Feng Yu Jiu Tian-Volume 15 Chapter 5.2

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This actually has been edited long time by Minak Amie but since I'm on holiday I didn't see the email until today. Thanks for your hard work! And also thanks for your comments and encouragement. Even thought my pace would be slow but I also want to read the whole deal so I'll keep translating.

I’m changing the maids’ name. I have been meaning to do this for a long time. Actually in Pinyin, their name would start with Qiu=Autumn. So, Lan-Blue...Yue-Moon...Xing-Star... and I am mainly translating based on Pinyin translation. I'm too lazy to change previous post so see when my mood come I'll change it.


Now thatQiu Lan was a married woman, she had slightly grown immune to this type ofsituation. She merely brushed it off with a soft laugh and teasingly said,“Duke Ming can just pretend that we don’t exist.” She then placed a silverbasin of hot water down gently and prepared a towel for Rong Tian and Feng Mingto wipe their faces.

Qiu Yueand Qiu Xing had long been exposed to the duo’s unrestrained love-play whileserving in the Imperial Palace. However, seeing Rong Tian’s unbridled advanceson Duke Ming still brought a blush to their faces and caused their hearts torace. Laughing shyly with their faces lowered, the two maid carefully preparedthe morning tea and several types of pastries. They then brought the items tothe bedside for Feng Ming and Rong Tian’s convenience.

Waitingfor Rong Tian’s hold to grow lax, Feng Ming finally managed to escape theKing’s embrace with much difficulty. His face and neck showed traces of redmarks scattered all over. The redness somehow complimented the beautiful blackhair that fell seductively over his shoulders. His appearance right now wascompletely captivating to the eyes.

Feng Ming glared at Rong Tian. “If I knew you were going to behave like this, Iwould have accepted Qing Zhang’s invitation. Hmph, I should have left you hereto be alone.”

While hecomplained, he could see Rong Tian closing his eyes, fully enjoying Qiu Lan’smeticulous care in wiping his face. Watching them, he couldn’t help but movecloser to snatch the towel away from the maid and hatefully demanded, “Let medo it!”

At first,he fully intended to wipe roughly at the irritatingly good-looking face,however seeing the fatigue that remained in his expression, his heart couldn’thelp but fill up with distress.

Rong Tianknew of Feng Ming’s usual childish habits and was aware of his ill intentions whencoming closer, however he still closed his eyes and silently indulged hislover’s whims.

After afleeting moment of hesitation, Feng Ming began to use the soft towel to gentlyclean Rong Tian’s face, from eyelids to cheeks, tracing the outline of the facehe had missed.

Thinkingabout his life, he had someone who he loved from the bottom of his heart. Thiskind of feeling was something he found hard to believe.

He couldonly curse himself for being so unrestrained. Suddenly, the disgusting proverb,“absence makes the heart grow fonder” appeared in his mind.

Living byRong Tian’s side, even the most common and trivial matter could fill him up tothe brim with sweetness and joy.

The 3girls standing nearby felt like the beautiful moment shouldn’t be disturbed,covering their smiles, they simply stood on the side and silently waited. Theysecretly exchanged grins and meaningful glances at one another.

Waitinguntil Feng Ming finished his rare special service, Qiu Lan stood ready to takeback the damp towel in his hands. Rong Tian opened his eyes and looked at FengMing in a warm and loving way, asking in a gentle tone, “Me...You…eat somethingfirst, okay?”

“No, no…Not like that!” Feng Ming laughed adorably and responded, “Me…You…”

[TLN: I think I needto explain this“Me..You”sentence – It is directly translated from the raw. Ithink this some sort of their love-talking jokes originated from Vol 1 whenthey first met and Feng Ming fainted after being assaulted by Rong Tian. Atthat time he asked him something like..Me..me..you..you.. did you do me..ha ha something like that. Forabove sentence, whoever said “Me “first is the one who serve the other..]

