Everyone Else Has a System-Chapter 18 Blood Sacrifice#2

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The three puppets moved towards Zero at an insane speed and Zero simply stood there with the orange sword in his hand.

What happened next was… the puppets were destroyed in an instant before they could even touch Zero. Though they would regenerate in just a few seconds, the fact that the puppets against which Zero was previously struggling with, are now destroyed in an instant made everyone gasp in shock as they looked at Zero.

In this place, only three people clearly saw what happened. One was the puppeteer himself, he saw Zero moving extremely fast as he took a stance and there was a display of brilliant swordsmanship. Looking at that swordsmanship, which Zero showed, the puppeteer himself knew that the puppets didn't stand a chance against him. free𝒘ℯ𝗯𝙣𝗼ν𝑒𝗹.𝒄o𝒎

Before, he was able to handle Zero easily despite his puppets getting destroyed every now and then, but now he couldn't help but take Zero more seriously as he sensed the danger which he was in right now.

The other person who saw the whole thing was the Saintess. She couldn't help but marvel at the swordsmanship Zero displayed. She hasn't seen anything as beautiful as this one in a long while. Even back in her church, the swordsmen couldn't display this level of profound swordsmanship despite being trained for ages.

This made the Saintess look at Zero with even more curiosity than before.

The last one was William, who was more serious about the swordsman ship than the others. While others saw the swordsmanship as something profound and brilliant, he couldn't help but look at Zero with a really questioning gaze. 𝐟𝓇ℯ𝐞𝚠𝚎𝒃𝑛𝒐ѵe𝚕.co𝚖






In an instant, the next few puppets were destroyed and Zero moved towards the puppeteer with full force, however he was stopped by a wall made up of metal.

The puppets which were destroyed did not revert to their original form but instead formed a metal wall which came in between the puppeteer and Zero.

Soon more and more puppets began destroying themselves and then the small debris reconstructed themselves to form small sharp knives which began floating all around the place at a high speed.

Zero, who wasn't really completely conscious at the present moment, ran towards the puppeteer despite the knives flying towards him.

William saw the scene unfolding in front of him and immediately ran towards Sera as he shouted," Sera, heal me up as much as you can!"

Sera, hearing William's voice, looked at him and noticing his serious and worried face. She understood that he, too, knew what was going on. Without wasting even a single moment, she touched William's forehead and instantly healed and buffed him as much as she could.

However, it was too late as Zero had already reached far too close to the knives.





However, what happened next made the puppeteer, the Saintess and William turn their eyes wide open. What he did was next to impossible… he jumped and turned his body in an uneven way, dodging most of the knives and then using a certain sword movement that was performed in alignment to the same uneven posture so skillfully that all the knives that were approaching Zero were parried. Zero then landed back on the ground and continued running as if nothing out of the ordinary happened.

Looking at this made the three of them question if Zero really had lost his senses or not?

'He is… scary, all right. But still, since I had already received the buff, I might as well use it to help the kid out,' William thought before taking his sword stance and then…


Dashed behind the Puppeteer of Death.

Noticing William right behind him, the puppeteer couldn't help but curse at his luck as he dodged Willam's attack and used some of the knives to attack William. However, that one moment of distraction was enough for Zero to break through the puppeteer's attack and defense.

Like a wild monster's presence, Zero's ferociousness creeped behind the puppeteer, however, before he could do anything…


Zero slashed his back before getting in his front and making another slash at his body, and kicked him away. Zero's eyes then darted towards William with a glare and William couldn't help but gulp as he takes a stance against Zero.

However, before he could do anything, the Puppeteer of Death threw something out of his pocket with a strange smile on his face.

William and the others looked at that thing with a questioning yet cautious gaze. Even Zero looked intently at that thing for a few moments before a sigh escaped his mouth.

'To think I would lose control this easily… I need to work on my emotions better,' Zero thought before glancing at William again with a slightly scared look before he looked away as he thought,' to think William would be that guy… sigh… fate really is a fascinating thing. I almost pissed myself when I saw his swordsmanship. Despite being incomplete, it still gives me the creeps of my life. He is curious about my swordsmanship too… after all, it is the exact opposite of his swordsmanship.'

After a few moments of silence, a screen appeared from the device which the puppeteer threw out of his pocket and a man became visible in front of all.

The man had blackish orange hair with a muscular build and was wearing a white suit. He stood there as he observed the surrounding scene.

"Mark Leeway," William spoke with a glare as he looked at that man and everyone took a step back from that man.

A tinge of despair approached everyone's faces as they looked at that man, as if their doom had finally arrived in front of them.

'One of the 5 known SS classes. One supposed to be the strongest person present on this planet,' Zero thought as he looked at Mark with a serious gaze.

"I wonder what is going on here," Mark spoke through the screen as he analysed the whole scenario. It didn't look like he was happy with what he was seeing right now.