Hunter Academy: Revenge of the Weakest-Chapter 550 123.4 - Rank-6 Gate

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Chapter 550 123.4 - Rank-6 Gate

As the team settled down, the weight of exhaustion slowly giving way to a more relaxed atmosphere, the biting cold still lingered, but the break offered a much-needed reprieve. For a few moments, there was silence, with only the howling wind and the occasional crackle of ice breaking the stillness. Then, as they warmed their hands and rubbed their tired limbs, the conversation shifted to something lighter—dreams, goals, and the unexpected changes in their lives.

Dorian, as usual, was the first to break the silence, stretching his arms above his head with a yawn. "Man, it's been wild, hasn't it? A few months ago, we were just another team scraping through rank-5 dungeons, and now we're about to clear a rank-6 gate, with cameras following us around like we're celebrities."

Kurt nodded, a rare smile crossing his usually serious face. "Yeah, it's a bit surreal. I always knew I'd push myself to get stronger, but I didn't think we'd be getting this kind of recognition so soon. Feels like everything's happening fast."

Elena leaned against a large rock, her staff resting beside her. "We've earned it, though. We've worked hard, and we've grown a lot in a short time. The media attention is strange, but it's also a sign that we're on the right track. We're finally making a name for ourselves."

Lila, who had been quietly recharging her mana, nodded in agreement. "I never thought we'd be getting this kind of exposure so soon. I always wanted to be a successful Hunter, but I didn't expect it to feel like this."

Dorian smirked. "Yeah, fame's a funny thing. One day, you're just another guy swinging a sword, and the next, people are recognizing you in the street. But you know, I'm not complaining." He winked. "Who knows? Maybe it'll help me finally get a girlfriend."

Lila, sitting nearby, raised an eyebrow at Dorian's comment. "A girlfriend, huh? I thought you had one when you first joined the team. What happened with that?"

Dorian chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. "Yeah, well, let's just say things didn't work out. She wasn't too thrilled about me constantly running off to fight monsters in dangerous dungeons. Can't blame her, though. It's not exactly a stable lifestyle."

Lila smiled faintly. "That makes sense. Being a Hunter isn't for everyone. It's hard to maintain relationships when you're constantly risking your life."

Dorian sighed dramatically. "Yeah, that's the problem. But still, I wouldn't trade this life for anything. We're chasing our dreams, pushing ourselves to be the best we can be. That's what it's all about, right?"

Kurt grunted in agreement. "That's the goal. We all want to reach our full potential. Becoming stronger, achieving our dreams as Hunters—that's why we're here."

Elena glanced at the others, her expression thoughtful. "For me, it's always been about proving myself. I want to be one of the best battlemages, to show that I can stand on my own in the Hunter world. Fame is nice, but it's not the end goal. Strength is."

Gareth, who had been sitting quietly, finally spoke up. "Same here. It's not just about fame or money. It's about pushing yourself to the limit, seeing how far you can go."

Lila nodded, her eyes distant for a moment as she reflected on her own journey. "I want to protect people. That's always been my goal. Becoming a successful Hunter is just part of that. If we can grow stronger, we can save more lives."

Dorian grinned. "Well, I'm all for saving lives, but I wouldn't mind a little romance along the way. Maybe once we clear a few more dungeons, I'll find someone who doesn't mind dating a guy who's constantly fighting off monsters."

The team chuckled at Dorian's comment, the air between them lightening as they relaxed, even if just for a moment. Lila shook her head, smiling softly. "Always chasing something, aren't you, Dorian?"

"Hey, I've got priorities," Dorian replied, winking playfully. "Saving lives is great and all, but a little romance never hurt anyone."

Kurt, who had been quietly watching the banter unfold, finally cracked a small grin. "You're not wrong. Life's short, especially for Hunters. Might as well enjoy it when you can."

The conversation flowed naturally, the team enjoying the brief reprieve. But after a while, the conversation turned quiet, and one by one, their gazes shifted to Astron, who had remained silent, standing guard and watching the frozen landscape with his usual calm demeanor.

Dorian, never one to let silence linger for too long, raised an eyebrow and smirked. "So, Astron, you've been pretty quiet. What about you? What's going on in that head of yours?"

Kurt leaned back, his arms crossed as he added, "Yeah, you're younger than most of us, but you've already got the skills of someone who's been in this for years. What do you think? About… everything, really."

