Earth's Alpha Prime-Chapter 270: Conquering OBELISKS (Part-2)

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Chapter 270: Conquering OBELISKS (Part-2)

Where the final monster lay vanquished by Vorqen's resounding blast, a massive, portal-like door materialized, shimmering with an otherworldly glow.

The sight of this door elicited no surprise from the battle-weary group, as they all understood it marked the path to the fourth and final floor of their arduous journey.

Among the Chosen, those who had been injured during the intense battle turned their gaze toward the Void Slug, expectant, their eyes alight with hope. Their anticipation was rewarded when the air around the Void Slug warped and twisted, giving way to the emergence of the Aurora Stag—MJ's fifth corpse-integrate monster.

This awe-inspiring creature, a magnificent stag of immense proportions, was comparable in size to a fully grown African elephant, standing an imposing 10 to 12 feet tall at the shoulder.

Its broad, muscular frame was draped in a luxurious, wavy coat of fur that shimmered as if molten, with subtle threads of gold woven throughout. As the Stag moved, its coat captured and reflected light in mesmerizing ways, enhancing its ethereal appearance.

Its most captivating feature, however, was its majestic antlers. Those large, branching structures twisted and curled in intricate patterns, glowed with an ethereal golden light. The antlers extended several feet above the stag's head, emitting tiny particles of light that resembled glowing embers, further enhancing its regal and commanding presence.

As the injured ones watched in reverence, the Aurora Stag's antlers began to glow with a brilliant, golden radiance. From the tips of those antlers, beams of rainbow-colored light shot out, arcing through the air to reach every injured Alpha Chosen simultaneously.

The beams swirled around each person, enveloping them in a shimmering, prismatic aura. In mere moments, wounds began to close, injuries mended at an astonishing rate, and pain melted away as the rainbow light worked its restorative magic, bringing everyone back to peak condition.

With the healing complete, the radiant light gradually faded, leaving the groups of Alpha Chosen fully restored. They exchanged grateful nods toward the Aurora Stag, the healer monster.

Without further delay, they turned toward the massive portal-like door, their expressions steeled with determination, and stepped through it one by one, ready to face the final floor.

As they crossed into the fourth floor, the environment around them shifted dramatically, and they found themselves in a desert landscape even more punishing than the one on the third floor. The air was scorching, and the heat was nearly unbearable—well over 100 degrees Celsius.

The sun blazed down from a mercilessly clear sky, turning the temperature almost lethal for any typical Tier-1 lifeform. The ground beneath them was so hot that the sand seemed to shimmer, and the air rippled with visible waves of heat.

Directly ahead, a 200-meter semicircular zone glowed with a soft green light—a designated safe zone that offered protection from the extreme conditions beyond its borders. As the Alpha Chosen stepped into this sanctuary, the temperature immediately dropped to a more tolerable level.

Many of them paused to catch their breath, recovering their depleted stamina and spirit energy. Some reached into their pouches, retrieving spirit fruits or stamina fruits, which they consumed to hasten their recovery.

Pompa, ever energetic despite the grueling battles they had faced, approached Vorqen and Vral with a wide grin on his face.

Pompa's enthusiasm was apparant as he approached Vorqen and Vral, his grin wide and confident. "So, who do you think took down more monsters this time?" he asked, his tone teasing. "Pretty sure my team's got the edge. In fact, we're going to secure secondary authority over the Obelisk soon—making it our sixth one. Not bad, huh?"

Vral chuckled, shaking her head. "Always the braggart, Pompa. You talk a big game, but I think you're forgetting who led the charge back there. My team wasn't exactly slacking off."

Pompa waved his hand dismissively, his grin widening. "Oh, come on, Vral. We all know the real action was where I was. Admit it, you're just jealous that my team's about to add another Obelisk to our collection."

Vorqen, who had been quietly listening, finally spoke up, his voice calm but with a sharp edge. "Boast all you want, Pompa," he said, meeting Pompa's eyes with a steady gaze. "Even if you do manage to secure this Obelisk, the Atlans and Lycanthropes will still be in the lead."

Pompa's grin faltered, his bravado briefly slipping at Vorqen's words. He opened his mouth to respond, but Vral stepped in, her tone more conciliatory. "Let's not get too ahead of ourselves," she said, glancing between them.

"We all know the real deal here is that man over there," she added with a nod in Jay's direction. "Without him, conquering a single Obelisk would be a hard shot, let alone the 50 Obelisks that all three Raid Parties have managed to triumph over in these past 9 days."

Pompa sighed, Vral's words sinking in alongside Vorqen's pointed remark. His usual bravado was momentarily subdued as he acknowledged the truth.

"Yeah, yeah, I get it. We wouldn't stand a chance against a thousand Tier-4 monsters without Boss stepping in," he muttered, a note of resignation in his voice. But after a brief pause, his competitive fire flared up again. "My team will prove to the Boss that we're the best in the 3rd Raid Party, one way or another."

Vorqen nodded with the slightest hint of a smirk on his face. "We'll see about that."

Ever since becoming a Minor ORIGIN SIGIL holder and one of Jay's key subordinates, Pompa had found himself in a relentless rivalry with Akor and Rex. The competition drove him to constantly push his limits, striving to prove that he was the most formidable among them.

The race to conquer the Obelisks began on Day 11, a pivotal moment when those enigmatic structures first appeared at the heart of each Trial Region.

The towering monuments each offered immense rewards but posed daunting challenges. With the maximum number of participants for any Obelisk Raid capped at 50, Jay knew he had to be strategic. He assembled three elite Raid Parties, each balanced to maximise their strengths.

