Doom Lord-Chapter 183: Hidden

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Chapter 183: Hidden

Li Wanshan immediately responded to Cheng Yang's instructions. Although it is not an easy task to come up with a complete system, the personnel to be managed are mercenaries involving tens of thousands of people, but as long as they can find some People who experience can't spend too much time.

Cheng Yang then said: "Old Li, you will arrange for people to start working for the peasants. After the fighters go out and clean out the magical beasts outside, let them start building the farm. The sooner the better. "

Li Wanshan immediately asked: "What about the materials built by this farm? If you use the materials currently in the village, it is estimated that the construction time of the wall has been postponed."

Cheng Yang did not worry about it. He said directly: "Nothing, the number of our comrades will soon skyrocket. At that time, there must be a lot of people who transfer to the woodwork, and the output of wood will definitely increase a lot. As for the wall, it will be late. There is nothing to build in two days. Anyway, I am still a few days away from the promotion of the first class. But those farms can not be built in the 3rd-level wall we planned. Later, this area belongs to the residential area, and it will be relocated when it is not available. ""

Li Wanshan said: "The subordinates understand. But the subordinates think that this farm should still be built farther. After all, Luofeng Village will be our main city in the future. The population size will be very large. If it is placed before the end of the day, thirty-six square meters. It takes no less than two million people to live in a kilometer of land. After all, a high-rise building can accommodate thousands of people at that time. But now those private houses have a maximum of two floors, and the density of living is extremely low. People living, the area of ​​36 square kilometers will live up to hundreds of thousands."

Cheng Yang said: "This is nothing. The peasants can live in the farm. As for the current main battle camp, it is impossible to stay in Luofeng Village for a long time, so the population living in Luofeng Village will not be too much in the future. There are 36 square kilometers that are barely enough."

Since Cheng Yang said this, Li Wanshan will no longer be entangled in this problem, and then they talked about it for a while. Li Wanshan went to work on his own business.

Cheng Yang looked at the time, and now it is only three o'clock in the afternoon. After thinking about it, he left the village and went straight to Dongshan Village.

Passing through the main city of the city along the way, I saw the people outside the light curtains moving. Not everyone has entered the main city. In this case, Cheng Yang has some understanding. The last generation of Yuan Jianze also took restrictions on the sudden emergence of nearly two million people. After all, he has an extremely powerful force on his hand, plus he is in the main city. The appeal. Hundreds of thousands of warriors in the main city are basically obeying his transfer.

There is also a reason for Yuan Jianze to do so. At the moment when the rules of heaven and earth changed, a large number of refugees appeared around the main city. To know that the main city can be without the wall like Luofeng Village, and the moment the refugees were sent, they knew about the transfer, so they rushed into the light curtain in the first time. Among them.

The entire light curtain stretched for more than ten kilometers, but it only rushed into the 200,000 to 300,000 people in an instant, because the location of these people is very advantageous. Just near the light curtain.

Undoubtedly, the sudden entry of these people has brought a lot of confusion to the main city, and the people who come in from behind have aggravated this confusion.

When Yuan Jianze learned about the news. Those people have even penetrated most of the main city.

Yuan Jianze also wondered where these people got out of the way. How come out is hundreds of thousands. However, when he knew that there were not many people outside the light curtain who could not enter the main city, he was not calm at all.

Fortunately, Yuan Jianze is also a relatively decisive person. He knows that if he can't reflect his own strong side at this time and suppress these people, I am afraid that it will be even worse to manage the main city in the future.

But now a large part of Yuan Jianze's army is killing strangers outside. In desperation, he had to inform the several civil corps of the main city and some large mercenary groups as quickly as possible. These people also acted very quickly. The first time I came to the light curtain area, and temporarily blocked the refugees who had access to the future.

at the same time. Yuan Jianze also sent more than 100,000 comrades to gather the refugees who entered the main city. He could not let these people smash in the main city. Once there is a large-scale conflict with the original residents, the trouble can be great.

But after all, this is hundreds of thousands of people, not that suppression can be suppressed. In the process, it is inevitable that there will be bloodshed, and sometimes even violent means.

Of course, Yuan Jianze also pays attention to his own orders. He does not want to wait for these people to enter the main city, because he hates himself and drives himself out.

It is because of this contradiction that Yuan Jianze took a long time to suppress this chaos. It was already two days later.

Cheng Yang did not pay attention to these troubles in the main city. Now he can't wait for Yuan Jianze to be busy again. When he handles the affairs of several affiliated territories, he can slowly solve the problem of the main city.

