Eternal Melody-Chapter 1029 This is me Part 5

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Chapter 1029 This is me Part 5


Yuhi's silence was terrible but what was even worse were the words that left Yuhi's lips afterwards. None of the multiple theories he had regarding why Lucifer wanted Sumire was correct. He didn't even come close. Not once did the thought of past lives cross his mind. It shouldn't surprise him, after all, they do live in a society where evolved humans exist.

"So, you two really are fated."

Yuhi laughed. "That's what you get from my words?"

Hino sighs. "Well, it's a lot to take in. But, I suppose it makes sense. When Sumire first came to the facility, you were the first one to get close to her. There had been other newbies in our group previously, but you never treated them the way you did her."

"I guess I was quite obvious."

"When did you two die in your last lives?"

"Roughly our mid twenties, why?"

"I just want to make sure, because when curses are concerned. They tend to follow you to your next lives. I know you said Sumire and Lucifer are the ones who are cursed. But, there is a chance it passed on to you."

Yuhi is silent for a few minutes before sighing. "I wish I could refute that theory, but I can't."

"Sumire loves you."

Yuhi laughed weakly. "You're really going to say that?"

"Because she does." Hino trails off. "Frankly speaking, I think you're being a huge idiot. You should have come for her."

"I know, I should have. Even with no memories, I felt like she was calling for me. It took all my will power not to answer those calls. Even when I suppressed our bond, I could feel her emotions. I knew she was lonely, and yet I didn't go to her. I really am a jerk."

Hino didn't know what to say. It was his first time hearing Yuhi this way. Yuhi has never shown his vulnerable side in front of anyone. While Hino knew Yuhi suffered from depression and bad mental health. He never truly understood the extent of it, because Yuhi never let it slip.

"Enter the dream space after this call, she should be sleeping now."

'There is nothing I can do for Yuhi. But if it's Sumire, she should be able to help him,'

After a few more words, Hino ended the call with Yuhi. Those two really do become a mess when they aren't around each other for long. How on earth did they manage being apart for two years?

Hearing the sound of a basket dropping. Hino turned to see a girl with caramel coloured hair wearing a pink and white sports jacket.


Seeing Cassie, Hino recalled the girl's warning before the incident and he laughed bitterly. "I guess I should have listened to you."

Cassie warned him that Nagawa Mira has been spotted frequently. A woman who up until recently only stuck to the elite circles, is now freely venturing out into society.

After he said those words Cassie cried and he walked over, and wiped the girl's tears with his sleeve.

"Sorry, I don't have any handkerchiefs." His sentence fell short when Cassie buried her face in his chest and hugged her tighter as she cried even harder.

For a moment he is frozen by Cassie's display of affections when he recalls her confession. So much happened afterwards, so they never approached the topic again. He was too focused on helping Sumire recover, and making sure everything was okay with her career.

Hino wrapped his arms around her and didn't say anything. After a few minutes Cassie pulled away with flushed cheeks.

"I-I didn't mean to cry, I was just so relieved-"

Hino shook his head and pointed to the seats in the corridor. "Let's sit down and talk."

Cassie agreed and the two of them sat side by side.

"When did you get back?" Cassie asked.

"Just a few hours ago, I didn't want to contact anyone until tomorrow to make sure Sumire got her rest. She has been through a lot."

"I'm sure even if she has,?you're the one who suffered physically." Cassie suddenly jabbed his arm and he yelped in pain. Cassie sighs deeply. "See? I knew it! Roll your sleeves."

Hino reluctantly does so revealing the purple coloured bruise. While Sano gave it basic first aid treatment while they waited for Eli to bring Sumire. He didn't get a chance to bandage it up.

Cassie looked like she would cry again seeing the bruises but she shakes her head and slaps her cheeks.

"This isn't the only one is it?" Cassie bit her lip.

"I actually think Lucifer was holding back with me." Hino jokes.

"This isn't funny! What's wrong with that man? How can he do something like this?"

Hino chuckled. "That's how the underworld works. I really am lucky. It seems he didn't overdo it, because he didn't know if he would lose his control on Sumire if I died."

If not for this reason, there would have been no need to keep him alive.

"Knowing you, you would never have allowed Ibuki-chan to get hurt. But, I have to ask is she-"

Hino quickly summarizes the past two months and Cassie turns silent.

"I don't think her mental state will be good for a while."

"What makes you say so?"

"In her eyes, she has betrayed Yuhi. Even if she didn't have her memories, she still slept with another man. So, she must feel terrible."

'Indeed, Cassie is correct. To think she of all people would be one of the ones to understand Sumire.'

"I'll be limiting her visitors for a while. I know her other friends want to see her. But other than Mashima, I don't think there is anybody else who can help her right now."

"Limit it to her kids, and Tsueno. Perhaps even Hamano. But, anybody else would be too much right now." Cassie advised.

"Yeah, I think so too." Hino trails off. "Has everything been okay?"

When Sano was giving him first aid, Sano briefed him on the situation in the entertainment world. From what Sano said, Sumire's status in the entertainment industry is fine and nobody has been trying to stir anything. However, it's hard to believe everything has been going that smoothly. Hard to believe that nobody would question Sumire's whereabouts.