Civil Servant in Romance Fantasy-Chapter 229: The Capital’s Crazy Executive Manager (1)

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Chapter 229: The Capital’s Crazy Executive Manager (1)

I opened my eyes as the morning sunlight streamed through the curtains. Thinking about the rumors that must have spread overnight made me want to close them again, but I forced myself to get up.

It had been a while since I slept on the sofa, so my body felt stiff. I guess I had been able to sleep comfortably since being dispatched to the academy.

"Are you awake?"

I turned to where the voice came from and saw the Mage Duchess sitting on the bed. I was worried that she might be the type to say, ‘Dukes don't sleep on such shabby beds,’ but she fortunately slept without any fuss.

Then, I noticed the shirt draped over her like a cloak.

She’s like a lizard that’s shedding its skin.

I couldn't help but chuckle as I recalled last night's events.

The Mage Duchess had clung to me, pretending to be asleep. She held on no matter how much I tried to shake her off, so I threw off my shirt and fled. If she was going to be sneaky, then I had to respond in kind.

The Mage Duchess seemed to be awake even as I took off my shirt, but she didn't catch me probably because it would have been too embarrassing to suddenly open her eyes.

Instead, I felt her piercing gaze on my back as I headed to the sofa.

"Yes, Your Grace. Good morning."

"Fufu, yes. It's been a while since I've had such a refreshing morning."

I felt relieved upon seeing her small smile. The sobbing Mage Duchess from yesterday was gone, and the one I knew had returned.

The Mage Duchess, who was still sitting on the bed, spoke softly while I was putting on my coat.


"Yes, please go ahead."

"I still find it hard to use magic, so could you brush my hair for me?"

I unintentionally looked her over.

She looked neat and clean even after just waking up. In fact, she seemed even tidier than when I had cleaned her except for her unusually messy hair, which looked like it had been deliberately tousled.

"Could you... not?"

It was an obvious lie. Objectively speaking, and judging by the twitching of her ears, it was definitely a lie.

But what could I do? Considering what she went through yesterday, brushing her hair was nothing. I could easily grant such a small request.

"No, of course. I'd be happy to."

When I nodded willingly, the Mage Duchess handed me the comb with a bright smile.

"Your Grace, please take off the shirt first—"

"Do it like this."

"Yes, understood."

...Fine. Losing a shirt was no big deal.

After all, I had once lost my coat to Marghetta.

***Since it had been a long time since we had a guest, especially one who spent the night, I offered breakfast. The Mage Duchess thought for a moment but shook her head, saying that she had to go back to the Magic Tower quickly.

The tower must be in chaos. The Tower Master suddenly disappeared, spreading rumors everywhere, and didn’t return even after dark. It wouldn't be surprising if the Vice Master of the Magic Tower collapsed from stress.

"Shall we go together?"


The Mage Duchess looked surprised when I extended my hand to escort her. She probably didn't expect me to go this far.

However, this was the right thing to do. It was better than returning alone after a night, and it would also prevent strange rumors about her wandering alone after crying.

Of course, walking with me would still generate plenty of gossip, but it would be better to spread good news than bad.

"Alright, thank you."

After a moment's hesitation, the Mage Duchess took my hand, smiling brightly as she had in the room earlier.

It felt a bit strange. It was just yesterday that I saw her sobbing at the front gate and in my room, but I also saw her smile brightly in both places today.

We never know what the future holds.

Indeed, you could never predict a person's future. Who could have imagined such a change in just one day?

But a positive change was always welcome. It’d be better to be laughing today than crying again.

"Shall we go?"

The Mage Duchess answered with an unchanged smile.

***My heart raced. I couldn't remember the last time it beat so wildly.

The reason was simple: the hand I was holding was warm, and walking together with baby made me happy.

It was embarrassing to feel joy over something so small, but I couldn't help it.

"It will be quite noisy for a while."

Baby whispered while my head was clouded with joy, and I looked around instinctively.

People were staring, whispering, and some were even running off to spread the news.

"Yes, it will be."

I smiled wryly. The social circles across the empire would be buzzing for a while. And it was all because of me.

I had shown them an embarrassing spectacle, but what could I do? I had almost lost him forever.

"Still, today's news will spread faster than yesterday's."

