Fire Mage-Chapter 639 Progression

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Chapter 639: Progression

Having prepared a nourishing and gratifying meal, Charles savored each bite, the flavors dancing on his palate. As he finished his last morsel, he became aware of the encroaching darkness outside, the fading sunlight giving way to the cloak of night. Recognizing the need for vigilance in this unfamiliar and treacherous realm, he commanded his other consciousness to take control of his physical form and maintain a watchful eye over their surroundings.

With his physical self tended to, Charles turned his attention inward, stepping into the depths of his Inner World. Clutching the 'Golden Badge' tightly, he flew up towards the dark sky, casting a spell. A surge of energy rippled through the Inner World, activating the 'Rebirth Domain.' In this Inner realm where time held no sway, he manipulated the flow of time, accelerating it to its utmost limits.

Before long, Charles arrived at the area where the hexagonal-structured spell model was located and focused on the Golden Badge. Soon, he reached a concentrated state and delved into the rules of 'Lawful Fire' Essences. With unwavering focus, Charles immersed himself in studying and comprehending the Fire Rules. Guided by his heightened [Rune Eye] skill and profound understanding of the Fire, he unraveled the essence of 'Lawful Fire,' peering into its fundamental nature with every passing moment.

Minutes stretched into hours, and hours dissolved into days as Charles comprehended with utmost focus.


Several hours later, Jade stirred from her slumber, awakening from her nap.

At that moment, it was already the next day morning.

Feeling refreshed, she prepared herself to resume their journey, invigorated by the cascading water that refreshed her body.

"Are you planning to accompany me or continue on your own?" Jade inquired, her voice carrying a note of curiosity as she rinsed her face under the cascading water.

In a blink, Charles stopped what he was doing in his Inner World, took control of his body, and stood up.

He then pondered her question for a moment, considering his options.

"I will remain here for a while and then proceed towards the northeast," he responded vaguely, keeping his plans relatively ambiguous.

"Oh? In that case, be wary of the Corpse Devourers in that direction," Jade cautioned, her expression tinged with concern. She reached for a nearby towel, gently patting her wet face to dry it. Then, she retrieved an aged parchment from her space ring, tossing it in Charles' direction.

"This is a map of the Twin Lords' hideout, also located in the north-eastern direction. I stumbled upon that place by chance during a previous encounter but lacked the necessary strength to defeat the Lord monsters residing within. Although I want to explore that place, the Life Church has assigned me a crucial mission in the Second Layer. So, I have no choice but to abandon that pursuit. However, given your abilities, I believe you might have a chance," Jade revealed, her generosity surprising Charles.

Grateful for her unexpected gesture, Charles received the map with astonishment and appreciation, his eyes scanning its intricate details.

As Jade prepared to depart, she gathered her belongings and approached the cavern's entrance. Before disappearing, she turned to face Charles again, offering parting words of encouragement.

"Strive to survive and return safely to the Edhen World. Our paths may cross again in the future."

She stepped out of the cavern, vanishing into the distance.

Left with a renewed sense of purpose, Charles was grateful for the encounter with Jade.

'What should I do now?' Charles furrowed his eyebrows and soon thought of increasing his 'Wisdom Power.'

'Genesis, can you search for information about this Layer using your 'Wisdom Link'?'

[It's impossible, Host. To access Wisdom Link, you must be in a World with will on its own. Also, world inhabitants must be advanced enough to store information in physical objects like books, murals, stone tablets, etc. Although Dungeon had already materialized and its entrance had already become a part of Edhen World, it is still impossible to gain access to 'Wisdom Link.']

"Got it," He shook his head and decided to go out.

Emerging from the comforting confines of the cavern, Charles embarked on a quest to test his mettle against the formidable creatures that roamed this Nightmare Realm. With a determined gaze and a steady stride, he ventured into the unknown, his senses heightened and attuned to the slightest whisper of magical energy that permeated the air.

