he saw Fluffy pointing to his neck. When Zeras touched it, he could see his scales were strangely out.

“Huuuuu…” Zeras exhaled loudly, as the scales once more disappeared. He then proceeded to scratch Fluffy’s jaw before turning to look at the three Giarns.

“I’m not the one to watch out for every move ever since I have been born. I have always taken the big path. Anything I do will surely cause a big ripple,” Zeras explained to them. Ever since he had joined the EIA, all the missions that he had undergone, he had never played a watch-your-move game. He was the one who would completely go out of the plan, and even the EIA viewed his existence as an anomaly.

“But just as you said, this truly is not the lower realm. I will try my best to tune down my frequency a bit,” Zeras agreed as a disbelieving smile appeared on the Giaran’s face before they gave a nod.

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It was strange that Zeras had agreed so easily. All what he had done wasn’t his fault at all. So how could he easily take the blame for everything?

“We’re here. We’re finally home,” Sylvia Suddenly said as they turned their attention towards the palace. Right in front of their eyes was a gigantic green planet oozing with beautiful green aura, thrice the size of the dragon’s planet which was around twice the size of Earth.

“Welcome, Zeras. To the home of the Giarans!” D’arvey said as the five spaceships slowly descended onto the planet…