Extra's Magic-Chapter 74 Mole

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Tap... Tap...

My footsteps echoed in the dark mole tunnel as I carefully moved forward, spreading my Mana wide to feel for any obstructions in my way.

By releasing my Mana into the tunnel cavity, I could visualize the tunnels and their different lengths. This technique prevented me from hitting walls or stepping into any unexpected gaps.


I ruffled my dark hair, as I felt the path splitting into two directions.

One of the tunnels felt wider than the other, indicating that it was likely a well-traveled route.

The other one, on the other hand, was leading west, but was narrower, suggesting that it might not have been used recently.

"I should choose this one..."

I murmured to myself, moving towards the narrow tunnel. As planned I wanted to explore the West today, and changing my plan now would not be wise.


Suddenly, I heard a faint sound of friction coming from the end of the tunnel. I didn't even need to turn behind to know it was a mole.

I paused and waited for it to enter my sensory range, but it seemed to be moving very slowly, or maybe it was just foraging in the dirt.

Anyway, it seemed that the mole wouldn't bother me and if it did, I wouldn't have any trouble dealing with it.

Tap... Tap...

I continued walking down the narrow tunnel, until a small light appeared in the distance, indicating that I was approaching an exit.

As I approached the light, I could see that the exit led to a small opening in the ground surrounded by purple bushes and rocks.

The rain was still pouring, but I didn't mind it. I even embraced the freshness of the air and the coldness of the droplets as I stepped out into the open.

I hadn't showered for a few days and I was beginning to feel grime on my skin, but the rain would finally wash it away, clean my clothes drenched with sweat and mud.

With a deep breath, I took in the scenery. Although the island was dangerous I had to admit, it also had a unique beauty that couldn't be found anywhere else.


My thoughts were interrupted by a loud growl coming from behind the rocks, and I quickly drew out my Katana ready to face whatever was lurking in the shadows.

However, as I turned around to face the monster, I felt a sudden pain in my ankle and stumbled to the ground.

"What the hell?!"

I exclaimed as I glanced down at my ankle only to find that there was blood flowing out of it.

This unexpected attack caught me off guard and I quickly looked, trying to see where the attack had come from, but all I could see were the bushes rustling in the wind and rain falling hard on the leaves.


I spread my Mana around me, trying to sense any hostile presence nearby, but it was futile.

The monster either didn't have any Mana or was suppressing, hiding it.

I realized that I needed to act fast before the monster could strike again.


I took out a Health Potion from my inventory and quickly drank it, feeling the healing effects spreading throughout my body.

Not even for a second I had stopped watching the surroundings, but still, there was no sign of the creature.

As my ankle was about to fully heal, my ears picked up the sound of movement behind me and I quickly spun around, swinging my Katana in a large arc. 𝙗𝙚𝙙𝒏𝙤𝙫𝒆𝙡.𝒄𝙤𝒎


My weapon's blade tore through the air meeting no resistance, but I could've sworn that I heard something there just moments before.

Was I becoming paranoid?


Suddenly, my eyes picked up on a small red droplet on the tip of my Katana.


For a second I was surprised, but the next moment a giggle escaped from my lips as I realized what was happening.

A Corrupted Mantis has been hunting me since it was the only creature I knew could be in a corrupted dungeon and fit the criteria of hiding its Mana and being able to turn invisible.

The funny thing was that it chose to attack me during the rain when the environment was most unsuitable for its hunting abilities.

"Stupid mantis..."

I muttered to myself, shaking my head and glancing around, searching for weird rain patterns that could reveal Mantis's location.

It wasn't long before I noticed that droplets seemed to disappear before hitting a certain area, indicating that the creature was there.

I tightened my grip on my Katana and focused all my senses on that area, waiting for the Mantis to strike again.

I didn't have to wait long before I saw a slight distortion in the air and I quickly swung my Katana, aiming for the creature's midsection.


The Mantis let out a hiss of pain as my blade sliced through its exoskeleton, causing it to become visible again.

Red blood trickled down through its wounds as it tried to retreat, but I wouldn't let it get away that easily.

I managed to land a few more swift sword strikes and kick the bug in the head before it managed to make some distance between us and hide again.


The creature let out another hiss, accessing its injuries and reconsidering its chances of winning the fight.

I could see the bug standing still as if assessing its options, and for a moment I thought it might retreat.


However, I was not going to let it live and potentially come back stronger. Corrupted Mantises were known for choosing one prey and hunting it until it was dead, and I didn't want to be that prey.

With a determined look on my face, I charged toward the Mantis, ready to give it the final strike.

As I approached the creature, it suddenly made a move, trying to dodge my attack.


My Katana's blade slashed through the air as I missed my intended target, and instead hit a nearby tree trunk.

However, I quickly regained my balance and prepared for another strike as the Mantis tried to attack me.


Its claws collided with my weapon, creating a loud metallic sound that echoed through the forest.


I tried to push the Mantis back, using all my strength and agility to avoid its razor-sharp claws, but it seemed that the monster's strength was above mine.

With each passing moment, I felt my energy and stamina depleting rapidly, while the Mantis seemed to be getting more aggressive.

Although it was wounded, it was still a deadly predator, and I knew that one wrong move could cost me my life.

I've had to rely on my strongest Skill.


Mana gathered in my palm as a Golden Dagger appeared in my grip, glowing with an intense radiance.


Even Mantis recognized the danger of the situation and hesitated for a moment before retreating a dozen steps backward.

"Too late..."

However, I was dead set on killing it, and with a swift motion, I threw the Golden Dagger directly at the Mantis.

The projectile tore through the air with incredible speed, piercing through its exoskeleton and striking the creature's vital organs.

Although as soon as the blade left my palm, it instantly started to deteriorate due to nothing providing it with Mana, it still managed to harm the Mantis.


The Mantis let out a raspy, anguished breath as it stumbled, but before it could even fall to the ground, I was already there, ready to deliver the final blow.


My Katana cleanly beheaded the Mantis, sending its head rolling on the ground several feet away.

"Fucking hell..."

As soon as the creature died, I leaned against a nearby tree, trying to regain my breath.

My arms were trembling from the physical exertion and my mind was dizzy, due to the low amount of Mana I currently had.

After taking a few minutes to rest, I quickly opened the creature's chest, but there was no core inside.

Although it was disheartening as hell to not be rewarded after a battle against an opponent a minor realm above you, I didn't care that much.


Looking at the Mantis carcass for a second I had the urge to kick it, but I knew it wouldn't change anything and just make me feel like a sadist.

I turned my head in the direction of the west, looking at the single mountain in the distance, and sighed.

The sun was still high in the sky, but I knew that I wouldn't be able to travel much further without replenishing my Mana reserves.

The past few battles I had were very reckless and something I wouldn't advocate for a week ago, but in this Dungeon, it seemed like a necessary risk to take.

I think my mind is becoming unstable.

Maybe being left alone is starting to take its toll on me?


I think I'm going insane.