His first encounter came swiftly, a Crocodile-type Magical Beast lurking near the cascading waterfall. Its sinewy form coiled with latent power, its razor-sharp teeth gleaming in the dim light. Undeterred by the creature's imposing presence, Charles unleashed his spells and attacked it. With calculated precision and swift movements, he engaged in a battle of wits and strength. But the battle didn't even last more than a minute as he ruthlessly attacked its weaknesses and killed it.

Having triumphed over the Crocodile-type Magical Beast, Charles knew that he had merely scratched the surface of his hunting expedition. After that, he pressed onward, venturing deeper into the verdant woods that stretched before him. The forest hummed with hidden life, an orchestra of whispers and rustling leaves guiding his path.

Navigating the dense undergrowth, Charles scoured the woods for elusive prey. His keen eyes discerned the subtlest traces of wisdom power or any elemental aura, leading him to his quarry. With methodical precision and unwavering resolve, he engaged in a deadly dance with each formidable adversary he encountered.

Though tempted by the allure of Legendary Rank Magical Beasts, Charles exercised caution and maintained a safe distance. He recognized the peril of challenging these mythical creatures, aware that the consequences of a hasty encounter could be dire. Instead, he focused on the Rank-4 and Rank-5 Magical Beasts that crossed his path, honing his skills and steadily increasing his Wisdom Power.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, marking the end of the first day of his hunting expedition, Charles stood as a victor amidst the twilight. The tally of his triumphs was formidable, for he had managed to hunt down seven Rank-5 magical beasts and twenty-four Rank-4 Magical Beasts, elevating his wisdom power to a remarkable level of 301.

Yet, even in the face of this accomplishment, Charles knew that his journey had only begun.

As twilight painted the sky in hues of purple and gold, he sought solace within the sanctuary of the cavern nestled beneath the majestic waterfall. With a silent command, he relinquished control to his other consciousness, allowing it to assume the caretaker role for his physical body. The transition was seamless, a seamless passing of the torch as he retreated into the depths of his soul.

Charles stood before a magnificent spectacle within the depths of his Inner World. The glow of the seven spell models illuminated the darkened expanse. With a flicker, he retrieved the Golden Badge from his possession, its gleaming surface resonating with lawful fire energies.

He used his wisdom power and pulled out the Golden Shield from it.

Afterward, Charles activated the 'Rebirth Domain' and devoted himself to comprehending the essences hidden in the Golden Shield.

Focused and unwavering, he fixated on a single streak of Fire Essence within the spell model. As he delved deeper into the secrets of the Lawful Fire, he entered a state of profound concentration, enveloped in a sense of security that transcended physical boundaries. It was as if he stood in the heart of a radiant inferno, shielded from harm, his connection to the Lawful Fire growing stronger with each passing moment.

Within the sacred space of the spell model, the Lawful Fire Spell Model underwent a remarkable transformation. Brand new essences sprouted and blossomed, their vibrant hues radiating with a captivating brilliance.

Although his comprehension of the Lawful Fire Essences had thus far yielded a count of 47 after spending countless hours immersed in its mysteries within his Inner World, Charles recognized the significance of this progress. Each essence understood was a step forward, a testament to his unwavering dedication and unwavering pursuit of mastery.

With a seamless transition, Charles reclaimed control of his body, stepping out into the world again to hunt. Though it felt like a mere half-day had passed within the depths of his Inner World, he was acutely aware that a full twelve hours had elapsed in the realm outside. Time,

Undeterred by the fleeting nature of time, Charles embarked on a relentless hunt for magical beasts, his purpose resolute and unwavering.

Days passed into one another, blending seamlessly as a week slipped by in the blink of an eye.

As the week drew to a close, Charles found solace in the exponential growth of his wisdom power. Each day, he would set his sights on a modest number of six to seven Rank-5 Magical Beasts, their formidable presence met with calculated precision. His' wisdom power' surged to new heights through these encounters, reaching 460 points.

During these seven days, Charles's nocturnal endeavors took a distinct turn. At night, when the world lay shrouded in darkness, he immersed himself in studying and comprehending the Lawful Fire. His understanding of the Lawful Fire elemental essence soared to unprecedented heights during these sacred hours.