Astron's gaze shifted from the horizon to the group, his expression unreadable for a moment. He hadn't expected the conversation to turn toward him, and the question wasn't immediately clear. Were they asking about relationships or being a Hunter? The two topics were so intertwined in their conversation that it left him momentarily unsure.

After a brief pause, he spoke, his voice as calm and measured as always. "What exactly are you asking?" he said, a hint of curiosity in his tone. "Are we talking about relationships or the life of a Hunter?"

Dorian laughed, the sound echoing in the cold air. "Both, I guess! You've been the one guiding us through these dungeons like a seasoned pro. We're just curious—what drives someone like you? And hey, if there's a romantic side to Astron, we wouldn't mind hearing about that too."

Kurt nodded, his smile lingering as he added, "Yeah, we've been wondering what's going on in your head. You're a lot younger than us, but you've got this calm, almost detached way of dealing with everything. You've got skills and discipline, but what's your story? What keeps you pushing forward?"

The others listened quietly, their eyes fixed on Astron. For a moment, there was a stillness in the air as they waited for him to speak. It wasn't often that Astron talked about himself, and they were curious to learn more about the person who had helped shape their progress in such a short time.

Astron took a moment, looking at the landscape.

'The reason, huh?' It was a topic that he never liked to talk about, let alone think. This topic alone has always brought out all those memories.

At least, that was how it was before.

"Being a Hunter…" he began, his voice quieter than usual but firm. "This world took something precious from me. And I'm going to take it back."

The words hung in the cold air, sharp and final. There was no need for further explanation, no embellishment, or a deeper dive into the emotions behind them. The simplicity of his statement said it all.

As the others processed his words, a heavy silence fell over the group. They didn't push for more details, sensing the depth of the pain behind what he had said. The look on Astron's face, the way his voice had shifted, told them everything they needed to know.

Dorian, usually quick with a light-hearted comment, stayed silent, his grin fading as he exchanged a look with Kurt. The usual playful energy was replaced with quiet respect. Kurt nodded slightly, understanding dawning in his eyes. Elena and Lila shared a glance, their expressions softening as they realized the weight of Astron's words.

Whatever Astron had lost, whatever had driven him to this point, it was enough to push him to become the Hunter he was today—calm, disciplined, and focused.

Kurt broke the silence first, his voice low. "I get it. We all have something that pushes us forward. Yours… it sounds like it's not just about strength or fame. It's personal."

Astron didn't respond, simply giving a slight nod.

The team understood. They didn't need to know the details to recognize the resolve that had shaped their leader. What mattered was that they had someone beside them who wasn't just skilled, but deeply driven. It added another layer to the trust they had built over the past few days. freēwē

Dorian finally spoke up, his voice softer than usual. "Well, whatever it is, you've got our backs—and we've got yours."

There was no further conversation after that, just a quiet understanding shared between the team.


The cold winds howled through the frozen cliffs of Frostbound Ascent as the team moved forward, their breaths visible in the icy air. They had rested, regained their strength, and were now prepared for the final push toward the boss. The tension in the air was palpable, each member of the team steeling themselves for what lay ahead.

As they navigated through the narrow pass, the air around them grew even colder, a clear sign that they were nearing the core of the dungeon. The ground beneath them was slick with ice, the jagged cliffs towering on either side, casting long shadows over the group. Astron led the way, his eyes scanning the area for any signs of movement. The boss was close, but the dungeon wasn't done with them yet.

Suddenly, a deep rumble echoed through the frozen pass, followed by a series of sharp, guttural growls. The team halted, their weapons at the ready.

From the icy mists ahead, a new enemy emerged—Frostbound Goliaths, towering humanoid creatures covered in thick layers of ice and frost, their eyes glowing with cold fury. Their massive arms were lined with jagged spikes of ice, and each step they took caused the ground to tremble.

But the Goliaths weren't alone. Accompanying them were Snowstalker Wargs, smaller but no less dangerous.

These lupine creatures moved with deadly speed, their white fur blending perfectly with the snowy landscape, making them difficult to spot until they were already upon you.

Their eyes gleamed with predatory hunger, and their razor-sharp fangs glinted in the pale light.

"There!" Kurt called out, raising his shield as the Goliaths and Wargs charged toward them. "We've got company!"