Chaos' Heir-Chapter 597 Feast

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Chapter 597 Feast

The threat ruined any chance to improve the relationship with Winston, but Khan felt the need to say it since Monica's video was involved. Nevertheless, Winston was a professional and continued patching him even if the tones had grown colder.

Khan and Winston didn't exchange any unnecessary pleasantries once the visit was over. Winston limited himself to accompanying Khan to the other section of the building, but nothing other than that. They couldn't spend more time together since both had important tasks.

The scientific side had spare military uniforms, so Khan reappeared among the soldiers donning clean clothes. However, his appearance carried the marks of the recent battle, and rumors had already spread.

The uniform hid most bandages, but some peeked past Khan's right sleeve to keep his wrist still. He also had a large band-aid on his left cheek, and his blue hair was as flashy as always. Anyone could identify him and confirm the rumors, and murmurs spread as he crossed corridors and halls.

"I heard he defeated four waves on his own," A soldier whispered.

"No," Another soldier stated. "It was five."

"I also heard five from some of the guys who came back with the Captain," A third soldier said.

"Damn," Another soldier exclaimed. "Is he even twenty yet?"

"In a couple of weeks," A soldier responded. "What were you doing when you were that age?"

"Cleaning weapons in a training camp," The previous soldiers scoffed.

"Don't compare us to him," Another soldier scolded. "He isn't like us."

"He is the monster of Nippe 2," A soldier voiced, and many echoed those words.

The soldiers were doing their best to suppress their voices, but nothing could escape Khan's ears. Still, he ignored the comments and walked with his gaze fixed ahead. He was willing to play the role of the monster as long as it brought him fame.

Khan's attitude toward the rumors didn't change even after the soldiers began talking about the Thilku. The news of the invitation had spread quickly, and many had questions about it. Yet, no one dared to bring their doubts to Khan.

Crossing the building took longer without jeeps and similar vehicles, but Khan stuck to walking to show a confident stance. The soldiers had to see that mere battles couldn't take him down. He had to convey a superior and unreachable aura, and that steady stroll fulfilled his goal.

Reaching the cafeteria brought a change in the scenery. Caspar was there, shouting orders to multiple soldiers busy rearranging the area. Those seats weren't Thilku-friendly, and the same went for the space among tables, so adjustments were needed.

"Captain!" Caspar gasped when he noticed Khan approaching his position. "Is everything okay?"

Caspar's eyes darted between Khan's exposed bandages, but the latter dodged the question. "How long until we are ready?"

"Half an hour," Caspar responded. "It would help if we knew when the Thilku were coming."

"What about the trench?" Khan asked, ignoring Caspar's hidden question. It was still night, so a team had to be outside to defend the perimeter.

"I replaced all the empty spots and added a little extra," Caspar revealed. "Though, everything seems quiet for now."

'Hopefully, that pack was the last,' Khan thought before changing the topic. "Captain, how is your Thilku?"

"What?" Caspar exclaimed, and understanding what the question meant made him shake his head. "I couldn't possibly preside in official meetings with the Thilku."

"A few of our soldiers have to be here," Khan said, glancing at Caspar, "And I need someone to keep them in check."

Caspar didn't know how to react to the offer. He moved away his dreadlocks to get a better look at Khan, but the latter appeared completely serious. Khan was doing him a big favor, but meeting his expectations could be problematic.

"Captain," Caspar called, planning to tackle the issue seriously. However, Khan didn't give him the chance to speak.

"Caspar, can I leave this to you?" Khan directly asked, leaving Caspar speechless once again.

Caspar almost couldn't believe that Khan wanted to rely on him. The idea was flattering, and other aspects of the request looked appealing too. That was Caspar's chance to get closer to the Thilku and deepen his relationship with Khan. He couldn't miss it.

"Yes, sir!" Caspar almost shouted, performing a military salute. "Leave it to me!"

"Captain, we have the same rank," Khan reminded, chuckling while eyeing a corner of the cafeteria. "I'll be there if you need me."

"You heard the Captain!" Caspar shouted at the soldiers, even if none of them was nearby. "Hurry up with those chairs!"

More orders resounded, but Khan didn't bother to hear them. He reached the cafeteria's corner and sat down, closing his eyes to meditate.

The previous week had been quite stressful due to the training sessions and night shifts. Cegnore's longer days had worsened it, and Khan had also fought and suffered injuries on top of that.

It was safe to assume that Khan was exhausted, and his mind confirmed that. Even his check-up technique sent warning signals, especially from his right forearm. He needed to rest and let himself heal, but his night wasn't over yet.

Minutes and hours passed while Khan forced his mana to flow through his body. His energy enveloped the many injuries, quickening the healing process and slowly increasing his attunement.

The process was as painful as ever, especially with the new injuries, but the meditative state helped suppress any reaction. Khan's poker face didn't falter while he sat cross-legged on the floor, and a change in his surroundings eventually forced him to open his eyes.

