Fire Mage-Chapter 629 Nightstalker

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Chapter 629: Nightstalker

"It's truly a place devoid of any human activities." Charles muttered slowly and descended from the sky. Before long, he landed on the grassy land and released his wisdom power in all directions.

As Charles extended the reach of his wisdom power, its invisible tendrils gradually spread through the surrounding environment, reaching out to unravel the mysteries hidden within. However, as the wisps of his power reached further, they inadvertently caught the attention of a peculiar creature lurking in the vicinity.

A four-eyed panther, towering at an impressive height of two meters, possessed an uncanny awareness that surpassed that of ordinary beasts. Its keen senses detected a disturbance in the fabric of the invisible energy, prompting it to shift its focus toward Charles abruptly.

Caught off guard by the sudden attention directed towards him, Charles found himself momentarily startled.

'A Legend Rank Magical Beast? No, it's only a peak Pseudo-Legend Magical Beast.'

Before he could organize his thoughts, a low, menacing growl emanated from the shadows behind him, instantly shattering the calm atmosphere. The growl carried a weighty sense of danger, causing Charles's expression to shift from curiosity to utmost seriousness.

It was the same four-eyed panther!

'How did it manage to appear behind me? Instant teleportation?' Charles didn't hesitate momentarily and activated the [Accelerated Thoughts] skills.

Simultaneously, he activated his [Eye of Faceless] and [Eye of Runes] skills, turned around in a blink, and observed its every movement.

At that moment, the four-eyed panther released its wisdom power and merged it with the shadows.

It was more like a domain spell!

As long as Charles was within this domain, it could sneak behind him anytime and kill him soundlessly.

At that moment, a row of information about the four-eyed panther appeared before Charles's eyes.

'Nightstalker, the Harbinger of Shadows...' But what startled him most was that his [Eyes of Runes] skill couldn't see through its bloodline spells!

'It not only has shadow domain spell but also strange teleportation. I need to be careful.'

Charles's mind raced as he assessed the situation and prepared for the imminent battle. The Nightstalker, with its piercing four eyes, crept closer, its massive form exuding an aura of darkness and malice. Charles knew that this would be no ordinary confrontation.

Although he had battled Legend Rank Powerhouses and even won one-on-one, he knew the difference between a Legendary human and a Legendary Beast.

'To kill a Legend Rank Beast, you need at least more than five legend rank mystics. Although this magical beast is only at Peak Pseudo-Legend Rank, I can't act carelessly.' As he readied for battle, his body radiated dense fire elemental energy, causing a rippling flame effect.

It appeared more like his Inner World was starting to manifest in the real world.

Charles readied himself and turned solemn as the crimson flames flickered around him.

Not wasting a moment, he unleashed his first move. With a sweeping motion, he calmly raised his hand and cast the [Finger of Destruction] spell at the Nightstalker.

But to his surprise, Nightstalker moved sideways like it was drifting, enveloped its body in darkness, and disappeared like it was never there before!

At that moment, Charles received two notifications about the bloodline spells it used.

'Shadowsteps and Umbral Veil.'

What annoyed him was that even his 'Eye of Runes' skill couldn't find any anomaly around him.

'Tsk, I can't rely on Eye of Runes.' Charles blinked and focused on the twenty future visions unfolding before his eyes.

At first, it showed different types of futures, but as seconds passed, it slowly stopped at a particular one.

'In five seconds, more than fifty shadow tendrils will appear from the nearby tree shadows and completely bind my body.' He also saw a glimpse of Nightstalker's location in the vision and decided to ambush it.

His instincts kicked into overdrive as he processed the information provided by his visions. He had five seconds to evade the imminent onslaught of shadow tendrils and launch a surprise attack on the elusive Nightstalker. With unwavering determination, he swiftly formulated a plan of action.

Without wasting a moment, Charles entered a deep-concentrated state and was ready to cast the [Finger of Destruction] spell at any moment. He focused on a particular area, preparing to strike at the heart of the Nightstalker's shadowy existence.

As the seconds ticked away, Charles remained alert; his senses heightened to their fullest extent. The surrounding environment seemed to shift, the shadows growing darker and more sinister as the Nightstalker prepared to unleash its onslaught.

Just as his visions had foretold, many shadow tendrils burst forth from the nearby trees, their malevolent energy seeking to entangle Charles's body and render him helpless.

Anticipating this precise moment, he activated his [False Blink] spell and disappeared.

In a flash, Charles's body faded into a crimson human form, easily bypassing the encroaching tendrils. He reappeared behind the Nightstalker, positioning himself strategically for a surprise attack. In his hand, the flickering flames of the chaos fire intensified, imbuing his next strike with an intensified fury.

As the Nightstalker turned to face its assailant, a cascade of fiery energy erupted from Charles's outstretched hand. The Finger of Destruction spell surged forth, converging on the Nightstalker with unrelenting force. The reddish chaotic flame sought to pierce the beast.

