Fighting to be Kind in a Cultivation World-Chapter 385: Competitive Snuggling [Warning – Sexual Content Warning]

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Chapter 385: Competitive Snuggling [Warning – Sexual Content Warning]

Gong and Shi slowly approach my raised member with hunger in their eyes. As they inch closer, I can see Shi whisper to Gong, giving her evil ideas on how to make this worse (better).

All the while, I keep whispering wonderful things to my cute Ai, making her sigh and moan happily, as I kiss her. Her own hand practically a blur between her legs.

“Mmm….Ai… I want you to remember this later. When you’re alone in your room.”

I whisper closer to her ear.

“My cute, wonderfully beautiful, Ai… you are such a precious part of my life. I can’t wait to see all the things we’ll experience together. Me… and you.”


I grin as I see her eyes fluttering closed. I mutter to myself.

“Heh, another wiiiIIIIIN…MMMMMmmmmm.”

Ai passes out, happily, but not before I’m devoured below by the scheming Shi and Gong, leading to my suddenly raised voice.

Gong is going to town with her long tongue and deep throat. With Shi, grasping the back of her head, moving it up and down on me. Whispering in Gong’s ear with a growl.

“Mmm… you like that, don’t you, Gong? How long have you been wanting to taste him? To get close to his smell?”

Well… there are a few…mmmmmmm…. few kinks here to parse.

…but I’m just going to enjoy this ride.

There isn’t much to consider when I’m being sent to the moon in pleasure. My mind turning to mush.

Mmm…this feels so good.

Fuck….I…I want to counterattack!

With this in mind and Ai already conquered, I might just have a chance.

Using my increased abilities, I shift my position to be underneath Gong’s body, right where her human half and spider half meet. And promptly begin pleasuring her with my mouth. My hand reaching to her breast to tease her weak point there.

Of course, Gong is actually faster than I am, so she could have dodged it normally… but she was quite ‘distracted’ and I’m not sure she’d avoid it, anyway.

“Ughhh…yesh…right dere.”

At the same time, my hand snakes toward Shi’s butt, her weak point. Shi almost dodges, but hesitates, like I assumed she might. Letting me grasp it firmly.

“Guh! You caught me.”

She has a competitive grin on. Something I can only see with my scan, because I’m going absolutely wild on Gong’s lower lips. For her breasts, I’m going at a completely different pace, massaging it slowly and gently. Letting the difference between the two drive her wild.

She’s out of the running.

But Shi isn’t. And she’s been at this sort of work far longer than any of us have.

Despite my grasping of her butt and her moans as I massage it, she takes hold of Gong’s head, still near my member… and pushes it up and down like a pogo stick.


I can’t take the pleasure.

…But I can at least take Gong down with me.

I redouble my efforts to please her and soon enough, Gong and I cum together.

As Gong, Lin, Ai, and I lay exhausted on the ground, Shi holds her fist to the sky, in victory.

However, I’ve already healed and am ready for another round…

… I’ll let her have this moment, though.

[End Warning – End Sexual Content Warning]

After this, Shi collapse onto bed as the winner of our group battle. Ecstatic at her success and that she’s still got it.

I swiftly start picking us all up and leaning us against the bedrest together. And start the group cuddle, somehow fitting us all in my arms (with Gong positioning herself toward us to help). Covering us all with the massive, comfortable blanket.

Ai and Lin have woken up already, but are quite ready for sleep. Of course, with our enhanced bodies, we could keep going… but the safety and comfort of this moment and cuddle… it’s relaxing. A safe haven and resting place.

Lin… the one who fell first, dazedly speaks.

“Oh, yeah… we’re definitely doing this again.”

At her words, we all burst out laughing. To which she defends herself with a slurred voice.

“H-hey! You know we’re all thinking it! What’s so funny?”

We laugh even harder at this, in full agreement, but loving her not getting why we’re laughing.

I can’t help but pull them all closer to me. Even as we had fallen into the lust aspect of our relationship… the connection between us is strong. The care we have for each other is just one aspect of this relationship… and one I hope we can continue to cultivate.

I finally lay back, letting myself fall asleep on this absurdly comfortable bed.

I don’t have to sleep… but it will be nice to just let go for a bit.

With that thought, I let myself truly rest for the first time in a very long time. My mind drifting off to sleep.

I wake up, finding myself resting on Gong’s lap, with the rest of the girls laying bundled up around us, with just one notable exception. Ai is sprawled out, her mouth slackened and fully relaxed. Drool coming down her face.

Gently, I wipe the drool from her face and climb out of bed. Instantly, Gong is awake and I feel her eyes watching me. I put my hands to my mouth for her to keep quiet, indicating that I’m going to use the restroom. She nods and heads back to sleep.

Just before I go, I look at the four of them. All sleeping together peacefully. Glad that I can be part of their lives.

Once I come back from the restroom, I go through my plan for the day.

There’s quite a bit to look into. Whether it’s the necromancer demihumans girl or preparing for my meeting with Big Sis Crane… there’s any number of areas that could be red flags.

I lean against the wall in the hallway, just thinking and using my scan on the best ways to approach each issue on my plate. Unfortunately, for things like this, the hard part isn’t the lack of choices, but the surplus of them. Each with different, but still beneficial, effects.

But a decision needs to be made. So, I make it.

While the others get setup down here, I’ll go with Gong to meet back up with the other demihumans and get an idea of the changes that have happened. For Big Sis Crane, she’ll reach out to Gong when she wants us to come to her.

With my decision made, coincidentally, it looks like everyone else is finally waking up, as well. Lin waddles out of the room, heading to the bathing area, like we used to. Probably not fully conscious enough to remember there is a giant spirit beast there.

Well…. If it hasn’t attacked us yet for bathing there, it probably won’t now. Especially considering the results of the scan. Just in case, though, we should bathe together there.

Totally no ulterior motives here.


I follow behind her and, on the way, she suddenly remembers about the spirit beast. And starts panicking, literally about to sprint in the other direction.

“Woah, it’s alright. It won’t harm us. It’s sealed, remember? Also, don’t forget, I’m here. I won’t let anything happen to you guys.”

“Ah…. That’s true.”

She does something unexpected, wrapping her arms around mine and laying her head on my shoulder as we walk. No additional questions, just closeness and trust. Surprisingly, the bathing is just a relaxing time. She goes to one corner, with me in the other.

Just like old times.

But there’s definitely an extra element to our relationship after we made love. One, which I’ll need more than a scan to figure out.