Fire Mage-Chapter 630 Serpent

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Chapter 630: Serpent

In the heart of the sacred sanctorum, an awe-inspiring sight greeted Charles—a magnificent crystalline statue meticulously crafted to depict the ethereal beauty of a young woman. While standing tall and commanding attention, the statue exuded an aura of enchantment that captivated his eyes. The woman frozen in time appeared to be in her prime, her age ambiguously poised between youth and maturity, perhaps somewhere in her twenties or thirties. Cascading down her shoulders were abundant tresses of curly hair, each strand resembling sinuous serpents, lending an air of mystique to her countenance.

As Charles's gaze met the statue's face, a mesmerizing spectacle awaited—a pair of eyes resembling gemstones, shimmering with a kaleidoscope of colors. Like radiant rainbows dancing within the depths of those precious orbs, the eyes possessed an otherworldly allure, drawing observers into a realm of profound fascination. The woman's visage, frozen in eternal grace, emanated a serene aura that seemed to hold secrets of ancient wisdom and deep understanding.

While adorned in a flowing, floor-length gown, the statue exuded an air of regality and elegance. The fabric draped gracefully around her form as if touched by a divine hand. The gown's intricate design, meticulously carved into the crystalline structure, accentuated the woman's slender figure and added a touch of ethereal splendor to her presence.

Charles stared at the captivating figure for a moment and soon turned his gaze toward the murals and inscriptions drawn on the walls.

Although he didn't understand the language, his Rune Eye activated and tried deciphering it.

'My Rune Eye isn't powerful enough to decipher an unknown language. The reason I manage to decipher the language written on Violet's house entrance is mainly because of its origin. Although I still couldn't guess which language it was or which language family does it belong to, I know that it originated from Earth. But this language looks completely unknown to me. It doesn't have any relation with Nether Language, or Rune Language, or any Edhen World language.' He muttered solemnly and soon shook his head. After that, he turned his attention toward the altar table behind the crystalline statue and noticed ten unique empty bowls arranged in order.

But what startled him was he saw a small blackish egg placed at the center of the table and looked eerie.

"Is it some kind of resurrection ceremony?" He voiced out his thoughts and decided not to disturb the altar.

After that, he quietly walked out of the ruined temple and started his exploration. Although he met three more Pseudo-Legend Rank Magical Beasts along the way, he managed to kill them without any difficulty and even found something unique.

'All the elemental stones I got from these Magical Beasts have unique strange spell imprints. No, there seems to be a small lifeform made of pure essences living within those crystals!' At that moment, a strange thought appeared in his head.

'Could it be? Are they Star Totems?' Surprised by this discovery, he continued his journey and started hunting all the Pseudo-Legendary Magical Beasts.

Seven hours had passed since he hunted the eighth Magical Beast!

'I only have 2 hours left.' He muttered while moving towards the mountain range that appeared before him. To be precise, his next destination was the waterfalls.

'That's where I sensed a very strong presence a while ago.'

Charles pressed forward, his anticipation mounting as he approached the majestic waterfalls within the mountain range's heart. The rushing sounds of cascading water echoed in his ears, inviting him to witness the natural splendor that awaited him.

As he drew closer, the air grew cooler, and mist enveloped his surroundings. The waterfalls, an awe-inspiring sight, revealed themselves in all their grandeur. Water gushed in torrents from great heights, crashing against the rocks below, creating a symphony of nature's might and grace.

Undeterred by the awe-inspiring power of the cascading waterfalls, Charles strode forward, his every step resonating with an unyielding determination. As he entered the vicinity, a peculiar energy enveloped him, tingling against his skin and quickening his pulse. His sharp eyes narrowed, scanning the area with unwavering focus, eager to unravel the being concealed within. And then, amidst the tumultuous rush of water, a sight unfolded before him that stirred a mix of astonishment and intrigue.

Within the turbulent currents emerged a mesmerizing figure, its sinuous form undulating with grace and purpose. This majestic creature, resembling a serpent, captivated Charles's gaze. Stretching an impressive length of approximately 40 to 50 meters, it possessed an awe-inspiring presence.

Its body, seemingly as massive as an elephant, was adorned with splendid crystalline green scales, glistening in the cascading sunlight. While radiating an otherworldly allure, the serpent-like being sported gem-like eyes that shimmered with a kaleidoscope of rainbow hues, reflecting its profound connection to the elements.

As Charles continued to observe in rapt fascination, he noticed a striking feature adorning the creature's neck. A peculiar monocellate hooded pattern, intricately woven with intricate detail, graced its underside, further enhancing its enigmatic allure. This intricate design appeared as if meticulously crafted from the purest emerald, a testament to the creature's elegance and inherent mystique.

