Hikaru ga Chikyuu ni Itakoro……-Volume 2, Footnote

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Volume 2, Footnote

I don't wish for this love to become a dream.

I definitely won't allow you to selfishly make any changes.

This would be a betrayal to those maddening days.

You definitely can't change it.

Whether it's your feelings, or mine, all will have to remain as they are. 𝙛𝔯𝒆e𝔀e𝗯𝓷𝗼𝘃e𝚕.𝒄𝗼𝗺



Hikaru, on that day, I stood behind your backfreℯ𝓌e𝚋𝐧𝘰vℯl.𝐜𝚘𝗺