Eternal Melody-Chapter 922 My Beautiful Monster Part 23

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Chapter 922 My Beautiful Monster Part 23


Books, books and more books. As much as she likes reading. The large amounts of information she has been trying to absorb the past few days was making her head hurt. So she excused herself, said goodbye to Grace and decided to go on a walk. There are so many places in this manor that she has yet to explore. As much as she wants to satisfy her curiosity, she understands that there are some places in the manor that could harm her.

Bang. Bang.

Sumire paused. What is this sound? She takes a few steps down a hallway she hadn't been to before. It should be okay to take a peak. Besides, she already proved in the training ring earlier that she isn't defenceless. After taking a few deep breaths, she follows the source of the sound to a room in the bottom of the hallway.

"Oh. It's you, my lady."

This girl is Renna, her other lady and waiting. However, Sumire has seen the girl train with Lucifer's men before.

Sumire nodded and peered into the room curiously. There were targets set across the walls and the other people in the room were shooting at the targets not with a bow but with a gun.

Renna pulled her into the room. "Do you want to join us my lady?"

"I--am I allowed to?"

It sounded wrong. It sounded odd that she has to ask permission to be in anywhere in her own home. However, she understands that Lucifer isn't intentionally trying to confine her to one space. He is just thinking of her safety.

Her safety, that means there are dangerous people here. Other than those mean women who occasionally pulls pranks on her. She hasn't encountered anybody who would endanger her life. Still she can't let her guard down.

Renna nodded. "Don't worry. The people in here are part of the Lord's elite force. So they are decent people, although they can be loud and annoying so I apologize for the noise."

She hears scoffing, and turns to the source of the sound to find a man with ginger coloured hair with a scar across his right eye. "Renna-chan is only sulking because I beat her during that last roun-" The man stopped seeing her. She caught a brief glimpse of recognition in his eyes.

It was just like with Hino, except there was something else there. Does this man know who she is?

"You, are you--"

Renna suddenly stood in front of her protectively. "This is Lady Sumire, the lord's wife."

"R-right." The man stammered. "Of course she is." He trailed off. He suddenly bent down and took her hand before placing a light kiss there. "They call me Jacks. It's a pleasure to meet you my lady."

"You too."

She supposes that answers her question. But, just now it certainly looked like he was going to say something to her. Jacks leads them to a separate booth in the corner of the room. Sumire noted the other guards whispering. But they bowed when she went past. She didn't feel the same air of hostility she did when she went by those girls or Lucifer's other men.

Renna did say these people were part of an elite force. Renna placed the gun in her hands and put protective goggles over her hands. "You have to try and aim at the center, but it's okay if you miss."

The gun was heavy but it felt familiar. It felt like she has done this before. 'I truly must not be a good person, if I am familiar with holding weapons. Moreover the way I behaved when I sparred with Lucifer. There is no doubt that I am no ordinary person.'

But, like she told Lucifer it doesn't matter if she regains her memories or not. Even if she has to live a lie. It doesn't matter.

'Because reality is painful.' Sumire paused. Why did she suddenly have that thought?

"My lady, are you okay? Is it too heavy?" Renna asks, and Sumire shakes her head.

"It's fine." Sumire took a deep breath before she turned her attention to the target. She can do this, she had done this so many times before. Even if she doesn't remember, her body shall remember for her.

She fired several times.

Sumire opened her eyes realizing that the area had turned quiet. Even the small murmurings had vanished. When she opened her eyes to see why, everyone erupted into cheers. Because she hit the center three no several times. Each bullet seemed to stick together to form a small circle.

"Wow did you see that just now?"

"I did! And she had her eyes closed."

"As expected of the lord's woman."

Sumire didn't know how to feel about all the flattery. She didn't know whether she ought to soak in the compliments. If she can hit targets with such precise aim like this, then how many times has she used these skills to hurt others? How many times have her hands been soaked with blood.

If she is truly Lucifer's wife, it makes sense that she has defence and offensive skills. After all her husband runs a criminal organisation. Did she ever help him with his work?

"Lady Sumire?" Renna asked, concerned.

"N-nothing. I was just surprised." Sumire laughed weakly. "I guess, I'm quite good at this."

Renna turned to Jacks and mumbled something in his ear as she lead her away from the booth onto a set of stairs. Sumire didn't say a word and let the girl lead her upstairs. It was a viewing platform of the shooting range below.

"My lady. How much do you know about your husband's work?"

"I know he runs a criminal syndicate."

"And you should know what that involves. It involves crime, it involves having the strength not only to defend yourselves but to put your enemies down."

"I-I'm strong aren't I? I don't know how much strength I have. But, when I was in the training ring with Lucifer. I knocked him down, I managed to push him away. Does that mean I-" Sumire didn't know how to get the words out.

Does that mean she is more dangerous than a man who runs a criminal organisation?

Renna shakes her head. "Unlike the others in this place, your the only one with a pure heart."

"The elite guard too? They seem kind."

"But they are killers too. There is nobody in this place who hasn't stained their hands with blood. That's why I asked you how much you understand of your husbands work."

Sumire blinked. "Everyone here, even the servants?"

Renna nodded. "Your husband's organisation is dangerous and has attracted the ire of many. Naturally his subordinates have to learn how to defend themselves."


"The skills you have? While they may surpass others. It doesn't make you a bad person. If you did not have those skills, you wouldn't be able to defend yourself. Take pride in your strength."
