God Emperor-Chapter 1259 - Divine Dragon Showed Up

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Chapter 1259: Divine Dragon Showed Up

Translator: Larbre Studio Editor: Larbre Studio

The silver ancient ghost boat gave out holy light, and it looked like a silver mountain that was hundreds of miles long, sailing on the ocean.

The ocean and the sky were painted silver.

There wasn’t any evil spirit, and there wasn’t demonic Qi surrounding the boat, instead, there was thick dragon Qi that filled the boat, and dozens of small silver dragons were sucked in after one breath.

Zhang Ruochen had inspected that boat carefully, and he found that the dragon Qi was not only harmless, but helpful in improving cultivation.

The refining efficiency on this silver ancient ghost boat was more than ten times higher than other places, and the cultivation was being constantly improved.

“If we can get that ancient ghost boat, it’ll be the supreme refining ground for all the monks from First Imperial Empire,” Huang Yanchen said.

Ao Xinyan said, “Don’t even hold that thought. In the distant past, many human saints who tried to obtain the ancient ghost boat died in Yin and Yang Ocean. None of them succeeded.”

Huang Yanchen shot a glance at her and smiled. “They were not powerful enough to succeed. If someone can break the shackles of Yin and Yang Ocean, it’s easy to take away one or even two ancient ghost boats.”

Ao Xinyan didn’t like Huang Yanchen, as she found her arrogant and reckless. To Ao Xinyan, Huang Yanchen was so proud only because she became a saint first. Did she really think that she was invincible?

Ao Xinyan stopped being so friendly. “Even Empress Chi Yao didn’t dare get into Yin and Yang Ocean to get the ancient ghost boat. Who do you think can get it?”

“The rules of the sky and land are changing. Don’t say anything with absolute certainty. You don’t think anyone can do it because you haven’t seen enough yet.”

Huang Yanchen didn’t even look at Ao Xinyan when she was talking.

Qing Mo was roasting a dragon ear in the distance.

That was the ear of Manlong Dragon Lord. It was more than thirty feet long and was more than ten thousand pounds. With Qing Mo cooking it, the fragrance from the dragon meat became thicker and thicker.

Zhang Ruochen sat beside the fire and kept practicing.

Blackie sat beside Zhang Ruochen, got close to Zhang Ruochen with its furry face, looked to Huang Yanchen and Ao Xinyan and said, “Don’t you see they’re almost fighting now?”

“They’re not going to fight each other.”

Zhang Ruochen didn’t open his eyes and kept practicing.

“What if?” Blackie said.

Zhang Ruochen opened his eyes and looked to Blackie curiously. He asked, “Did you say something inappropriate to Yanchen?”

“No. How is that possible? I’ll never tell her anything about what you’ve done,” Blackie said. It didn’t want to talk about that anymore as it knew that it was lying. It walked away from Zhang Ruochen and got close to Qing Mo.

Zhang Ruochen knew that Blackie must’ve said something inappropriate again. He stopped practicing and walked to Huang Yanchen and Ao Xinyan.

Zhang Ruochen walked to Huang Yanchen and said, “Princess Yan, your cultivation has reached a limit. You can try to pass the second pre-saint trial on the ancient ghost boat.”

Ao Xinyan didn’t have a good time talking with Huang Yanchen. If it wasn’t for the huge gap between her cultivation and Huang Yanchen’s, she would’ve fought her already.

Besides, Ao Xinyan sensed that Huang Yanchen was trying to infuriate her.

If she made the first attack, it might end badly for her.

After seeing Zhang Ruochen, Ao Xinyan explained, “This ancient ghost boat is relatively safe, but there’re some unknown dangers on it. If we disturb the ghost spirits of the ancestral divine dragons by passing the pre-saint trial, we might bring danger to ourselves.”

Zhang Ruochen shook his head and said, “The divine dragon bloodline in your body has awakened. You might be the only creature in this era that has the bloodline of the divine dragon. How will you bring us danger by passing the pre-saint trial? You might have some great luck by trying the pre-saint trial here.”

Nobody knew how powerful the gods were, however, Zhang Ruochen knew that there would be divine souls left in the sky and land even after the gods died.

With Ao Xinyan’s body constitution, she would be protected by the remaining soul of divine dragons in Yin and Yang Ocean.

“Okay, leader, I trust you.”

Ao Xinyan took a look at Huang Yanchen, as she wanted to become stronger as well. She then picked a place and let out the holy Qi inside her body. A trial cloud was condensed.

Zhang Ruochen and Huang Yanchen stepped back and stayed away from the trial clouds.

Hong Long.

The first trial lightning fell on the head of Ao Xinyan, which pierced through her body and fell on the silver ancient ghost boat. The boat was surrounded by the lightning, and it looked mesmerizing.

