Foreign Land Reclamation By a Vegetable-growing Skeleton-Chapter 120 - 104: You Raise a Dragon, I’ll Take a Look 1

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Chapter 120: Chapter 104: You Raise a Dragon, I抣l Take a Look 1

Translator: 549690339

揔vada, I knew it! I should抳e tied them up. This is human territory, hurry, hurry, hurry, back to the shelter! Negris roared and rushed out of the carriage towards Ange and the others.

Luther also left the carriage and hurried back. This was human territory, a place heavily guarded by many strong individuals. A skeleton showing up here would raise hell. They had to run.

揟his idiot is always running around. I can抰 convince him to go anywhere without the promise of farming. But I am not here to farm, so why is he following me? Negris complained. Unlike before when he rarely listened, this time he followed without being called.

The importance of Ange was self-evident. He was now the Undead God, the ruler of the Resting Camp. No accident could befall him, otherwise, the inheritance of the Undead Empire would be completely cut off.

However, this was a human city, within the sphere of influence of the Church of Light. If a skeleton suddenly appeared on the city streets, it would cause quite a stir. They must leave here before humans react. The fastest way was to leave through the Teleportation Array.

Before they could reach the gate, a horse抯 head poked out from inside, with half a broken horn on its head. It was, without a doubt, the despicable Lightning.

揋o back, go back, as Negris was getting increasingly anxious, the goblin guarding the Teleportation Array suddenly jumped out from behind a wall. He looked at Negris with a somewhat startled look and mouthed something silently.

From his lip movements, Negris deduced what he was saying: Run.

Then the goblin slipped into a small alley and vanished before Negris could comprehend. The house suddenly caught fire and it spread alarmingly quickly, swallowing it whole.

Negris somewhat understood why the goblin had told him to run. Probably, the goblin抯 task of guarding here was to destroy it when the Teleportation Array was exposed so that no one could find the coordinates of the Resting Abyss via it.

But couldn抰 he have waited for us to go back and then burned it? Negris howled internally.

揃eep, beep, beep! A sharp whistle rang out. The city patrol had noticed the commotion and spotted Ange, prompting them to sound the alarm immediately.

There were also many mercenaries, knights, mages, and others who were observing from afar but not taking any action because they didn抰 understand the situation due to the presence of an angel next to Ange.

Negris flew to Ange抯 side and yelled, 揥hy did you come here? Don抰 you fear death?

Ange tilted his head, 揟hey said you抎 go raise a dragon, I wanted to see.

Negris felt like vomiting blood, turned to Lightning and said seriously, 揕ead us out. If we can抰 break through, we will all die here.

Lightning who had been happily grinning at the lively crowd and the many attractive creatures froze, 揂ll all will die? Why?

揃ecause we are heretics, mount up, the latter half was said by the others beside Ange. Under their urging, Ange and the others, somewhat reluctantly, mounted Lightning.

Ange wasn抰 aware of the seriousness of being considered a heretic. After all, these were just humans, right? Luther, Anna, and many others in the Resting Abyss were humans too, and they were quite friendly.

Although he didn抰 understand, he could sense the hostility from the onlookers, leaving him slightly confused.

The Angel Skeleton climbed up, as did Little Zombie and Ange. Finally, Negris also mounted. Then he said to Luther, 揧ou follow, if you get lost, find your way to Silver and Anthony.

Luther nodded solemnly and took out a beet to munch on in silence.

Lightning mumbled resentfully, 揧ou抮e the horse, your whole family is the horse. I won抰 argue with you since you抮e on the verge of extinction. It murmured just loud enough for Negris to hear, making him so angry he almost wanted to strangle the horse.

Although it verbally resisted, Lightning had sensed the seriousness of the situation from Negris抯 words. It pawed the ground, stretched its joints, and twisted its neck. Sparks crackled from its half-broken horn.

揝traight ahead, along the main road, get out of the city before they react. If they close the city gate and raise the defense shield, we won抰 be able to fly out even with wings. Luther can hide, we stand out too much to hide. Oh, Ange, put on your hat quickly!

Ange had a straw hat hanging around his neck. He almost forgot about it until Negris mentioned it, so he hurriedly put it on after removing the Little Sapling.

With the hat on, he didn抰 know where to put the Little Sapling. After switching it from one hand to another, Ange pressed a button in an empty place and kept it in the Resting Camp.

The sudden movements scared the Little Sapling a bit. It raised its True Leaf and made whooshing sounds. The air around it gently began to stir on its whooshing.

Ange grabbed Little Zombie抯 neck, trying to throw it into the Resting Camp too, but Negris stopped him.

揧ou can抰 throw yourself in there. They抮e linked to your soul. If you die, they抣l go down with you. That抯 pointless. Just keep an eye on Angel Skeleton, don抰 let it use Holy Light Flash carelessly. Save that for the most critical moment.

揙h. Ange poked the Angel Skeleton and said, 揂wo.

揂wo厰 The Angel Skeleton responded with a hint of reluctance to Negris抯 surprise.

Lightning swiftly ran towards the main road. Seeing them run, the patrolling guards who had sounded the alarm earlier ran after them while blowing their whistles, pointing and gesturing for them to stop.

Lightning was fast and quickly left the patrol guards behind.

