Doom Lord-Chapter 182: Management

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Chapter 182: Management

This time, so many refugees were directly sent to Luofeng Village, but they saved a lot of things from Chengyang. = top = point ====o In fact, according to Cheng Yang's plan, after the change of this rule, go to the main city of the city, call more people to come, and also call some people for several affiliated stations.

The most important thing to recruit these people is to build farms and grow food. Although there were also tens of thousands of people in Luofeng Village before, it was only these people who were not enough to meet the future needs of the entire territory.

However, there are now more than 100,000 people in Luofeng Village. Although the specific conditions are still unclear, Cheng Yang is estimated to be similar. As long as they can be smoothly incorporated into the territory, the farms built by these people will be enough to grow a lot of food. Not to mention satisfying the needs of the territory itself, even if it is exporting, it is no problem.

In this way, Cheng Yang does not intend to recruit new personnel from the main city for the time being. After all, the people recruited from the main city are likely to have the eyeliner of the main city forces. Although Cheng Yang is not afraid of anything, if the other party is doing bad in the dark, is it a trouble?

For these refugees who have been brought in, Cheng Yang does not intend to make them an ordinary peasant. It is also an inevitable choice to transfer to the servants. After all, the cultivation of the warriors is not a one-off event. It is also very beneficial for them to transfer jobs first.

However, now the number of transfer places in Luofeng Village is very limited, Cheng Yang still intends to bring them to the main city. Prior to this, Cheng Yang needed to let them take the deputy position in the territory, which is considered to be the brand of Luofeng Village.

What Li Wanshan is doing now is to register these people, including the people who have been rescued in Luofeng Village before, and they need to do the same thing. This kind of registration not only needs to count their names, genders, ages, but also the occupations they have worked on before the end of the day, and what careers they would like to pursue in the future. There is no doubt that this is a very time consuming job.

For those who do not like fighting, are willing to engage in farming work or other life professions. Naturally, according to the life profession, there are not many such people. After all, the promises given by Luofeng Village are very tempting. As long as they are life professionals in Luofeng Village, they do not have to go out to fight with the Demonized Beast, and they will have a stable psionic benefit. Although this income will not be very high, it can also ensure that they are well-fed.

This work must be placed before the end of the day, absolutely no one is willing to do it. But now, there are countless people rushing to do it. It is as if during the war before the end of the day, if it was not forced by life, who would be willing to join the army? Even when a soldier's income is several times or even tens of times that of a farmer. There is still a large group of people who are not willing to do it, but it is a matter of hanging their heads on their waists.

However, there will still be some people who have ideas and hope to make a difference in the last days. There is no doubt that becoming a full-time combatant is the best option, because combatants can have higher psionic benefits and can have faster training speeds. For this type of person, Cheng Yang plans to take them to the main city for transfer after the statistical work is completed. Then bring back to Luofeng Village.

After this change in rules, the role of professional statues has changed somewhat.

The servants who were originally transferred to the field in the field were still the same as before. But it has added two additional functions called: naturalization and attachment.

These two functions are specially prepared for the servants who are transferred to the main city. Its role is to enable the servants who are transferred to the main city to join their professions to the professional statues in the field. Equivalent to joining the territory. The advantage of this is that these warriors can also enjoy the attribute bonus of the field professional statue and the addition of the territory attribute.

of course. There is still a difference between naturalization and attachment.

Naturalization will occupy the transfer quota of the professional statue. If there is no remaining transfer quota under the statue, it will not be able to be naturalized. At the same time, the victors after naturalization can fully enjoy the attribute bonus of the professional statue.

Attachment is not the same. The return will not occupy the transfer quota of the statue, but they still have to suffer some losses compared with the naturalized warriors. Because the bonus they enjoy is weakened by 50%, but even so, the field station is infinitely attractive to the warriors in the main city.

Of course, this kind of attachment is also limited by a number of people. This limit is one hundred times higher than the current number of people who can be transferred. In other words, the current Luofeng Village can accommodate nearly one million people.

After Cheng Yang looked at Li Wanshan not far away, Li Wanshan discovered the arrival of Cheng Yang. When the work was handed over to several warriors who followed him, he quickly walked to Cheng Yang.

"Lord, fortunately, not insulting, all the refugees have been brought into the village for resettlement." Li Wanshan said calmly.

Cheng Yang smiled and nodded and said: "Yes, what is the result of the statistics now?"