'Chinese Dragon... No, it's winged Serpant.' He muttered slowly and drew a deep breath in shock and astonishment. His astonishment and shock weren't due to its majestic appearance but to its strength.

It was a True Legend Rank Magical Beast!

'Come closer, my child!'

The air was heavy with an eerie stillness as the whisper, barely audible yet strangely enticing, reached Charles's ears. Its mysterious allure compelled him, almost against his will, to take a step closer. The voice was inexplicably captivating, drawing him in with a subtle but irresistible force.

As if fate had a darker twist, Charles discovered something even more astonishing. Unbeknownst to him, he had unwittingly fallen under the influence of a captivation-type bloodline spell. The spell exerted supernatural control, compelling him to move towards the nearby water source, its enchantment woven deeply into his very being.

'No good! It's actually managed to influence my consciousness without even knowing!' He barely understood the situation before his consciousness became a complete puppet of the Serpent.

Simultaneously, the magnificent serpentine creature sensed Charles's approach. It gracefully departed from its position near the mesmerizing waterfalls and elegantly slithered towards his direction, its serpentine form undulating with a grace that defied explanation.

Soon enough, the Serpent arrived before him, its head held high and its body hovering above the ground. Its iridescent scales shimmered in the ambient light, captivating the eyes with a mesmerizing display of colors. With a deliberate motion, it coiled its midsection in mid-air, forming an intricate structure surrounding Charles like an otherworldly embrace.

As the serpentine creature completed its ethereal encircling, it fixed its piercing gaze upon him, peering deep into the very depths of his soul. Its eyes held a mysterious power, as if they could read the memories hidden within his mind.

With a deliberate and unhurried motion, the Serpent extended its forked tongue towards Charles, glistening with a potent venomous liquid. Like a sinister caress, the serpentine appendage slithered around his neck, encircling him in a subtle, constricting grip. The danger lurking within the Serpent's actions became evident in that instant.

Within a fraction of a second, a peculiar and unsettling substance, an eerie liquid formed of pure darkness essence, infiltrated Charles's body. It flowed through his veins, navigating towards the core of his being—the sanctuary of his mind. Once there, it began its insidious work, permeating his consciousness and initiating a vicious poisoning that reached depths beyond the physical realm.

Simultaneously, in a display of ominous intelligence, the Serpent tapped into its bloodline ability to read the very memories that shaped Charles's existence. It delved into his past, uncovering the secrets and experiences that molded him and gaining an intimate understanding of his fears, desires, and vulnerabilities. In a convergence of mystic forces, the strange poison forged an enigmatic symbiotic connection with Charles's consciousness, intertwining their essences in an eerie unison.

Under the Serpent's dominion, Charles's consciousness became a puppet, bound to obey the whims and commands dictated by the ancient creature. Helpless and overridden by the Serpent's influence, every thought, decision, and word Charles spoke would be subject to the Serpent's control.

The sovereignty of his will and agency would dissolve in the face of this overpowering authority, leaving him at the mercy of the Serpent's desires.

Having complete dominion over Charles's consciousness, the Serpent's focus shifted inexorably toward his Inner World. It recognized that by utilizing Charles's consciousness as a conduit, it could penetrate the depths of his Inner World and seize control over his soul core, ultimately granting itself the means to escape from its current confinement, bound to this strange dimension.

It reveled in the prospect of liberation, relishing the possibilities beyond these shackles. Yet, its grand aspirations were swiftly shattered.

Just as the Serpent prepared to traverse into Charles's Inner World, a peculiar sight caught its attention within the confines of its own serpentine body. A sudden and inexplicable manifestation of a purple fire emerged, igniting its memories and causing them to combust and disintegrate in a searing blaze. Unlike Mages and Mystics who possessed Inner Worlds, the Serpent had its soul and consciousness intricately entwined with its physical form, a product of its evolution as a Magical Beast or Bloodline Warlock. This absence of a separate Inner World made the fire's assault on its memories all the more devastating, leaving the Serpent in frustration and fury.

Driven to an enraged madness by Charles's interference, the Serpent unleashed a piercing hiss that reverberated through the air. Its wide, venomous maw opened menacingly, poised to rend the miniature human in a display of raw savagery. Yet, before it could advance any closer, a sudden shift occurred in the surroundings.

The very fabric of time itself seemed to decelerate, gradually grinding to a halt until all motion ceased.

An ethereal transformation began to unfold within Charles. His half-dead pupil contracted briefly before bursting into a vibrant crimson flame.

Within seconds, his entire being became enshrouded in this fiery cloak, transforming him into an elemental entity resembling a demonic being born of the very essence of flame.