Huang Yanchen took a look at Zhang Ruochen and said, “The power of the lightning will melt everything she wears. There’ll only be a body left. Are you still going to appreciate it?”

Zhang Ruochen only cared about how Ao Xinyan was going to pass the trial. He didn’t want anything else.

Zhang Ruochen felt a bit embarrassed. He took a deep breath and looked away. He said, “It smells so good. Qing Mo should’ve finished the dragon ear already. Let’s go have a try.”

Qing Mo was indeed great at cooking. Any ingredient could be cooked deliciously in her hands.

The dragon meat of a pure-blood dragon was the best ingredient, and with the cooking skills of Qing Mo, the dragon meat made even Zhang Ruochen hungry.

Blackie was swallowing the meat, and it had finished more than three thousand pounds of dragon meat after a short while.

Zhang Ruochen and Huang Yanchen couldn’t afford to wait anymore, otherwise, Blackie would finish the entire dragon meat.

Huang Yanchen was aloof when she was with Ao Xinyan, yet when she was fighting for the dragon meat against Zhang Ruochen and Blackie, she was like a crazy girl. She kicked Blackie away a couple of times.

Although the dragon meat weighed more than ten thousand pounds, they had all become saints, so they had great absorbing power. They had finished almost all the dragon meat after only a short while.

“I’m so hungry. Don’t fight me for that last piece of meat.”

Blackie reached out its claws and stuck out its tongue.

Huang Yanchen kicked Blackie away again and grabbed the last piece of dragon meat. She said, “Blackie, you’re already so fat. Stop eating so much. I’ll leave the last piece of dragon meat to Brother Chen!”

Huang Yanchen didn’t even care whether Zhang Ruochen wanted it or not. She gave Zhang Ruochen the last piece of meat and sat on the ground, looking at him.

Zhang Ruochen stared at her, but he didn’t eat the dragon meat in his hand.

“Why aren’t you eating?” Huang Yanchen said.

“No, nothing…” Zhang Ruochen felt conflicted.

Chi Yao had said the same thing before. That tone, and that expression… They looked exactly the same.

Zhang Ruochen’s eyes were filled with all kinds of emotions. They were filled with love for a short moment, but then, hatred spilled out.

He held the last piece of dragon meat and said, “I’m not going to eat it… Blackie, you can eat it.”


Blackie opened its mouth wide and took the dragon meat away.

Huang Yanchen couldn’t be more furious. However, when she saw Zhang Ruochen’s numb look, she suppressed her anger.

She seemed to have recalled something. She asked, “What happened, Brother Chen?”

Zhang Ruochen regained consciousness and said, “Nothing. I recalled something that happened before. Sorry, I didn’t mean to…”


There came a deafening dragon sound from the ancient ghost boat.

Zhang Ruochen was knocked unconscious by that sound. He fell on the ground.

“What happened? Did that ancient ghost boat come to life? Or is there some creature hidden in that boat?” Zhang Ruochen asked.

Blackie lay on the ground and looked anxious. It said, “Perhaps a trace of the soul of the divine dragon awakened. Does it want to kill us?”

“The remaining soul of the divine dragon?”

Zhang Ruochen clenched his teeth and used all his power. He raised his head and looked to Ao Xinyan.

A giant silver dragon showed up above Ao Xinyan. The dragon head itself occupied the entire sky.

There was only a head in sight, not the tail.

It was thrilling.

How was there a dragon of that size?

Zhang Ruochen thought that he was having an illusion. He looked in that direction again.

That silver dragon had disappeared!

Was that really an illusion?

Zhang Ruochen, Huang Yanchen, Qing Mo and Blackie gradually recovered. They stood up and readjusted themselves.

That dragon roar was too terrifying. They still felt intimidated now.


Ao Xinyan was glowing with silver light. She fell from the sky, and she was covered by a layer of the silver dragon-scaled armor. There were two pairs of silver dragon wings on her back.

Blackie’s eyes popped. It rushed to Ao Xinyan and said, “The force from that armor is similar to that of the ancient boat. Were they made of the same material? Where did you find it?”

Ao Xinyan hesitated for a bit and said, “The silver dragon armor showed up on my body after I passed the trial.”

“How could something like that happen? Is it armor made of divine dragon scales? Did the divine dragon really show up?” Blackie exclaimed. At the same time, it reached out its claw and scratched the silver armor.


There wasn’t a mark left on the armor, instead, it kept letting out lightning light that hit the claws of Blackie.

“Something’s wrong.”

Zhang Ruochen was sure that he didn’t have any illusion.

Besides, Ao Xinyan must’ve obtained something more than armor.

Zhang Ruochen didn’t ask her. Instead, he said, “Congratulations on passing the second pre-saint trial.”

Ao Xinyan moved her lips. She hesitated for a long time before she said, “I…I have condensed a saint source.”