The twoclever sisters did not need to wait for any order, immediately bringing forthsome of Rong Tian’s favorite pastries to Feng Ming. Choosing a piece, Feng Mingbit off a small amount in order to taste it.

“Eat thisone, it suits your taste. However, it seems to have a stronger flavor thanusual…” Feng Ming proceeded to put the partly eaten pastry directly in RongTian’s mouth.

Rong Tiantook his time chewing it, trying to identify the source of the difference. “Itappears something like a sweet-based plant has been added in order to improvethe taste,” he praised. When it came to food, Qiu Lan had always been the mostskilled in creating delicious meals.

[TLN: DirectTranslation: sweet grass/vanilla but later Qiu Lan would identify this plant asPu Luo.]

Qiu Lanhad been standing on the side waiting to serve the tea, however when she heardRong Tian’s praise, she couldn’t help but slightly tremble, spilling some ofthe tea as a result. Her heart swelled with pride as she shyly bowed and said,“Your Highness’ praise is too much, this servant has done nothing great.Indeed, within, I had included Han Ruo’s special commodity, Pu Luo. Thisservant had tasted it and thought mixing it within the dough would create agood flavor, so I tried it out on one of the pastries’ recipes.”

Afterreuniting with Feng Ming, Rong Tian’s mood had been extremely good. Therefore,towards his servants, his demeanor was more kind and pleasant. Afteracknowledging Qiu Lan’s explanation, he wanted some of the tea.

Qiu Lanimmediately went to serve him and waited until he drank a mouthful.

Rong Tiancasually spoke, “These pastries are delicious. Feng Ming, get me another one.”

“Yes, myKing.” Imitating the maids’ subservient tone, Feng Ming laughed cheerfully andcomplied with the request. He took about 2 or 3 pastries at a time for RongTian.

RongTian’s huge endeavor had caused his appetite to increase. Currently, he wasrelaxed as he comfortably leaned against the headboard surrounded by threemaids and the charmingly cute Duke Ming. This scene could be described as“enjoying the world’s greatest blessings.” Soon, the small plate the pastrieshad laid upon was completely clean.

Feng Mingordered Qiu Yue to bring more and teasingly winked at Rong Tian. “Is it becauseI’m serving you that your appetite has become so big?”

Eventhough he was laughing, inside, his heart was painfully hurting.

Followingtheir separation, Rong Tian had rushed all the way to Dong Fan and back inorder to get to his side. He had to travel a much longer distance than FengMing did, and in addition, he had to do it secretly in order to avoid theirenemies. In such conditions, who knows what kinds of foods had been eaten alongthe way.

Rong Tianno longer leaned on the headboard when Qiu Yue returned with a new plate.Sitting up straight, he pulled Feng Ming back into his embrace and said, “Come,let this King feed you.”

Despitetheir bodies being a part from one another for a while, the Wolf King’sperverted nature had not disappeared. Placing a pastry in his own mouth, themaids stood in shock with bulging eyes as they saw him lean his body towardsFeng Ming, using his mouth to feed the other.

“Don’t…ah…”Feng Ming felt embarrassed. He tried to protest and push the other man away,but the small pastry had already been delivered into his mouth by then.

Thesupposedly ordinary breakfast had suddenly changed from innocent to indecent.Not only eating, even drinking had been fed mouth to mouth.

Feng Mingfelt a deep sense of remorse when it came to this loathsome person. In the nearfuture, he would most likely be teased and made a laughingstock by Qiu Lan andthe others. Right at this moment, what he desired most was to give a strongkick towards Rong Tian. However, he was incredibly hopeless at resisting andultimately, the food ended up either in his or Rong Tian’s mouth.

In themidst of his suffering, Rong Hu entered smiling ear-to-ear, happily reporting, “Good news! Zi Yan has returned.”

Feng Mingwas pleasantly surprised and abruptly sat up on the bed. “Zi Yan is back!?”