I Attained Invincibility In The Real World-Chapter 563 - 325: The End and Return to the Ground_2

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Chapter 563: Chapter 325: The End and Return to the Ground_2

But now,

Li Wuji felt that the anomaly on his body was gradually fading away.

There was a diffusion of dust in the air.

All sorts of sounds came from his ears from time to time.

And the sulfur smell that kept penetrating his nostrils.

These all indicated that his senses were starting to recover.

Did the Heavenly Beings fail?


Li Wuji wasn’t sure yet.

If half a minute had passed since he hung up the communicator.

Nothing new happened during this period, meaning the battle might have ended already.

In any case,

It wasn’t a solution to keep waiting here.

Using his senses, Li Wuji tries to locate Or and Rhein.

A stream of light flares up again.

He raises his hand in preparation to crush the surrounding rock layers.

But at that moment,


Li Wuji paused in his action.

Why were the auras of these two so close to him?

It seemed like they were right next door —


As soon as the thought crossed his mind,

The rock layers next to him exploded instantaneously.

Or, wearing the Holy Light Armor, appeared before him.

Behind him, Rhein continuously sprayed liquid glue in all directions of the tunnel.

“What just happened?”

Or asked somewhat anxiously.

In the previous sprint, the sudden rush of lava caused the three men to be buried in different positions.

Since Or and Rhein were slower than Li Wuji, they were buried together.

Compared to Li Wuji and Or’s reliance on biological senses,

Rhein, who had technological senses, was also affected but to a much lesser extent.


The moment the vibration occurred,

Rhein had already noticed that this was no ordinary tremor and promptly brought Or to find Li Wuji.

Facing their questions,

Li Wuji told them what he knew without hiding much.

After all,

The plate shift on the land couldn’t possibly be hidden away.

Or and Rhein’s reactions to this news were similar to Li Wuji’s earlier thoughts.

Rhein’s arm, which was originally reinforcing the tunnel, stiffened in midair.

The Holy Light Armor on Or’s body flickered, almost failing due to his fluctuating emotions.

It wasn’t until the liquid glue continuously accumulated in one place and eventually fell to the ground with a sound that the two were awakened.

“There has been no movement for a long time.”

“We can’t always sit here waiting.”

“Regardless of the outcome, let’s go closer and see what’s going on.”

Li Wuji’s words were met with unanimous agreement from the two.

At the same time,

They were very curious about whether the previous incident was caused by Chen Sheng or the Heavenly Beings.


The three of them moved forward together.

Even though they needed to clear the compressed rock layers constantly and reinforce the tunnel while cleaning up the lava, their speed was still not slow.

It only took three to four minutes.

To get within a hundred meters of the battlefield.

The closer they got, the more cautious the three of them became.

At this moment,

Li Wuji gently stopped in his tracks, not moving forward.

He raised his hand, signaling the two behind him to stop as well.

By now, the senses of the three had almost fully recovered.

Even if the place was airtight, it wasn’t a difficult task to know what was happening a hundred meters away.

But as Li Wuji concentrated his attention and prepared to sense the situation on the battlefield,

Chen Sheng’s voice directly penetrated the airtight rock layer and echoed in their ears.

“It’s done.”

“Come here.”

Perhaps worried they wouldn’t believe him,

Chen Sheng’s aura followed the voice.

In an instant,

All three of them had different reactions.

Li Wuji’s face was full of joy.

He didn’t think the aura and voice would be a disguise.

After all,

With the strength displayed by the Heavenly Being called Red Mist,

It probably wouldn’t take much effort for them to kill the three.

As for Or,

He was full of shock and disbelief.

As a genius, Or never hid his pride in his own talents and strength.

In the past, he had been very interested in the mysterious prodigy that Li Wuji had mentioned.

Since Chen Sheng appeared, he had shown his terrifying strength time and time again.

This didn’t discourage Or, but instead kindled his competitive spirit.

He secretly treated Chen Sheng as a benchmark, as someone to catch up with.

Hoping that one day he could be as powerful as Chen Sheng.

But now,

The appearance of Chen Sheng’s voice confirmed Or’s earlier suspicions as true.

