Eternal Melody-Chapter 921 My Beautiful Monster Part 22

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Chapter 921 My Beautiful Monster Part 22


"I think you forgot that I am a psychologist. A simple analysis of your behaviour is all it took for me to conclude that you genuinely love her." Toh paused. "But, I still don't know how you fell in love with her. The only time you met her was that moment when she was younger." He shakes his head. "Something is wrong."

Lucifer didn't say anything to that. The topic regarding past lives is a tricky subject. He doesn't know how the people in this life will take it. Moreover, he doesn't know who Toh was in his past life. What if he is a descendant of the ones trying to harm her? Lucifer shakes his head. He cannot doubt Toh now.

The two of them walked in silence until they reached outside. Lucifer noted Toh staring at the surroundings with great interest.

"It's odd. I never suspected that you'd own such a beautiful place. Rather, if I didn't know any better I would say this place was built for her."

Lucifer raised his eyebrow knowingly. He hit the nail on the head and Toh knew it. He did build this residence with Sumire in mind.

Sumire was in the usual place at this time of the day. The lake pavilion. Ever since she started to take her walks here, he has joined her without fail. Today he had every intention of doing so after returning from the dungeons. Toh's visit was unexpected but maybe they can still take a walk after he sends Toh away.

His thoughts break off hearing approaching footsteps.

"Husband! Welcome back--" Sumire said brightly. "Today I---" Sumire paused. Her gaze immediately fell on Toh. Recognition filled her eyes. "Toh?"

Lucifer froze hearing Sumire say Toh's name. Did she regain her memories? Is this the moment she looks at him with disgust- Lucifer scanned her expression but didn't see that. Instead there was nothing but fondness. He was about to reach out to her but Toh got in the way.

Toh hugged her. "It's me, sorry I'm late."

Lucifer felt sick watching the two of them hugging, so he pulled Sumire away back into his arms where she belonged. Sumire seemed surprised but leaned into his hold.

"You remember him?" Lucifer asked with a frown.

Sumire nodded.

"Um, we used to be together right?"

Toh's lips curved to a smile. "Thats right beautiful. We wouldn't have broken up, if the boss here didn't send me away."

Sumire paused and for a moment Lucifer was afraid that she would inquire more. To his surprise however, Sumire wrapped her arms around his neck and mumbled two words.

"Trust me." She said softly.

Of course he trusts her, he has never trusted anyone more than he does her. His wife, his Queen.

Sumire turned to Toh. "Mm. But our break up was mutual. I have returned to be with the person I have missed for a long time. When we were together, I told you there was someone I missed. It was Lucifer, it always was."

At those words Toh raised his eyebrow.

Lucifer glared at him and Toh sighed deeply. "Right, that's true. I apologise for riling you up beautiful. I have missed you."

"As have I. But, if you continue insulting my husband like this I will get angry."

Toh nodded.

"Return to our chambers and rest." Lucifer decided to interject before Toh said anything else.

Sumire nodded. "I'll take a nap." She trailed off.? "What about you?"

"I shall be speaking to our guest here."

"Okay, but remember we still have to take that walk."

"I remember. I shall be there." Lucifer nodded.

To his surprise Sumire suddenly leaned forward and wrapped her arms around his neck. Lucifer's lips curve to a smirk knowing what she wanted. Lucifer didn't hesitate before he kissed her. He moaned into the kiss feeling Sumire nibble on his lips.

Eventually she drew back and winked. "It seems we can finish that later on."

Before he could even react the girl giggled and quickly escaped.

Toh sighed. "Well, memories or not. It seems like that part of her hasn't changed."

Lucifer frowned at those words. He truly hated the idea that they dated. That he gave another man that opportunity to get to know her, to touch her and learn her likes and dislikes.

Toh thrust some papers in his hands.

"I'll help you get rid of them, and then return Sumire okay?"

Lucifer chuckled. "So this is why you didn't snatch her immediately."

"Even I understand what the risks to her life are right now. Thankfully, after what happened recently. Nobody is pressuring Sumire to return to work, in fact people are encouraging her to take a break."

"Six months."

"Three." Toh shakes his head. "Really, this is difficult. I'll have to explain it to her companions and it won't be a pleasant talk." He ran his fingers through his hair. "Why does she call you her husband?"

"It was the only explanation I could come up with."

How could he possibly explain why she was in his home otherwise?

Toh sighed. "I've heard rumors. Have you slept with her?"


"Lucifer." Toh said sharply.

Lucifer sighed but nodded. "Yes. But do not misunderstand. She was hesitant."

"I know she'd never betray Terashima. The fault is on you for lying to her." Toh trailed off. "I think you should know this boss. But, I was actually quite fond of you before you went ahead and separated me and Sumire. Even then, my resentment faded. However, you've crossed the line this time and you know it."

Of course he does. Every time he holds Sumire and she talks about fragments of Terashima. He does feel guilt. However, this is necessary.

Toh's loyalty towards him was real, as real as any child who needed to survive no matter what.

"I shall tell her the truth. I am prepared for her hate, but if she forgives me. If she truly desires to stand by my side. You shall stand aside." Lucifer said coldly.

Toh frowned. "There is that confidence again. Since I have made my disdain towards you clear. I doubt you will ever tell me why you're so confident."

Lucifer chuckled. "Indeed. I will not tell you. But if you happen to find out on your own. You can ask me anything."
