Eldritch Creature's Guide-Chapter 32 Six Months Later

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It has been six months since Samiel and Yvraine entered the 2nd Floor. Both of them lived together, not like "together together", but only together. It was rather fun as Yvraine was that cold and arrogant to him, as she was when they met, though she still was partial.

During these 6 months, they managed to collect something around 500 Tokens each, meaning together, they killed over one thousand participants. Unfortunately, it was not only not enough, but the progress was relatively slow.

Still, the good news was that Samiel managed to reach Level 14 after six months of killing and searching through the participants' belongings and assimilating their souls; unfortunately for him, most of them were only Steel-Tier, so because of that, only two levels.

Though now, he had under his control 210 Steel-Tier Undead, meaning he already had a mini-army in forming. It was a wonderful sight to see his new Undead army in the formation as they were increasing with each passing day, be it in quantity or quality.

He had to admit that this place was like a paradise to him, or at least partially or not... it didn't really matter, but it was fun, especially for a person like Samiel who could keep killing to his fill.

"This is going to take a whole eternity."

Complained he, as he noticed that number of participants was significantly lower than he anticipated from Yvraine's explanation. She originally predicted that 6 months should be enough for them to gather all the Tokens they would need, but apparently, it was a mistake.

In the end, the 2nd Floor was relatively empty, and there were not enough participants to kill 10,000 people or more during just 6 months. Probably they came at the wrong time as it was a bit empty this time. Samiel could only curse his bad luck, as it always was.

"You need to obtain 10,000 Token; for me, only 1,000 is enough to exchange for what I want."

Retorted Yvraine back as he grumbled.

"What about we create a trap?"

Samiel pondered about it.


Yvraine looked at him immediately after he said that.

"We just need to spread that some Ancient Tomb has appeared somewhere on the battlefield and is filled with some traps, but more importantly with thousands of Tokens. Among the dropouts, it would create waves, as hundreds of them would rush here from all cities, maybe even thousands."

During their half a year on the 2nd Floor, they visited several cities in the 1st Area.

All of these cities were backed up by some strong factions, and usually, people who lived there were dropouts from trials who didn't want to kill others or were weak to do so.

Then there were some scavengers who just collected treasures and things from the battlefield. While some may look down on them, scavengers were essential to places like the 2nd Floor because, together with the various Magical Beasts and Monsters, they were cleaning the 2nd Floor.

If not, everywhere where a person would go would be rotting corpses, decaying equipment that was crumbling down due to the passage of time, and everything in nice and simple mountains.

Strong factions, like Magisterium or Hall of Kadath, each had a city in each Area, and the reason was simple for that. Or, when they didn't directly have a city, they were supporting some from the shadows.

When Asura Tribe connected entire worlds or transported entire civilizations here to be slaughtered, all of these strong factions wanted to profit from this. Connecting the entire world or transporting the civilization to the 2nd Floor also meant they would be bringing with them a considerable amount of resources. 𝒇𝗿𝙚ℯ𝑤ℯ𝑏𝒏𝑜ѵe𝙡.c𝐨m

Samiel knew that even those cowards who didn't dare to leave the safe cities wouldn't hesitate too much when it came to the Ancient Tomb, as when they appeared, they continued countless other treasures aside from Tokens.

"Hmm... that could work well. We can prepare some Killing Magic Formation to instantly kill the majority of them when they enter the targeted place and then just deal with those who were lucky to survive. I have tried this method several times, and it has never failed me yet."

Stated Yvraine, almost praisingly, that Samiel managed to devise such a good plan. Doing strategical planning was not his forte, as he left that to Yvraine as she had a more keen mind on that, but this time he was pretty pleased with himself over this matter.

"Only the Killing Magic Formation would be a problem..."

She said as Samiel was thinking about it.

Devising Killing Magic Formation is not an easy thing, as it requires a lot of knowledge over the Magic, and usually, only 5th Level or 6th Level Casters are able to do that. That was because it needed a significant level of skills, experience, and knowledge of the Magic and Spells one would use to create a Killing Spell Formation.

