Family Of Ghosts-Chapter 132

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Chapter 132: Bring More People

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

โ€œSorry to scare you.โ€ The leader bent down and tried to smooth things over. His words were polite, but his eyes had a scheming look. โ€œWeโ€™ll retreat now.โ€ ๐™›๐™ง๐™š๐’†๐˜ธ๐šŽ๐™—๐’oฮฝ๐™š๐˜ญ.๐œ๐’m

Before he left, he even bowed to Ye Xiao and quickly left with the group.

Seeing that the problem was resolved, Ye Xiao closed the door. He sat on the sofa calmly and said with a meaningful tone, โ€œPan Pan, actually, itโ€™s quite boring for you to hide it from me. Donโ€™t you have anything to say to me?โ€

โ€œDid you hear what they said just now? Should we continue? Or do you want to tell me the truth?โ€

After Ye Xiao made himself clear, Cen Pan suddenly realized something. No wonder when they were lovemaking just now, Ye Xiao had used so much strength. He already knew that she was hiding someone. He deliberately made her moan loudly. He was indirectly punishing her for hiding it.

This man was scheming. Cen Pan understood and sat at the side sulkily. She was unwilling to speak.

Ye Xiao snorted lightly. โ€œThe moment I entered, I knew you had something going on. I thought you would come clean with me, but I didnโ€™t expect you to refuse to tell meโ€ฆ The smell of blood in this room is very strong. Looks like that person is quite severely injured. If this continues, the person youโ€™re hiding will die.โ€

Ye Xiao stared at Cen Pan. He didnโ€™t believe that she would remain silent.

As expected, Cen Pan immediately stood up. She couldnโ€™t help but ask, โ€œIs it that serious?โ€

โ€œAre you willing to tell me now?โ€ Ye Xiao had a smile on his face.

Cen Pan bit her lip and could only say, โ€œI canโ€™t hide anything from you. I didnโ€™t do it on purpose. After all, Kitten Ye is in the room. That man seems to be quite tough. Kitten Ye and I are so weak. I was afraid that he would hurt us, so I agreed.โ€

โ€œSince youโ€™ve already left him in the room, we canโ€™t watch him die here, at least not now.โ€

Ye Xiao knew that Cen Pan was kind. He didnโ€™t want to hurt her feelings.

Cen Pan kissed Ye Xiaoโ€™s cheek. She knew that he wouldnโ€™t turn a blind eye. โ€œThat man is in the bathroom. Heโ€™s injured and hasnโ€™t been treated yet.โ€

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She brought Ye Xiao to the bathroom. When she opened the door, she realized that the man was already unconscious.

โ€œCould he be dead?โ€ Cen Pan was a little anxious.

Ye Xiao checked the manโ€™s breathing. โ€œHeโ€™s alive.โ€

He took out his phone and called Chen Feng. When the other party picked up the call, he instructed, โ€œI asked you to check on Cen Panโ€™s location. She and I are at XX Hotel now. Something happened. Itโ€™s dangerous outside. Bring your people here. By the way, remember to bring a suitcase.โ€


Chen Feng, who was on the other end of the line, agreed. He had an idea in mind. He was going to send more bodyguards, but they couldnโ€™t show up in broad daylight because it would attract too much attention.

Not long after, Chen Feng arrived at the hotel. He came alone and before he entered, he specially observed his surroundings. โ€œIโ€™ve already arranged for people in the dark. It will be very safe. Where are we going now?โ€

Ye Xiao glanced at the suitcase in Chen Fengโ€™s hand and his gaze darkened. โ€œCome to the bathroom with me.โ€

Chen Feng jumped in fright when he saw who was in the washroom. He immediately understood something. โ€œThere are a lot of people outside. They seem to be searching for something. Could they be looking for this person?โ€

Ye Xiao nodded. โ€œThatโ€™s right.โ€

Ye Xiao and Chen Feng finally stuffed him into a suitcase. With the suitcase, they would be able to move around more freely. At the very least, they wouldnโ€™t be exposed.