Caspar was walking toward Khan, and seeing him opening his eyes made him stop to perform a military salute. Khan understood what was happening even if no words flew in his direction, so he stood up to prepare for the event.

"How many?" Khan asked.

"Twenty," Caspar replied. "We can match their numbers."

"Do it," Khan nodded, scratching the corners of his eyes, "And come with me to welcome them."

Khan inspected the cafeteria while Caspar turned to convey the new orders to the soldiers. The new arrangements offered fewer and bigger tables that had more space among each other. Larger seats also stood at their sides, creating a comfortable environment for the Thilku.

After conveying the orders, Caspar reached Khan's side, and the two left the cafeteria to approach the main gate. The area was surprisingly orderly now, featuring two rows of soldiers that stretched from that big entrance. The teams were ready to welcome the Thilku, and the two Captains joined them.

The security measures made the process slow and clunky, but a small passage at the center of the gate eventually opened, releasing the first wave of guests. Three Thilku stepped forward, entering the human building and inspecting it with their wary eyes, but Khan didn't leave them alone for too long.

"[Welcome to our headquarters]," Khan announced, reaching the three Thilku and performing a traditional bow.

"Thank you for having us, friends," The Thilku in the middle of the trio stated in a good human accent while bowing. The alien's imposing and muscular figure could trick even expert eyes, but the golden hair stretching from her nape marked her as a woman.

Khan didn't think much of that. He mostly focused on the trio's level, which matched his. He had yet to see someone stronger than a third-level warrior on Cegnore, but that probably was a planned move on the Thilku's side.

'They must have someone stronger,' Khan thought, interrupting the bow to show a polite smile at the trio. The female Thilku also straightened her back and moved to the mandatory pleasantries.

"We didn't expect such invitations in our home," The female Thilku exclaimed.

"[Please, you are guests]," Khan responded, imitating Lord Exr's words. "[Your language is more than fine]."

The female Thilku didn't expect Khan to have such fitting manners, but her face didn't convey her surprise. Khan still sensed it but decided to ignore the reaction.

"[You did us a favor]," Khan continued. "[A feast is the least we can do to repay you]."

"[From what I hear]," The female Thilku uttered, "[You were holding your ground just fine. You match your reputation, Captain Khan]."

"[I'm flattered]," Khan smiled. "[May I know who am I speaking to]?"

"[I'm Vaasa]," The female Thilku revealed. "[I handle some of the relationships with the Global Army]."

"[That's why you know me]," Khan laughed.

"[Your name is known in Lord Exr's domain]," Vaasa explained. "[The Thilku don't ignore allies who helped them]."

'They spread it on purpose,' Khan thought with a polite smile plastered on his face. 'How fitting.'

It made sense for the Thilku to praise allies, even if they came from different species. It would go against their pride to ignore such feats.

Nevertheless, Khan couldn't help but feel slightly troubled. Being famous was good, but Vaasa didn't sound like the average Thilku. She was less friendly than Amox and Lord Exr. She was closer to a politician than a soldier.

Khan and Vaasa didn't exchange more words in that public area. They remained silent while the Thilku completed the safety measures and crossed the gate. It took a while, but a team of twenty aliens eventually gathered inside the building.

Caspar and Khan didn't hesitate to lead the Thilku deeper into the building. They avoided vehicles to pretend that they had nothing to hide, and the silence continued until everyone gathered in the cafeteria.

Troops were waiting in the area, with each soldier standing behind their appointed seats. Caspar took care of leading the alien team toward the tables while Khan brought Vaasa toward a more isolated spot that would offer the two some privacy.

As soon as Khan and Vaasa sat down, the feast began. Soldiers delivered booze and cold food, which everyone ate with their bare hands. Caspar knew about those details, and Khan could only rejoice to see the humans sticking to his directives.

Of course, Khan didn't pay too much attention to the general arrangements or atmosphere. He only occasionally checked that everything was okay while his focus remained on Vaasa.

The two exchanged basic pleasantries and meaningless words for the first part of the feast. Vaasa wanted to leave the first move to Khan, and he had a similar idea. They studied each other in that phase, and Vaasa strangely lost the upper ground.

Khan could express himself with more than words. His lack of hesitation toward eating with his bare hands, unbiased behavior, and openness created a strange image in Vaasa's eyes. Somehow, she felt to be in the company of a Thilku rather than a political ally.

Khan aggravated that trend by sharing stories about his time in Neuria. He opted for the happy ones, mentioning Amox as often as possible. Things worsened when he started discussing the Thilku runes, forcing Vaasa to change the topic.

"[It's uncommon for beasts to attack the human trench]," Vaasa casually mentioned. "[The Global Army was lucky to have you here]."

"[It's more than uncommon, isn't it]?" Khan replied, his eyes lighting up at that opportunity. "[We were supposed to get leftovers, not proper assaults]."

"[Cegnore's environment can be hard to predict]," Vaasa vaguely said. "[We are still working on listing every possible pattern]."