Li Wanshan's quick way: "I have just summarized it. At present, I have a population of 270,000 in Luofeng Village. The number of people who have been counted has exceeded 20,000. Among them, those who want to work in the profession account for 60%, and four others. Cheng is willing to work full-time in combat occupations. Among them, women or middle-aged and older people are more willing to engage in life careers, while men or young people are more inclined to combat occupations."

After listening to Cheng Yang, he said: "This is not much different from my estimate. That is to say, if the entire village is completely selected according to this ratio, then in the end our village will have 160,000 life occupations, combat occupations. There are about 110,000. This scale is indeed a bit big.... Lao Li, you will come back to my place with me and discuss the next thing, nearly 300,000 people, not a small number."

Li Wanshan did not deny it. After all, what needs to be done here is only statistics. He is the same everywhere.

When the two returned to the third-class private house in Chengyang, they sat down to discuss.

Cheng Yang said: "Old Li, today's increase of almost 160,000 people, is indeed somewhat unexpected. If these people are completely transferred to the war, their combat effectiveness will not be underestimated. This is a good thing because it will be extremely Greatly improve the combat effectiveness of our territory. But it is also a bad thing, which will weaken our ability to control the territory. After all, the total number of our main battle camps is now more than 4,000. Do you have any good suggestions?"

In fact, Cheng Yang's heart has already had a draft, and after all, his end of the year's career is not white. The reason why I asked Li Wanshan now is to test him. It is necessary to know that Li Wanshan will occupy a very important position in the territory of Luofeng Village. It is impossible to have no strong ability.

Li Wanshan immediately said: "The lord, the subordinates have already considered it in the statistics. If the lord really intends to bring all the people in the current territory to the main city for transfer, then the main battle camp of the territory must Expansion. Otherwise, in the event of an emergency, we will be very passive in handling it."

Cheng Yang nodded and said: "Extension is a must, is there any suggestion?"

Li Wanshan did not say anything about the expansion of the army. After all, he is now in charge of government affairs. Military matters are as little as possible. This is also a kind of suspicion. Then he said: "According to the current rules of the world, whether it is a life profession. It is also a combat profession, all of which have a strong fighting power, and can be improved with cultivation. Therefore, it is very necessary to strengthen the control of life professions. After all, it occupies the majority of the population of the territory. It can be managed according to the region. Take the peasants as an example. A certain range of farm paintings is a management unit, from which managers are selected. This management can refer to the army, and only needs to be weaker than the army. A profession can be a group of 100 people, a club of 10 is a club, a club of 10 is a trip, and a lieutenant is directly managed by the territory. How does the lord think?"

Cheng Yang thought about it and said: "Although 100 people are a little more than a management unit, the peasants are engaged in a single thing, but there is no problem. But for the management of these life professions, do you think it is a hiring system? Or just take How is the tax collected?"

Li Wanshan has not considered this issue yet. After hearing the question of Cheng Yang, after thinking hard, he said: "The lord, the subordinates think that it is better to use the hiring system. First, the hiring system can give the life profession a greater sense of security. Secondly, the employment system can guarantee the interests of the Now even if those people are transferred to farmers, they must rely on the raw materials of the territory to build the farms, and they also need to obtain the protection of the territory. If the tax is set Too low, it is detrimental to the interests of the territory, and if the tax is too high, some people will inevitably have a must. Moreover, whether it is food, or other life-producing materials, is currently a strategic material. These materials are best Can have a unified deployment of the territory."

Cheng Yang is very satisfied with Li Wanshan's statement and coincides with his previous plans. At this stage, the employment system is indeed more in line with the interests of the Territory. As for the development of the Luofeng Village territory to a certain extent in the future, the employment system may no longer be suitable for the development situation at that time. At that time, the adjustment will be.

Li Wanshan looked at Cheng Yang's expression and knew that his thoughts had been recognized. He immediately said: "The lords, members of these main battle camps or life professions are well managed, what can the mercenary group do?"

Cheng Yang smiled and said: "This is easy to handle. As long as our main battle camp is expanded to a certain extent, there will be no threat to the existence of the mercenary group. We should collect taxes. As for the mercenary group, some of the deputy occupations. The people also adopt the tax system. As long as there is a transaction, they will receive the tax. You have to pay more attention in the past few days, recruit some insiders, get the management system out, try to gamble the tax evasion and establish punishment. Measures, for those mercenary groups that do not follow the rules, they will be punished according to the system."