His voice, mixed with a hint of laughter, made my heart pound even more.

He's looking out for me.

This time, my eyes welled up with joy and not sadness. I realized why he was boldly walking me to the Magic Tower in front of everyone.

It was to erase my disgrace from yesterday and to overshadow my embarrassing behavior with today's new story.

Of course, the old rumors wouldn't completely disappear. But as today's events spread, yesterday's would fade.

The new rumor would be about us showing affection, something I'd be happy to spread myself.

"...Thank you."

"It's nothing. We’re just walking together."

His calm reply made me smile again.

I felt happy. Being with him and receiving his consideration made me incredibly happy.

"But, Your Grace."


I responded gently as he seemed to recall something.

"How long will you keep calling me ‘baby’?"


It was a question I hadn't expected at all.

"Your Grace has undeservedly held me in your heart. If this relationship continues, we will marry someday. It would be strange to be called ‘baby’ then..."

His words left me both flustered and delighted—delighted because he was seriously considering our future together.

At the same time, I was flustered because I didn't know what to call him if not ‘baby’.

He's right.

Indeed, it was odd to call a precious partner ‘baby’ forever. He was a precious person who fit the term ‘baby’ well because he was someone I wanted to hold forever, but it wasn’t quite fitting now.

"What will you do if we have a real child?"


That was the decisive blow—a real child born between us.

For a moment, I thought I could call him 'big baby’ and the real one 'little baby,' but that would mean having only one child. I couldn't accept that.

"H-How about... ‘dearest’?"

I suggested cautiously after some thought. ‘Dearest’ was a wonderful term. Mother used to call my father that.

Hearing the name, baby bit his lip and looked away. It was only for a moment, but it was clear that he was holding back a laugh.

I felt a bit hurt.

"Take your time; there's no rush."


He tried to brush off the term ‘dearest’ as if he hadn't heard it at all.

I felt deeply hurt.

"So, what about you? What will you call me?"

I pouted, feeling a bit mischievous. Why do you call me 'Your Grace,' then?

"I'll take my time and think about it."

But my sulking didn't last long. I hadn't decided on a title either, so I couldn't push him too hard.

As we chatted about this and that, we got closer to the Magic Tower.

Though I spent more time there than in my territory, today, I found myself reluctant to enter.

"I should be heading back now. If I go into the tower, they'll probably be mad at me."

He gently let go of my hand as he spoke. Though I was disappointed, I understood and just nodded.

We were almost there, anyway. This much of an escort was more than enough to make me happy.

As I tried to suppress my disappointment, he suddenly leaned in so close that our faces almost touched. Then, he whispered in my ear.

"See you next time, Beatrix."

My mind went blank at those words.

***Just before parting with the Mage Duchess, I remembered the Wise Duchess’s advice.

— Nephew, if you feel like Mage Duchess is hesitating, then make the first move. She’ll be caught off guard.

It was advice to take the lead in my relationship with the Mage Duchess for the sake of my future. I had initially gone to the Magic Tower to act on this advice, which led to the incident.

That advice had been quite useful until I discovered the potion's secret. When I made the first move, the Mage Duchess was just flustered and followed along. It was the only way to take the lead with a duke.

Of course, insisting on taking the lead after the Mage Duchess tearfully apologized would be too harsh. From now on, I should focus on making her happy rather than gaining control.

Since the Mage Duchess set aside her pride to apologize, I should also put aside my embarrassment and express myself.

"See you next time, Beatrix."

Thus, I said that. The discussion about endearments had come up, so I seized the moment.

I figured that the Mage Duchess would like it. After all, she had just asked when I'd stop calling her 'Your Grace.'

Suddenly dropping formalities and using a duke’s name without a plan would be madness. I wasn’t crazy yet.


However, something was off. The Mage Duchess didn't react to my perfect strike at all.

I expected her to be flustered, embarrassed, cheekily retaliate, or at least get angry, but there was nothing.

She just stood there, motionless and silent.

"Your Grace?"

"Oh, um, I, uh..."

She finally reacted when I gently tapped her shoulder, but her face turned beet red, and she couldn't even speak properly.

...Did I overdo it?

For a moment, she seemed to have frozen on the spot.