For the first time since his birth,

A sense of defeat arose in Or’s heart.

This feeling was as if he had a rival whom he had silently competed with to see who could make more money.

You can make 100,000 in a month, and he can make 500,000.

Though the gap is large, it doesn’t make you feel hopeless, but rather more motivated.

But one day,

You suddenly realize that this competitor has long been the richest person in the world.

This sense of disparity.

This kind of frustration.

For an instant, Or falls into a daze, even subconsciously shrinking his body in size.

The holy light on him flickers faintly,

As if it would extinguish at any moment.

It is not until Rhein gently pats his shoulder that he comes back to his senses.

“Let’s go.”

Or finally comes to his senses and looks ahead.

Li Wuji starts breaking through the rock layers again.

At this moment,

Or can only temporarily put away his thoughts and follow the two of them.

Before long,

The view before the three of them suddenly becomes bright and clear.

It is no longer the dark, narrow, and high-temperature underground passageway.

The cave they escaped from earlier reappears before them.


It is several times more spacious than when they left it.

Perhaps the aftermath of the earlier battle had obliterated everything in the vicinity, causing this situation.

Although Li Wuji is somewhat curious about why the rock layers here do not fall,

Compared to the commotion earlier, this is just a minor issue.

After taking a quick glance, he quickly shifts his gaze to not far in front of him.

In the entire open cave, there is only one figure standing quietly.

It is Chen Sheng, who has returned to normal.

In his hand, he is holding a skull.

It is the skull of the Heavenly Being known as Fire God Zhurong who was lying quietly in the coffin earlier.

As for Chen Sheng himself,

Besides the clothes on his body completely obliterated, there seems to be no other abnormalities.

Li Wuji and the others take a look and are immediately attracted to the skull in Chen Sheng’s hand.

It is not because the Heavenly Being seems to be dead.

Instead, on that skull in Chen Sheng’s hand… both of its fiery-red eyes were staring straight at them.


“I am Zhurong.”

While being carelessly held in Chen Sheng’s hand, the skull doesn’t seem to mind at all.

It even smiles and greets Li Wuji and his companions.

There is no apparent dislike and contempt for Homo sapiens found on the face of ordinary Heavenly Beings.

“What is this…”

Li Wuji is initially surprised and instinctively wants to mobilize his strength.

But when he looks at Chen Sheng, he thinks his actions are rather unnecessary.


Li Wuji looks at Chen Sheng with suspicion, hoping for an explanation.

“The explanation is a bit complicated.”

“But for the time being, there is no danger.”

As he speaks,

Chen Sheng casually shakes the skull a couple of times.

“Young friend, be gentle, be gentle.”

“I have not completely awa… ken.”

Zhurong hurriedly tries to persuade Chen Sheng to stop, attempting to make him stop the action.

However, after only a few words,

His voice gradually weakens.

Under Chen Sheng’s shaking,

This Heavenly Being called Zhurong falls into a coma right away.

“Is he not Red Mist?”

Li Wuji seems to realize something.

He had thought that the female Heavenly Being named Red Mist was actually Zhurong.

However, her strength had not fully recovered, so she wanted to lure them to the cave to achieve some purpose.

But looking at it now,

It doesn’t seem to be the case?


“Red Mist should be dead.” fгee𝑤ebɳoveɭ.cøm

“At least… dead for a short while.”


Not only Li Wuji,

Even the two people behind him show puzzled expressions.

Chen Sheng’s answer is baffling.

It seems that during the previous quiet time, quite a lot happened between Chen Sheng and Zhurong.

Seeing their expressions, Chen Sheng slowly shakes his head.

“Never mind.”

“I’ll explain it to you when we get back up.”

Saying this,

Chen Sheng looks at his own naked body,

Then looks at the three of them.


Understanding his intentions, Rhein immediately throws out her spare clothes.

In no time, Chen Sheng has the clothes back on.

“Let’s go.”

“First, let’s get back to the surface.”

As soon as his voice falls,

Chen Sheng’s figure disappears before their eyes, leaving only a pitch-black hole in the rock wall above them.

Li Wuji and the other two exchange glances,

Then they quickly leap up and follow the passage opened by Chen Sheng to the surface.