But the Nightstalker was no ordinary opponent. It effortlessly evaded Charles's attack in a display of supernatural agility, shifting through the darkness with unnatural grace. The spell passed through empty air, leaving Charles momentarily stunned.

Undeterred, he quickly adapted to the situation. With a flick of his wrist, he unleashed a barrage of [Fireballs], spells infused with chaotic fire energy aimed at the Nightstalker's new position. The balls exploded upon impact, shrouding the area in a chaotic fire, momentarily disorienting the beast.

Seizing the opportunity, he activated the Rebirth Domain, momentarily slowing time around himself and the Nightstalker.

Within this slowed temporal space, Charles darted forward, his movements enhanced by the effects of the False Field.

As he closed the distance, he unleashed a devastating combination of spells and skills. The air crackled with flame energy as he conjured fire spells to restrain the Nightstalker's movements, limiting its ability to evade his attacks. Simultaneously, he cast the [Soul Shock] spell, sending waves of soul fire surging through the creature's soul, temporarily immobilizing it.

Charles swiftly closed the gap between them as the creature broke free from his restraints, surging with dark power. With a masterful display of agility and precision, he positioned himself directly in front of the Nightstalker, his eyes gleaming.

Taking a deep breath, Charles coldly gazed at the magical beast and cast the [Burning Thoughts] spell. This potent spell enveloped the Nightstalker's mind in a haze of confusion, momentarily burning its thoughts. Taking advantage of this momentary lapse, Charles swiftly followed up with the devastating [Finger of Destruction] spell.

In an instant, a thunderous explosion echoed through the air, resonating with the force of raw firepower. The Nightstalker's colossal form trembled as a fist-sized hole materialized in its forehead, evidence of the devastating impact of Charles's spell. A profound silence descended upon the battlefield as the majestic four-eyed panther slowly toppled, its once formidable presence diminished.

The surrounding air grew heavy with the weight of the fallen beast as it hit the ground with a resounding thud. A palpable stillness settled over the land, punctuated only by the sight of the fatal wound that adorned the Nightstalker's forehead. The significance of Charles's victory reverberated through the atmosphere, a testament to his unwavering determination and formidable powers.

As Charles stood before the fallen Nightstalker, his breathing steady and gaze fixed upon the lifeless form, he couldn't help but feel relief and accomplishment.

At that moment, a notification popped up before his eyes.

[3 wisdom points obtained!]

'Oh? I didn't expect I would get five wisdom points for killing a Pseudo-Legend Rank magical beast. How much will I get after killing a true Legendary Magical Beast?' But he knew it wasn't an easy matter. Although he managed to kill this beast easily, he knew it wouldn't work on a true Legend Rank Magical Beast.

'Some magical beast like Nightmare Wolf might even grow resistance to my trump card spell and nullify it completely. At that time, I might end up in a vulnerable position.' Shaking his head, Charles moved closer to the fallen corpse, took a sharp knife from his space ring, and started skinning it.

After that, he dissected the corpse and soon took a small head-sized eerie blackish crystal from its heart region.

'Perfect... No, it's Fairy Rank Crystal.' He nodded thoughtfully and started observing the crystal.

'Why do I feel shadow essences hidden in there?' As he further observed the crystal, he soon learned that this magical crystal had spell model imprints.

'I should give it to Runeth and let him analyze it.' He nodded thoughtfully and started exploring Verdant Grove.

In stark contrast to his previous encounters, Charles exercised caution and refrained from haphazardly unleashing his wisdom power upon his surroundings. Instead, he moved with a measured step, deliberately choosing a random direction as he navigated the unknown terrain. His primary objective, without a shadow of a doubt, was to embark on a quest in pursuit of the 'Star Totems.'

After a relatively short time, he drew nearer to the serene lake, its crystal-clear waters shimmering under the gentle touch of the sun's rays. The tranquil atmosphere surrounding the lake resonated with the seeker's purpose, heightening his anticipation for what lay ahead. During this moment, his wandering eyes fell upon a sight that stirred his curiosity—an ancient structure standing proudly but dilapidated amidst the untouched beauty of the surroundings.

To his initial surprise, he soon discovered that it was not merely a ruin but rather a temple—a sacred abode that had stood the test of time. The temple's weathered facade displayed a tapestry of faded colors as if longing to recount the stories of bygone eras. Intricate carvings of snakes adorned the stone walls, whispering secrets of forgotten rituals that once permeated the air within those sacred walls.

With cautious steps and a mind filled with wonder, Charles approached the temple's entrance. The heavy snake-patterned wooden doors, aged and weary, seemed to beckon him forth as if aware of his purpose and ready to reveal the hidden treasures.

'A temple of Snake Deity?'

He cautiously crossed the threshold into the sanctuary and soon arrived at the sanctum sanctorum.