In Cheng Yang's view, if Yuan Jianze's threat cannot be completely ruled out, he may be limited to one glimpse. This is not the result that Cheng Yang is willing to see.

After more than ten minutes, Cheng Yang has already arrived in Dongshan Village.

As with Cheng Yang's guess, there are also refugees around Dongshan Village who have been sent, but the number is less than that of Luofeng Village, only about 100,000 people. Even so, the sudden increase of 100,000 people has brought considerable pressure on Yu Kai.

Fortunately, Yu Kai did not have the suspicion before Zhao Chuan, and felt that these people may not be people on the earth. Therefore, after he had deterred these people by force, they gradually put these people into the village.

So when Cheng Yang came here, there was no one outside the village.

Cheng Yang walked into the village quickly, and the guards at the gate of Dongshan Village also knew Cheng Yang. After asking hello, he immediately separated one person to inform Yu Kai.

Cheng Yang did not stop this because he really needs to see Yu Kai now.

A few minutes later, Yu Kai ran away and said far away: "The lord, you come in a timely manner. Today, somehow, there are suddenly more than ten thousand people outside the village. After asking them, I know these. People are survivors in other towns in the city, so I put them in. But how do these people deal with me, but I don't have a clue."

Cheng Yang said that his arrangement would be repeated to Yu Kai. It is nothing more than letting most of these people transfer to the peasants. After the situation in the main city is slightly stabilized, they will be taken to the main city to change jobs.

Yu Kai also had no other opinions. Then he said, "Lord, are you coming here for this?"

Cheng Yang said: "Nature is not. We didn't catch a person two days ago? Did the guy have any changes?"

Yu Kai understands what Cheng Yang is asking, and smiles bitterly: "This guy seems to be confessing to life. We are locked in the private house and we don't see any abnormalities."

Cheng Yang immediately said: "We will look at it now."

Yu Kai said: "It's the same. The guy didn't have any extra moves besides eating and sleeping."

Cheng Yangyi smiled and said: "It seems that you are busy, I guess you have not had time to look at your property panel after this change in the rules of the world?"

"Oh?" Yu Kai slammed and quickly opened his own property panel. At this point, he was amazed that there was an extra reconnaissance in his skill list.

If Yu Kai still doesn't understand Cheng Yang's thoughts at this time, then he should really find a piece of tofu and die. He immediately said: "Lord, is this reconnaissance skill available to everyone?"

After getting a positive answer from Cheng Yang, Yu Kai thief smiled and said: "You are going to use reconnaissance to check the character of the guy? Hey, to the strength gap between the lord and the guy, it is estimated that all his attributes are invisible. ""

Cheng Yang did not deny and did not affirm, just said: "I just want to see if he has lied."

Yu Kai did not fully understand the meaning of Cheng Yang's words. He thought that Cheng Yang was just talking about it. He did not ask, and immediately took Cheng Yang to go to the house where Dong Sizhuo was detained.

Soon the two came to the private house. At the moment, there are two warriors outside the door of the house. They are the backbone of the hunting fox camp. They have the strength of the middle-level apprenticeship, otherwise Yu Kai does not. Will be assured that they will guard Dong Sizhuo.

"Is there any abnormal behavior for this guy?" Yu Kai asked softly as soon as he approached.

One of the guards walked up quickly and said: "The lord, the leader, the guy has been fidgeting since the noon and earth rules changed, and he doesn't know what to do."

Yu Kaixian was a glimpse, and soon understood that smiled and said: "This guy may have a problem. It is estimated that the reconnaissance skills that have suddenly appeared are now? Hey, I can't sit still. . . . Lord, what do you think we do now?"

Cheng Yang did not answer immediately, but walked to the front of the house, and then let another guard open the door. After a skilled use of the investigation by Dong Sizhuo, Cheng Yang knew the character of the guy.

The other party is just an early-level apprentice archer. This is just a normal servant who can't be ordinary in Luofeng Village, but he also has a different place from other people. This is his talent. .

Talent: 1, hidden: talent skills, use this skill to completely hide their own figure, will not be found by any ordinary exploration skills, for the enemy above three major levels of their own strength is invalid. The cast consumes 20 spells, the duration of the spell is 10 minutes, and the cooldown is 1 second.

2. Each time you raise a small step, you can increase your movement speed by 3%.

This guy's second talent is normal, but the first talent is very bad. This hidden state is able to immunize all common exploration skills, and as long as the strength is not higher than its own three major positions, it is impossible to find people in the hidden state, which is really too powerful.