Extra's Magic-Chapter 75 West

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Huff... Huff...

I slowly walked towards the mountain, feeling my legs grow fatigued with each step. Currently, I was midway up the steep incline, struggling to keep my balance on the rocky terrain. 𝚋𝚎𝚍𝚗𝚘𝚟el.𝚌o𝚖

I've chosen to climb this mountain for two reasons. Firstly, the Boss on the second floor of the dungeon had its lair, which I could easily spot from the summit. That is if it was on the Western side of the Island.

Secondly, there was a small chance that I might find some rare herbs or other useful plants growing in the mountain's higher elevations.

This giant mass of rock was a volcano, which had long since gone dormant. These volcanic mountains tend to have unique plants and herbs that cannot be found in other areas.

Thud... Thud...

I heard the sound of falling rocks and looking up, I noticed a small rockslide not too far in front of me.


Enchanting my legs with some Mana, I moved faster, jumping over the falling rocks and dodging jagged edges.

Some of the rocks scratched my boots, while small bits of debris hit my face, but I managed to make it past the rockslide unscathed.

It is common for volcanic mountains to have rough and unstable terrain, making climbing them a challenging task.

In addition to the difficult terrain, these mountains can also be home to extreme weather conditions, such as high winds and sudden temperature changes.

Since this world is a fantasy setting, it is also possible that a Great Sin would be dormant within the mountain.

"A Great Sin... Hihihih..."

I laughed at myself, trying to shake off the stupid thoughts. There was no way a Great Sin would be sealed in an F Rank Dungeon.

Even I, who spent countless hours studying and exploring this world's lore, knew that the likelihood of finding a Great Sin in such a low-level dungeon was close to none.

I knew the exact coordinates of only two Great Sins - Pride and Sloth - and both were located deep within S Rank Dungeons, where even the strongest adventurers struggled to survive.

If I were to find a Great Sin... Let's just say that my journey would come to a swift and unpleasant end.

Those 'things' were the embodiment of chaos, destruction, and power beyond human comprehension.


Feeling my grip loosen on the rocky terrain, I turned my attention back to the task at hand - climbing the mountain and reaching its summit.

Huff... Huff...

As I continued the climb, I noticed the vegetation around me changing from low-lying shrubs and hardy grasses to more delicate flowers and exotic-looking vines.

Even the purple color that was common on the island below was now replaced with more vibrant hues of pink and orange.

This almost felt like a completely different world, one that was only accessible to those willing to brave the treacherous climb and take in its unique beauty.


However, there was no time to swell on the beauty of nature surrounding me as my stomach growled loudly, reminding me that I had not eaten anything since entering the dungeon.


Looking around, I spotted a small tree with red leaves and small round fruits growing on its branches.

Although I knew the fruits were poisonous, I didn't hesitate to approach the sapling.


Since the tree's trunk was quite thin, it was easy to cut it down with one swift strike from my Katana.


The sound of the tree falling echoed through the area as I retrieved a small kitchen knife and Dire Rabbit's corpse from my Spatial Inventory.

With some difficulty, I managed to start a fire using some dry twigs and small branches that I had collected from around the area.

I also used my kitchen knife to skin and clean the rabbit, then skewered it on a stick that I propped up over the flames.

Crack... Crack...

As the rabbit sizzled and cooked over the fire, I couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction.

I couldn't remember the last time I had camped out and cooked my own food, especially in such a unique and dangerous environment.

Looking at the flames dancing in the campfire and the feeling they provided me, I started thinking about Earth.

Was there a possibility that Mana was also present there?


Lost in thought, I almost let the rabbit burn, but the smell of burning flesh brought me back to reality just in time.

I took the rabbit off the fire and allowed it to cool for a few minutes before biting into its succulent flesh, hoping to feel its juicy taste.

"It tastes like shit..."

However, my anticipation turned to disappointment as the rabbit tasted bland and tough, probably due to its diet.

I didn't dare to complain though, as it was still much better than going hungry.

Furthermore, I knew that survival in the dungeon required adapting to the situation and making do with what was available.

Crunch... Crunch...

Silently chewing the rabbit, I slowly extinguished the fire and threw the bones into a nearby crevice to avoid attracting any unwanted attention from dungeon creatures.

After making sure, there was no trace of my presence left, I picked up my pace, covering the remaining distance to the mountain summit with renewed vigor and a full stomach.


Taking the last few steps, I felt the cool mountain air fill my lungs and strong winds whip at my clothes.

Before me lay a breathtaking view of the surrounding valley and peaks, a sight that seemed like a mini map I could access while playing Leclentia.

My golden eyes began to slowly scavenge the landscape in front of me, searching for any clues about the Boss or Abnormal Structures in the view.

"Found it..."

For a moment, I scanned the valley below until my gaze caught sight of a strange structure at the far end.

Its imposing size and strange aura set it apart from the rest of the landscape, and I knew instantly that it was where I had to go next.

It was a biome shrouded in weird darkness and oddly shaped rocks, there was no greenery and it gave off an eerie feeling.

In the middle of the biome, I could see the faint silhouette of a weird rock spire, which I assumed was the Abnormal Structure and possibly where the Boss could be found.


However, the biome had another bizarre element to it.

There was a dragon's skeleton lying in the center of the area, its massive body curled up around the spire like a protective shell.

It seemed as if the dragon died trying to guard the Abnormal Structure, and it sent a chill down my spine as I couldn't imagine what kind of creature could kill a dragon.

These flying reptiles were the apex predators and even S+ Rank Awakeners struggled to defeat one.

I have to say, my motivation to quickly finish this floor and move on to the next one decreased tenfold.

I wanted nothing to do with that area, where even a dragon had fallen.

From its skeleton's size, I could tell it was an Adult one, meaning that it not only possessed immense strength but also a high level of intelligence.

For such a creature to fall...

I shuddered and looked beneath my feet. Maybe a Great Sin was actually sealed within the mountain?


In the end, I decided to move forward, but with extreme caution and vigilance. I also made a mental note not to fight whatever was residing in the Spire, but first to analyze the area.

The presence of the dragon's skeleton spoke volumes about the dangers that lay there.

Or maybe it had nothing to do with the cause of the dragon's death and I was just overthinking?

Regardless, I'd much rather be safe than sorry in this situation.

I took a deep breath and began slowly descending the mountain, making my way toward a Mole tunnel I had used previously.

The other tunnel I didn't take, because it went in the other direction than the mountain was now perfect for me.

The path would lead me toward the Spire or at least in the direction of it.

I wasn't naive to think that I was lucky enough to find a clear path to this biome, but at least I would be closer to my destination.


Finally, after an hour I reached where I left the mole's tunnel, but it was now blocked.

It either collapsed or had purposefully been clogged by the mole.

"I should've killed it..."

Cursing under my breath, I kneeled to see if I could dig through the blockage. Although it would take a significant amount of time, it was still my best option.

Rolling up my sleeves, I sunk my hands into the soil, starting to dig with my bare hands.

Although the soil was tough and compact, with roots snaking through it, my hands were more than able to handle the task.

I was an Awakener.