I Have Awakened The Deduction System-Chapter 18

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Chapter 18: Chapter 18, Seeing the Bully Girl Again

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

Chapter 18, Seeing the Bully Girl Again

The family chatted for a while. ๐‘“๐‘Ÿeโ„ฏ๐’˜๐—ฒ๐‘n๐‘œ๐šŸ๐™š๐’.๐’„o๐ฆ

When relatives and friends heard the news, they all ran over to give their blessings.

They all looked at He Chuan with respect and envy in their eyes.

A reincarnator.

This was an existence that many ordinary people had to look up to in their entire lives.

They did not expect that a child who had successfully broken the shackles of the social class would appear in their family.

It was truly the blessing of the ancestors.

Many passers-by secretly regarded this child from the He family as a benchmark.

Everyone was from the slums. Since your He family could nurture the descendants of reincarnators, why canโ€™t we?

For a time, everyoneโ€™s hearts were filled with motivation.

He Chuanโ€™s appearance undoubtedly brought a shock to the beliefs of these people who lived at the lowest level.

In this world, nothing is impossible.

It just doesnโ€™t happen to you.

If you work hard enough, you can still change the future.

After that, He Chuan moved to a new house with his parents.

On the side of the manor villa, the reincarnated guards assigned to He Chuan were already doing their protection assignment.

According to Ke Yuan, this group of people would be responsible for protecting He Chuanโ€™s family and property, so that he would have no worries when he reincarnated.

Everyone was powerful, and they were all professional bodyguards.

Usually, they relied on this kind of protection work to earn reincarnation points.

With the governmentโ€™s funding, they had spent a lot of money to invite them over.

He Chuan expressed his gratitude for this.

His parents were honest people who had never seen the world, let alone experienced wealth and honor.

When they came to the manor and saw the luxurious decoration inside, they were all very restrained.

When they were choosing the room, they chose the most simple room among the many luxurious ones.

If he remembered correctly, this seemed to be a place for the servants to live.

In the end, this caused the servants to become restrained.

He Chuan repeatedly comforted them, but the effect was still not great.

He had no choice but to let the two elders and the servants slowly get used to it.

After a series of matters were settled, the sun had already set and it was time to rest.

At this moment, Ke Yuan stood up and took his leave.

โ€œIโ€™ve already arranged the manpower for the manor. Leave all kinds of matters to the butler. You guys can stay here in peace. If thereโ€™s anything, call this number.โ€

As he spoke, Ke Yuan handed over a business card. He told He Chuan to call the higher-ups directly when he ran into a problem that he couldnโ€™t solve. There would be people assigned to handle it.

โ€œThank you for your trouble, Mr. Ke.โ€

He Chuan nodded, โ€œI want to start the next reincarnation as soon as possible. Is there any way to obtain the number of times?โ€

โ€œThis is a little troublesome. Usually, if the reincarnators want to reincarnate again, they have to undergo a series of evaluations to avoid wasting resources.โ€

Ke Yuan thought for a moment, โ€œLeave it to me. Since the coalition government has already planned to train you, they will definitely not be stingy in this aspect. After all, the faster you grow, the better it will be for them.โ€

โ€œWhat benefits will they have?โ€ He Chuan was a little curious.

โ€œYouโ€™ll understand the benefits of being strong in the future. Donโ€™t think too much about it now.โ€

Ke Yuan smiled slightly and didnโ€™t elaborate.

He Chuan expressed his understanding. He took the business card and watched the other leave.

โ€œWhy do I always feel a sense of crisis?โ€

He Chuan tried to use the systemโ€™s deductive ability to obtain some information.

In the end...

[In the process of deducing the event, adding the parameter โ€˜not getting strongerโ€™, โ€˜futureโ€™, โ€˜Original Worldโ€™... The number of prediction development of the storylines is unknown, and unable to obtain the optimal solution. Forcefully deducing the prediction will take a trillion years.]

Alright, I donโ€™t have enough brain power, forget it.

He Chuan yawned.

After working for so long, he was physically and mentally exhausted.

He went straight upstairs to prepare the water, took off his clothes, and immersed his entire body in the water.

The luxurious bathtub came with its own massage function.

He Chuan enjoyed the subtle touch coming all over his body. At the same time, he opened the reincarnators forum and began to understand the knowledge that only reincarnators could gain.

The forum was more lively than he had imagined.

Every time he refreshed it, there would be many new posts.

There were fights, insults, discussions, and sharing. Everything was there.

He Chuan ignored these contents. After filtering out most of the popular posts, he finally found something he was interested in.

The first was โ€œ100 knowledge points that a new reincarnator must knowโ€.

This was an academic post.

It listed a lot of problems that a new reincarnator might encounter, as well as suggestions.

He was immersed in it, but halfway through, someone suddenly knocked on the door.

โ€œCome in, the door isnโ€™t locked.โ€

He Chuan originally thought that it would be his parents who would come in and ask him if they had any equipment.

However, a fragrant wind blew and a crisp voice that sounded like an oriole rang in his ears.

โ€œSir Reincarnator, I am the secretary sent by Mr. Ke and am in charge of serving you.โ€

Secretary? Serving?

He Chuan turned around in confusion. The voice sounded familiar, but he could not tell who it was.

The lights in the bathroom were not turned on.

For the sake of extreme relaxation, he chose a dark environment.

Right now, only the floor-to-ceiling windows that were close to the bathtub could be seen. The neon lights that were used for decoration flickered.

Amidst the flickering lights, one could only see a young girl with a graceful figure and sexy clothes. She was carrying a crystal bowl filled with spirit foods and spirit fruits as she approached.

She placed the thing in her hand on the edge of the bathtub and asked softly.

โ€œSir, do you want to eat something?โ€

โ€œNo, Iโ€™m not hungry.โ€

โ€œThen... shall I massage your shoulders?โ€

โ€œThis bathtub has a massage function.โ€

He Chuanโ€™s voice was flat, โ€œGo out, I donโ€™t need anyone to serve me. Go back and tell Mr. Ke to change your jobs.โ€


In the darkness, the young girlโ€™s body trembled as she knelt on the ground, her voice trembling.

โ€œSir reincarnator, what did Wenyue do wrong? You can hit and scold her however you want... Please donโ€™t chase me away...โ€


He Chuan was a little helpless, โ€œGet up then talk.โ€

The young girl only slowly raised her head, not daring to get up.

At this moment, the neon lights suddenly brightened up a little, shining on her pretty face that had traces of tears on it.

The two looked at each other and exclaimed at the same time.

โ€œItโ€™s you?โ€

He Chuan was shocked.

Wasnโ€™t this the girl who had occupied his 50 reincarnation points before he reincarnated?

How did she come here?