GREED: ALL FOR WHAT?-Chapter 55 The Fine Line Between Normal And Overacting.

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"What? I was using soul energy? That can't be right." he frowned.

The reduction in his soul alarmed him. If not for the immortal aspect of his soul he would have been in big trouble. Thankfully as long as he had energy, he would heal, but he decided against using his eyes because damage to his body cannot be healed for now.

"Divine abilities start out using world energy and the vitality in the body but I don't have world energy so my eyes defaulted to soul energy in my soul. Seems like I have to start training soon and get stronger."

He realized he had been drawing heavily on the energy reserves of Legion one to power his eye, the energy requirement of his divine ability is too much. He couldn't sustain its energy expenditure for a short while, if he didn't have the soul sphere he wouldn't have been able to use the eye at all, even with the energy transmission from Legion one, his soul was still struggling with the stress and was on the brink of collapse.

Soul energy is the high-level energy used by origin gods. With this innate energy, they don't need external sources of energy to manipulate the world. Soul energy is also faster and easier to control than Origin energy.

"My soul may be at the origin level but I can't handle that kind of power yet." He would just have to be patient and strengthen himself.

He would have to keep his ability inactive most of the time. His weak soul sobered him up from the euphoria of truly seeing. It was a wonderful sight that could be addictive if proper restraint isn't employed.

He hadn't been paying much attention to what was going on around him ever since he got out of the womb. He had planned to cry and pretend to be like a helpless baby thrust into a new and unknown environment but he became lost in the wonderful sight of literarily everything. His pretense was long forgotten.

Then the noise of his siblings brought him back to the present.

"What are they even crying so much about? It is either this is how normal babies behave or they are overdoing it. Considering how long they spent in the womb, I am willing to bet that they are overdoing it." He felt irritated by their excessive crying.

"It is excusable for now. I'll have enough time to set them straight in the future." he thought evilly and rubbed his tiny hands together.

The thought of being a big brother made him full of expectations. He felt he would enjoy it very well and be good at it.

As he was daydreaming about being an elder brother just like his elder sisters were to him he noticed someone looking at him. It was an attendant, a young female battle sage monkey. She had red fur, a sign of a bloodline, and was wearing simple medical garments.

She saw him rubbing his hands together and she found the sight very odd, to say the least. His brain moved quickly, he raised his two small feet and rubbed them against each other, and giggled. The sight of a chubby baby clapping his hands, flailing his legs, and giggling made her laugh.

She thought to herself, "He is so cute. Maybe I was overthinking things, he is just a baby after all." She felt like carrying the cute baby but she didn't dare to, she si not to be seen touching the baby.

There is some mystery about the babies and the midwives have been warned to simply do their job and nothing else. So it was with difficulty that she left without tickling the baby's chubby cheeks. Only then did Legion-two stop his baby act.

"So nosy." He complained, "When can I start acting like myself? This baby act is too tiring. I'll have to follow the lead of the other two but it might make me seem slower than them. I'll be the last one to do things, I don't want that. I have to be the role model, I am the best option for it. I mean I already started being one in the womb, those freeloaders took advantage of me. I must get my room as soon as possible."

His thoughts were interrupted when an older female battle sage monkey came forward to inspect the three baby Colts. She had a lean muscular body and stood about 1.6 meters tall with white fur and black eyes. She was wearing a white maternity garb that matched her fur. She looked at the three babies with affection.

Legion two looked back at her, he could feel a resonance between them. A male battle sage monkey appeared beside her. He was a little taller than the female. He had blue eyes and blue fur, and he was dressed in a black battle robe.

"So she must be my mother and this one is probably my father." he thought. He knew they were talking but he couldn't hear what they were saying because they were chatting with their divine sense.

"You are probably planning on how you will win my affection. I assure you it will not be easy." he thought in jest.

He didn't have any affection towards them at all. The fact that he hitched a ride in her womb doesn't mean he had to be endeared towards them.

Earlier before the thunderstruck. Outside the house.

Ghoto had been outside the house, pacing about when suddenly the dark clouds went berserk and started churning. The storm clouds formed a whirlpool in the sky and produced a lightning bolt of such destructive might that it left Ghoto aghast. He had been frozen as he watched the lightning bolt streak down towards his house. He knew it would inevitably crash down onto his house but he couldn't move. He could only scream "Nooooooooo!" within his mind.

But an elder came to his rescue, the elder rushed into the sky his body shining with blue light like thunder. The two streaks of light crashed into each other resulting in two thunderclaps.

One came because of the incoming lightning bolt and the other is as a result of the collision between monkey and lightning. The elder descended slowly, Ghoto could see he was severely injured and he felt immense gratitude to the elder.

He hadn't thought much about the elders when they came to wait with him. He didn't think he needed them, he thought he could wait for his wife alone. But now he felt grateful for their presence. 𝒃𝙚𝙙𝙣𝙤𝒗𝙚𝒍.𝒏𝒆𝒕

"Thank you very much, Elder Stein," Ghoto said to the injured elder. But the elder brushed him off.

"No need for that Ghoto. I'm sure any elder here would have gone forward, it is simply our duty. It will also benefit me, it might give me the inspiration needed to become a sovereign." the elder maintained his indifferent attitude.

Ghoto backed off, he knew this elder had a bad temper. It was because he trained in lightning laws. So he could understand the benefit that the elder could get from the lightning bolt but he was still grateful. He decided he had to be serious with his waiting, he activated his eyes and began scanning his environment. He didn't want anything to catch him by surprise.

Even though his divine ability couldn't be used for long he persevered. He would rest his eyes when they hurt before continuing. The elders only shook their heads at Ghoto's seriousness, but they didn't discourage him from getting his eyes bloodshot.

The remaining wait was uneventful. The storm had dispersed after that lightning bolt. The sky became clear again and the pensive atmosphere disappeared when the rays of the sun made the day brighter. After about an hour of waiting a midwife came to inform them.

"The mother and the babies are well." she declared. Ghoto jumped and pumped his fist into the air. The elders came forward to congratulate him, he smiled and thanked them profusely.

"Are they ready? Can I enter?" Ghoto asked, impatient to see his love and their children.

"Yes, they are. You can come in now." the midwife smiled and replied. Ghoto bid farewell to the elders before going into the house. The elders dispersed but they still kept their divine sense locked onto the surroundings, they had been tasked to make sure that nothing untoward happens.

They were also forbidden to scan the babies with divine sense, this is to prevent anything wrong from happening to the babies. These orders were passed down from the patriarch so they weren't indignant. The fact that the three babies will be on par with them or even surpass them in the future also helped to ease any disgruntlement. Children with such a high bloodline purity and expression are little ancestors after all. If all goes well, it was just a matter of time for the babies to catch up to them