But soon, the whistles sounded again. A wind mage flew into the air, following Ange and blowing his whistle. After a while, another mage flew over them. 揂nge, shoot them down. If we keep following this path, we抣l end up summoning everyone. Negris said, his tone dripping with anxiety.

Ange nodded, turning his gaze towards the two wizards; a fireball solidifying in his hand.

Upon noticing the fireball in Angel s hand, the wizards broke into fits of laughter: 揂 level one fireball? Haha, where did this amateur wizard come from, daring to use offensive magic in the city? This is worth at least fifty points of merit, he抯 mine.

揌aha, let抯 see who is faster厰 the second wizard barely finished his words when he was greeted with a sight, far beyond his comprehension and against all reason. A sight of terror for any magician.

They didn抰 just see a single fireball, but a row of them. Then, one by one, the fireballs shrunk into smaller explosive fireballs, firing towards them at a frequency of three every second.

Both wizards barely had a chance to scream before their protective magic spells were destroyed by the fireballs. Their robes were blasted apart and they plummeted to the ground, smoke billowing from their bodies.

However, both wizards survived because all Negris had said was 憇hoot them down? not 慿ill them? Once Ange saw them falling, he released his target lock.

Seeing this, a burly mercenary charged out from the front. He suddenly went blind and opened his hands, groping his way towards the street side.

The people chasing us from behind tacitly slowed down. Those blocking us in front scattered to the sides. Even the wizards or swordsmen that had just taken off, their feet barely left the ground before they vehemently descended. None of them planned to go airborne anymore.

Ange抯 group smoothly broke through blocks, rushing along the main road, where the city gate was visible in the distance.

At this moment, a convoy was entering through the open city gate. The caravan was quite large, predominantly consisting of guards. There were Paladins, heavy shield knights, priests, all protecting a luxurious carriage in the middle. Judging by its standards, the person sitting inside had to be at least an Archbishop or higher.

The gallant arrival of Ange抯 group caught the attention of this convoy. The lead Paladin raised his hand and made a fist, halting his troops and assuming a defensive posture.

The halt of the squadron agitated the person inside the carriage, he lifted the window revealing a handsome face. A majestic voice arose: 揥hat抯 going on?

It was Nikola Kevins Ill, the Archbishop famed as the most handsome in the history of the Church of Light.

The Paladin bowed his head in reverence and replied, 揟here seems to be heretics charging towards us.

揙h? Assassins? Nikola raised his eyebrows questioningly, seeming somewhat intrigued.

Unable to meet the gaze of Nikola抯 captivating face, the paladin kept his head lowered, and assured: 揧our Eminence need not worry, the heretics won抰 be able to breach our guard.

揘o, no, no, let them come. What a great opportunity this is. Nikola gave a small smile, his dazzling radiance bursting forth like a cluster of stars, so brilliant and eye-catching that it seemed nothing could overshadow him.

揟hat blasphemer, the shameless Anthony, slanders us as followers of the Evil God, tainted by the Evil God. He even ambushed him? Such shameless accusations need an opportunity to clear our reputation, and what better opportunity than to purify heretics with the power bestowed by the gods in front of everyone?

After saying this with a smile, Nikola thought to himself: I didn抰 even plan for this, which smart alec arranged this in advance?

Nikola stepped out of the carriage, stepping to the front of the convoy. With his appearance, screams of adoration erupted on both sides of the road and atop the city walls. Young girls and women enthusiastically waved their handkerchiefs, screaming, hoping to attract Nikola抯 attention.

Nikola was obliged to wave in reply, acknowledging the fervor of his fans before he turned towards Ange抯 approaching group, raising his hand.

A thunderous voice filled the main road: 揋od has spoken: one should kneel with reverence on the holy land illuminated by holy light!

The Lightning抯 eyes widened in fear, feeling an invisible force push him, his knees gave way as he tumbled onto the ground.

The little undead, bronze dragon, and the angelic skull on his body all tripped and tumbled, rolling a few times before kneeling on the ground. Despite their struggles, they couldn抰 stand back up Divine Decree: Kneel.

Only Ange seemed unaffected; he quickly rolled and stood up, sprinting towards Nikola.

揈h? Nikola made a surprised sound before extending his hand again: 揋od says: the burden of original sin is a heavy chain, that binds! Shackles of Original Sin.

Seven chains materialised from the ground, wrapping around Ange, but they shattered upon contact.

揌ow is that possible? A person without sin? None of the seven deadly sins? Nikola looked incredulous: 揌ow can a human be without sin?

Though the Straw Hat was low-level, its Illusion Technique could only be seen through by those with higher spiritual power than the wearer. Since Nikola saw Ange as a human, it indicated that he didn抰 possess spiritual power higher than Ange抯.

Ange抯 feet summoned winds, the Wind Element supporting him, escalating his speed.

揋od says, obsession, is the road to hell! Nikola, faced with his fast approaching opponent, finally panicked, his tone wavering.

Endless wild grass and seedlings sprouted beneath Angel s feet, laying out a verdant path.

揥hy is your obsession this!? Nikola threw decorum aside, yelling in rage. He clenched his hands into fists and crushed five of the six large rings adorning them. Five coloured shields appeared around him as he yelled, 揋uard!

It was too late. The guards behind him were originally ready to witness a swift and decisive execution of the heretics. They were all standing arm in arm, their reactions slow. Ange had already rushed in front of Nikola, his left hand throwing out a punch..

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