Fairy Tail: Collapsing Stars-Chapter 25 - I Wont Give Birth To Your Children

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Chapter 25 - I Won't Give Birth To Your Children

Seeing their relieved?faces , Su Wan?smiled wickedly then continued " That's?why I do hope you all will understand why I won't?be giving birth to your?children "

" What ?"

" Wife what do you mean? "

" Wan Wan !"

Lin Jing , Lin Chen and Lin Yan were stunned silly while Lin Rui?and Lin Yu exchanged a glance?with each other and sighed?. They knew it , their wife was so fierce , will she really let go this matter just like that ?

" Wan Wan , Wan Wan .. don't..don't?be angry "when?mother Lin?heard?her daughter in law say such a thing , she was scared silly . Not giving birth?? doesn't?it mean?that Su Wan?was refusing to consummate her marriage?with her sons?? If she didn't?consummate?her marriage then wouldn't?it mean that she was refusing to acknowledge?her?sons as her husbands?? how can?she allow such a thing to happen ?

" Mother , I'm?not angry " said Su Wan?as she hurriedly reached forward and held the trembling mother Lin's hand .

" But - but you just said -"

" Mother , I just?don't?want my children to suffer " explained Su Wan patiently " You heard what Ah Yan said they can not refuse the old Lin family requests , so doesn't it mean that they will continue with their previous life , where they ate coarse grain and pancakes while they earned hard so that Lin Che and his sister eat fine polished rice ? If that's what my husbands want to do then I will follow their steps , I have no qualms in eating coarse grain and watery soup with vegetable dregs but I will not allow my child to suffer like that . I am really not angry but I just can't see our children suffer in hunger while their cousin eat in luxurious meal that was brought of their own fathers hard earned money .Don't you think so mother ? "

Lin Yan heard Su Wan's worries and frowned .?He was a realistic?and never bothered about?the past and the future so much , what mattered?to him was the present?. Thus , when Su Wan?painted?such?an image of their future , Lin Yan couldn't?help but ponder about their situation?again .

" Wife- things won't?be that bad right? " said Lin Chen scratching his head , among?the five brothers Lin Chen was the one whose personality?was like that of happy go lucky?.?He was straightforward and simple , in his mind?even though?he thought?that his aunt and uncle were bad eggs?, Lin?Che wasn't?that bad after all his cousin was the only?one who gave?him boiled eggs?when he was a child?! Even though?Lin Chen knew that Lin Che?wasn't?smart , he never once thought?that his cousin too will depend upon?their family in the future .

But what Lin Chen didn't?understand was that with time , the pure and innocent Lin Che?was corrupted by his parents and older sister . With the passage of time?even he started?to take his hard?working cousins for granted !

Listening to Lin Chen words , Su Wan snorted angrily " What do you mean by it won't be that bad ? I don't know much about your family , that much is true but I can still understand your family dynamics from what happened today . At first your grandmother relied on your late father to run her household and when he passed away your aunt and uncle let the household expenses fell upon Lin Jing and Lin Yan and from then on you guys were the one who were responsible for the household expenses ,which is totally wrong . Even if your father was the eldest son of the family , its not your responsibility to earn in his place and take on his responsibilities , its your uncle's . Doesn't he call himself the head of the household ? Then it was his responsibility to earn money and run his household expenses but he didn't do that instead , he let his nephews who weren't even adults to feed him , his family and his mother . True you all are his nephews and have certain responsibilities towards him but that doesn't mean that you need to work yourself to bones while their family simply sits back and enjoy their life like lords . Its stupid of you to do that , your responsibilities only lies with sharing the family burden not witholding the entire family's expenses . You say its not that bad but I think it is , your grandmother took your father's efforts for granted and Your uncle and aunt took yours , who says that your cousin won't follow his parents steps and make life difficult for our children in the future ? In fact I can assure that he will because he has grown up under his parents teachings , he might have been nice to you at some point but now he is a grown up adult who have no talents and no future . Do you dare to say that he won't rely on you his cousins for raising his kids ? like his parents had been relying on you to raise your family ? I don't think so . People are selfish Lin Chen , they can be kind to you at some point but they won't remain kind forever . With your honest conduct , I can literally see my children getting bullied by their cousin just like you were and I'm selfish too - I can't let my children bear such sufferings . So , if you don't want to stop your grandmother and uncle's family from creating ruckus at ours , I won't say anything . If in the future we somehow made it big and your uncle comes to create trouble for us you can do whatever all of you want, you all can even give all our earnings to them but if so then you all will only be responsible for raising their children and grandchildren not ours because their won't be one in the first place "

Once?Su Wan?was done?speaking , she?helped mother Lin sit down on the stool under the shade of the?tree?and walked inside the?house without?looking at her husbands?.

Lin Jing?and the others heard their wife's?disappointed sigh and?clenched?their fists?.?Especially?Lin Jing?who wished he could return in time and drag?the old Lin family?back?to their house even if they made a joke of themselves?in front?of the villagers

" W..wife is?r..right " after a short pause Lin Yu who was the most timid?out of the five Lin brothers spoke up first?" i...if we don't?p...put a st..stop on the o..old Lin fa..fa..family?right now , we wi..will the o..ones?su..su..su...suffering?"

" Yes " sighed Lin Rui rubbing his face?in his hands?" Ah Yu is right , and Wan Wan?is right?too . Its time we stop this?or our family might?really suffer?a lot of losses . Wan Wan already told us that we can start working at her dowry shops , what if the shops start generating?good revenues?won't?our uncle and aunt coming to create a din everyday?demanding money?from us ?"

" We will " sneered Lin Yan after?he finished thinking?things through?, at first he thought?that separating?from the Lin family?was the only?think they need to do but only now he realized?that the old Lin family 's skin was so?thick .

" En " agreed Lin Jing?then all of them turned?to look at their mother who sighed and shook her head " don't?look at me , when I first married your?father , I too asked him that he needs to draw certain limits . But your?father was just too filial in his heart he treated the old madam Lin?really well because she brought?him up after his mother's?death . I tried to reason?it out with him that the way old madam Lin?brought?him up wasn't?how somebody will raise their child , the old madam treated him like a servant?but your father kept hanging?on to the promise that your grandfather took from him that is to treat the old madam Lin and her son?well and that was the reason why he taught?you all such a biased things as well . He would have?never?thought that because of his stupid?filial peity?one day he will lose his life and ruin all of your?life as well . Cough "

" Mother " Lin Jing?hurriedly?rubbed Mother Lin 's back and coaxed her but mother Lin shook her head and pushed?her son's?hand away " go , talk with?Wan Wan . She wants what's?good for this?family don't?let her stay mad at all of?you?for long "

" Okay " exchanging?a nervous?glance with his brothers?Lin Chen?rushed in the house with his brothers?in tow while Lin Jing helped mother Lin inside .