"[That's dangerous]," Khan pointed out. "[If something bigger comes in our way, we might lose this building]."

"[The Empire is responsible for this building and its inhabitants]," Vaasa stated. "[Nothing will happen as long as you are under its protection]."

"[Having the Empire's protection is reassuring]," Khan uttered, "[But you said it yourself. Cegnore is unpredictable]."

"[Hard to predict]," Vaasa corrected. "[What happened tonight was an oddity]."

Khan and Vaasa exchanged a meaningful glance. Her face had grown slightly colder, while Khan still wore a fake smile.

"[My Thilku isn't perfect]," Khan lied. "[Apologies]."

"[I don't mind speaking your language, Captain Khan]," Vaasa offered.

"[I wouldn't dare to impose on guests]," Khan chuckled. "[However, the issue is worrying. I'm afraid I'll have to request additional troops and weapons. Maybe a second building, too]."

"[That's impossible]," Vaasa declared. "[The Empire and the Global Army have signed precise agreements]."

"[But the situation changed]," Khan pointed out. "[Cegnore isn't as safe as the Global Army thought]."

"[No one ever said Cegnore was safe]," Vaasa commented.

"[Not as safe]," Khan corrected. "[I'm guessing the Empire is willing to increase our protection due to the recent developments]."

"[That would be a hasty move]," Vaasa rebuked. "[We still don't know much about this odd event]."

"[So, what]?" Khan wondered. "[Should we remain exposed, hoping that tonight's attack doesn't happen again]?"

"[A temporary retreat might be wise if you don't trust the Empire]," Vaasa suggested.

"[I wouldn't insult the Empire like that]," Khan responded, "[But I also have a responsibility toward my troops. I must demand more after tonight's events]."

Khan never missed the chance to remind Vaasa about the recent battle. That was his greatest leverage since it had happened outside the Thilku's reach. If he exploited it properly, he could force closer cooperation or deployment of more troops.

"[As I said]," Vaasa continued, "[Tonight was an oddity. At most, we can point more scanners in your direction]."

"[Did you map the entire underground area already]?" Khan questioned. "[Your scanners might not be enough otherwise]."

Vaasa opened her mouth to reply but quickly closed it. She couldn't answer Khan's question without revealing classified information, which prevented her from reassuring him.

Khan knew Vaasa's troubles very well. The Empire had to be against welcoming more human troops on Cegnore. After all, that territory didn't belong to the Global Army. Yet, the odd event demanded a response, and the Thilku couldn't keep it to themselves.

"[I fear I must involve my superiors]," Khan pressed on to deepen Vaasa's doubts. "[We could let them discuss the topic with Lord Exr. Still, this building would remain exposed in the meantime]."

Vaasa felt even more conflicted. The Empire would look bad if another attack happened while the human trench lacked additional defenses. The bomb had already hurt the relationship between the two species, so avoiding another incident was mandatory.

The idea of leaving things to Khan's superiors and Lord Exr wasn't ideal either. The Global Army was the victim in that situation, which gave it leverage to request more information and influence on Cegnore.

Of course, the Empire could always kick the humans out of the planet, but those procedures took time to unfold. The Global Army could also oppose the change and stick to preexistent deals, accepting the eventual loss of the settlement to gain more leverage.

Vaasa quickly realized that her preparation wasn't a match for Khan. She had joined that feast at the last minute while Khan had simulated the event in his mind for days. Vaasa wasn't to blame since she couldn't predict Khan to cause such a mess, but that didn't change her situation.

"[There might be a different option]," Khan suddenly announced, distracting Vaasa from her confusion. "[It's more of a theory than an option, but you can give me your opinion about it]."

"[What theory]?" Vaasa asked, hoping to get out of that pickle.

"[Well]," Khan cleared his throat, pretending to inspect his surroundings to check that no one would hear him. "[I might be the reason for tonight's attack]."

Vaasa was initially confused, but everything became clear when she looked at Khan's hair. The theory made sense considering his mutation and offered an option Vaasa didn't hesitate to mention.

"[If that's the case]," Vaasa exclaimed, reclaiming her composure, "[You might be a security hazard here]."

"[Are you suggesting that I leave the planet]?" Khan wondered, his tone growing colder. "[On what authority]?"

"[It was a suggestion]," Vaasa stated, realizing her mistake. "[Though it's worth notifying your Lords about it]."

"[I won't bother them with unfounded worries]," Khan stated. "[Besides, I've been specifically chosen for this mission. I plan to complete it successfully]."

Vaasa wanted to change Khan's mind, but the topic had nothing to do with her or the Thilku. That problem could affect Cegnore's balance, but the lack of proof prevented her from involving her superiors.

"[I have a different suggestion]," Khan added, pretending that the idea had just popped into his mind. "[My side can't face these dangers every night, but the Thilku can]."

"[I can't remove troops from our trenches in favor of the Global Army]," Vaasa uttered.

"[What about the opposite]?" Khan asked. "[What if I came to your trenches]?"