Fortunately, Samiel wasn't an average magic user but a genius, and he could quickly find the solution to their predicament. And this was not some of his thoughts but geniue truth, because the fact, he could create such formation with his current Level and knowledge of Magic, would probably cause many of the old coots who devoted centuries if not entire millennia to the pursuit of Magic a heart attack.

"We only need a few Bronze-Tier Mana Crystals and a bunch of Wardstones where I can inscribe spells, and I should easily do it."

What Samiel planned to do, was not, technically speaking, a Killing Magic Formation, but rather a variant of it, as he lacked specific spells that were typical for the Killing Magic Formation. Spells typical for Killing Magic Formation were more destructive in nature, something that Samiel lacked in his arsenal for now.

He planned to inscribe Void Magic Spells, like Crushing Curse, Word of Misfortune, Destructive Resonance, and Maddening Whispers onto the Wardstones to cast all those who enter the Formation into the madness.

Additionally, there would be Wardstones inscribed with Necromancy Arts like Curse of Weakness, Inflict Wounds, Ray of Sickness, Blindness, Bestow Curse, Vampiric Touch, and a few others to weaken and injure them.

Basically, this would create a state where everyone who entered the tomb would attack everybody, and they would kill each other. After that is finished, Samiel would then unleash his Undead and, together with Yvraine, kill what has been left from the "visitors".

"I think we have some Wardstones from the killed participants, but I don't know if the number would be enough."

Said Yvraine as she took out fifteen Wardstones, as in one of their hunts, they killed a group of Wizards and Sorcerers from Magisterium, and these people had rather nice magic loot with them. Even though they were relatively weak, the content of their spatial storage equipment made a nice loot.

"This will be enough, I think. These Wardstoens are of superb quality, so I can inscribe more spells onto them, and their effect would be much more devastating."

He answered as he immediately started to work and began inscribing the Spells on the Wardstone. Inscription of the Spells onto the Wardstones was an arduous process that required supreme knowledge about the Spell Runic Matrix, and even the slightest mistake during the engraving into the Wardstone could result in failure, which was usually an explosion.

And while Samiel agreed that explosion was an art, he didn't want to be the art but preferred to be an artist.

When it came to Magic as a whole, Samiel could be considered a prodigy, and even Yvraine was amazed by his learning ability as she taught him various branches of Magic and basic Arcane knowledge.

After half an hour, he was done with Wardstone, where he inscribed more than 10 Spells ranging from the 1st Level to the 3rd Level. Normally this would be impossible, but these Wardstones were of top-notch quality that was very hard to come by. Even Yvraine thought they must have killed some important people from Magisterium's new generation.

This thought made Yvraine even happier.

Three days later, Samiel finished all preparations as all Wardstones were inscribed and interconnected, meaning they could lay down the Spell Formation.

Samiel called it Necro-Madness Spell Formation, as it was based on the Void Magic and its mind effects coupled with Curses and other nasty spells from the Necromancy Arts. Not even a Silver-Tier person could ultimately walk into it and be unaffected by the Formation. 𝒇𝘳ℯℯ𝚠𝙚𝑏𝗻𝑜ѵ𝑒𝙡.co𝑚

He noticed that when he interconnected it, all Spells became even more powerful, and the final effect was pretty terrifying. This was the result of a superb Warstones, the perfect skills and technique he was using.

During his time on Earth, he learned how to engrave spells on the Wardstones; because of the low mana in nature, this was the more efficient way to cast spells.

"Now we need only find a suitable place, which could serve as Ancient Tomb and lay down there a Necro-Madness Spell Formation."

In truth, what they were searching for was some large underground space, which could serve as some kind of entrance to the Ancient Tomb, and there they would lay down the Necro-Madness Spell Formation.

"Several tens of kilometers from us, there was that huge underground cave and remains from some civilization; maybe that could serve well."

Stated Yvraine as Samiel nodded in agreement.

Fortunately, this part was rather easy for them, as they managed to find a suitable place within just a few hours of searching because the entire 2nd Floor was filled with caves, underground spaces, and other similar things.

Some of them were naturally made, while others were man-made, especially those which were remains after some unfortunate civilization was transported to the 2nd Floor by the Asura Tribe.