1st Raid Party:

JayEarthlings: 10Magmoids: 8Atlans: 85 Other Teams: 23

2nd Raid Party:

JayOwlites: 9Lycanthropes: 8Tilephians: 105 Other Teams: 22

3rd Raid Party:

JayHorned Beetles: 7Centaurs: 9Silephians: 105 Other Teams

Jay's presence in each party was non-negotiable. His unparalleled strength and combat prowess were crucial, especially for the fourth floors of the Obelisks, where the real difficulty awaited.

Each Raid Party was a formidable force, comprising top Alpha Chosen from the various races and backgrounds, each bringing their special abilities and skills to the table.

The Obelisks themselves were marvels of mystery and danger, each containing a different landscape that tested the Raid Party's adaptability and resilience.

Some Obelisks transported them to dense, humid tropical rainforests, where the foliage was so thick that visibility was severely limited. Others plunged them into treacherous swamplands, where the very ground threatened to swallow them whole. There were deserts, barren and scorching, where the sun beat down mercilessly, and snowy mountains where the cold cut through to the bone. There were even Obelisks that submerged them in vast oceanic depths, where the pressure and darkness were as much enemies as the monsters themselves.

Each Obelisk was divided into four floors, and each floor was a separate space unto itself, inhabited by a thousand monsters. Those creatures lived in settlements, defending their territories with ferocity and cunning.

The Raid Party had to systematically clear these settlements to progress to the next floor. However, as they ascended, the difficulty escalated. The monsters grew stronger, and more relentless.

By the time they reached the fourth floor, the Raid Party faced a true test of their mettle. There, they encountered a thousand Tier-4 monsters, each settlement formidable than the last.

Among these were 400 Tier-4 Low-Phase creatures, their power levels ranging from Lv.51 to Lv.67. The next 300 were Mid-Phase monsters, between Lv.68 and Lv.83, presenting an even greater challenge.

The final 200 were High-Phase creatures, their strength nearly at its peak, between Lv.84 and Lv.99. And then there were the 100 monsters at the peak of Tier-4, all at Level 100—each a powerhouse in its own right.

The stakes were incredibly high. The Obelisk had to be conquered within a strict six-hour window. If the Raid Party failed to do so, they would be expelled from the Obelisk, their efforts deemed a failure.

While they would receive rewards based on the number of monsters they had defeated, the true prize—the complete conquest of the Obelisk—would elude them. The time constraint added immense pressure, forcing the Raid Party to fight not only against the monsters but also against the clock.

In most Trial Programs, conquering an Obelisk was a task reserved for later stages, typically requiring the presence of a couple of Tier-5 individuals in the Raid Party—something usually achieved two months into the Trials.

Yet Jay defied all expectations. By leading them to successfully conquer an Obelisk on Day 11, he set a new benchmark for what was possible. The pace at which they operated was nothing short of extraordinary.

In just nine days, they had conquered 50 Obelisks, a feat that was considered nearly impossible. The accomplishment not only solidified Jay's leadership but also redefined the boundaries of what could be achieved within the Trials.

The unprecedented success only intensified the competition among Jay's subordinates, particularly Pompa, Akor, and Rex. For Pompa, every Obelisk conquered was a step closer to proving that he was the best among Jay's elite.

After Pompa, Vral, and Vorqen finished their conversation, the attention of everyone shifted to the Storm Eagle as it stirred the air with powerful gusts from its wings. The majestic creature, as large as a fighter jet, cast an imposing shadow over the group. Atop the enormous bird sat Jay, cross-legged and serene, the swirling winds whipping around him.

His eyes remained closed, his mind fully attuned to the moment. Then, with a calm yet commanding presence, he opened his eyes, a sharp glint in them as he surveyed everyone gathered below.

"You all stay within the safe zone," Jay commanded, his voice steady and resolute. "I'll handle the 4th floor on my own. I've developed a new skill that needs testing, and this is the ideal opportunity to do so."

His gaze swept across the assembled Raid Party, lingering briefly on each member before locking onto one particular Alpha Chosen among the five teams protected by Oakrend and the Void Slug. Jay pointed directly at the individual, the one whose animosity toward him was unmistakable.

"You, come with me," Jay ordered, singling him out. "You'll be given secondary authority over this Obelisk, and in turn, your planet will share in the same privilege."

The Alpha Chosen stepped forward, feeling the immense weight of the opportunity bestowed upon his planet. There was no room for hesitation—Jay had spoken, and his decision was final.

Off to the side, Pompa, who had briefly allowed himself to hope, wore a deflated expression. Vral attempted to console him, while Vorqen couldn't resist casting a gloating look in his direction. Jay, however, paid no attention to the exchange.

His focus was elsewhere—on the steadily growing pile of Universe Points, now exceeding 30,000. He eagerly awaited the moment when they would be enough to acquire his predecessor's weapon.

As for having the one who harbored the most hatred toward him to tag along, Jay had his reasons.

With a single nod, Jay signaled the Storm Eagle, its wings spreading wide to carry him and the selected Alpha Chosen into the 4th floor, where a thousand Tier-4 monsters awaited.


Author Note:

Exclusive artwork for every free chapter is now available on my PATRE0N page! You can find the link in my Discord server.

I'm thrilled to share that I'm taking a big leap forward! Alongside Earth's Alpha Prime, I've launched the first sub-book for EAP.



The first ten to comment for new chapter releases will get '1 ADVANCED CHAPTER' for free on Earth Alpha Prime's Discord server.

In the discord server, I opened a private channel for those Top 10 candidates, where I posted the respective Advanced Chapter.

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