Incompatible Interspecies Wives-Chapter 164: Fated Partner (4)

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Chapter 164: Fated Partner (4)

It was a sunny day.

Cheers resounded from early dawn.

The whole capital was bustling in preparation for the upcoming event.

It felt like I was the only one unable to smile in this space.

...No, perhaps everyone connected to me felt the same.

I looked down at Ner, who had collapsed from waiting for me.

Before I knew it, I had left my room and approached Ner.

Tear stains were all around her eyes.

She had been crying for days, so it was only natural.

I couldn’t identify what I was feeling at that moment.

It was an indescribable, strange feeling.

Was it anger? Regret? Pity? Disgust? Guilt?

I didn’t know.

It was difficult to name this complex emotion that had mixed so deeply in one place.

Gidon was watching me beside me.

He had been treating me with some courtesy since the Blackwood subjugation.

“...Has Ner been here all night?”


Instead of answering, I looked at Gidon and spoke.

“...Take her away.”


Gidon only nodded, realizing I didn’t want to talk.

It wasn’t that I wanted to get close to Blackwood.

There was still a debt to settle with the Blackwood family, including Gidon.

They had tried to betray the Red Flames, and I couldn’t let that go without consequences.

...But now was not the time to discuss it.

I watched Gidon support Ner, who couldn’t even stand.


Ner, exhausted and unconscious, whispered my name.

Gidon, hearing her mumble, spoke to me.

“...We know the sins we committed.”


“ seems Ner truly loves you.”

I reflexively asked Gidon, who was intruding on our conflict.

“...Since when did you care so much about Ner?”

“...Weren’t you the one who told me to take care of my sister first?”


I looked at Ner, who was carried on Gidon’s back.

Two drooping, perked-up ears and a tail.

I blinked as I looked at her...and sighed.

Watching Gidon’s back as he left, I spoke.

“...Make sure she’s not late for the event.”

Gidon nodded at me.


Arwin approached me after I finished preparing.

Despite her sorrowful expression, Arwin had adorned herself beautifully.

Arwin whispered, as if trying to mend our broken relationship.

“...You look great today, Berg.”


I didn’t return even the most common compliment.

The more I withheld, the more Arwin’s forced composure shattered.

Her expression worsened day by day, from two days ago to yesterday, and worse today.

She seemed to struggle with the fact that our relationship hadn’t improved with time.

I didn’t want this either.

But in a situation where all my efforts and feelings had been trampled was still too raw to live on with a smile, pretending not to know.

Would even this dull over time?

I couldn’t tell yet.

In the uncertain future ahead of us...I especially wanted to hold back my words.

Maybe, in a few months, I could forgive them.

It’s just a guess, but...maybe I could.

Maybe I could forget the image of them sharpening their knives behind my back.

Maybe I could live thinking only of their genuine hearts.

Maybe I could overcome the pain with a happiness greater than the betrayal I felt.

Maybe this stubbornness will seem foolish in the future.

...But for now, this is all I can do.

I don’t know about the future, but for now, this is all I can do.

I can’t smile.

I can’t utter even a single common compliment.

I don’t have the mental space for it right now.

With harsh situations unfolding one after another, I too was getting exhausted.

Arwin eventually fell silent in response to my cold demeanor.

Maybe she realized that no words could resolve this situation.

Instead, she slowly approached and tried to intertwine her fingers with mine.

Her trembling fingers slipped into the gaps of my hand.


I naturally withdrew my arm.


A moment of silence from her followed.


In the end, Arwin stood behind me, resting her head on my shoulder.

I felt her silent tears and the tremors in her body.

In a situation where Arwin couldn’t see my face, I gritted my teeth and frowned.

Why does it hurt this much?

Knowing it hurts, why can’t I act differently?


As I stood there, Ner soon approached.

Just like me, she seemed exhausted from only getting a light sleep.

Nevertheless, she looked at me and flashed a wide smile.

Of course, it looked unnatural.

Having seen her smile so many times over the past few months, I could tell.


I gave her a small nod at her appearance.

Then, looking ahead, I spoke.

“.......Let’s go.”


Ner couldn’t pinpoint the cause of the tension in the air.

An uneasy atmosphere lingered in the sky.

With each passing day, this unease intensified.

Arwin, who stuck close to Berg, appeared even more detestable.

Ner knew it all stemmed from her own anxiety.

It was a pain that would be alleviated if she were chosen by Berg instead of Arwin.

Of course, endless effort would still be needed afterward... but it was infinitely better than being separated from Berg.

Yet, an inexplicable fear kept enveloping her.

It felt as if the worst pain hadn’t yet arrived.

This fear was so paralyzing that even moving seemed daunting.

In a vast space filled with endless people, applause continued.

People rejoiced in the victory, soldiers felt relieved that the war had ended, and parents hoped they could now feed their children—all united in joy.

And as all the cheers reached their peak, the king slowly walked out and made his appearance.

All the applause began to focus on the king.

While the warriors continued the battle, it was the king who waged the war.

He supported various families at the right times, orchestrating the kingdom’s endurance.

The king, who had been accepting the citizens’ applause for quite a while, eventually raised his hand.

With that small gesture, silence descended upon the capital.

“It is a day of endless happiness.”

He began.

Ner glanced up at Berg for a moment.

Berg was simply watching the king intently.

“Hero Felix severed the Demon King’s head, ending the long war. It was a tough seven years for everyone, regardless of race. Some lost parents, others lost children, and some lost their loved ones. In this long war...”

None of the king’s words reached Ner’s ears.

She was still filled with desperate emotions.

She didn’t deny that her first impression of Berg wasn’t great.

A stoic human mercenary.

That was all.

But after spending time with him, she realized Berg couldn’t be defined by that alone.

He was kind, warm, and incredibly considerate.

He was strong and unwavering, someone you could always rely on.

No matter how powerful the enemy, he never showed fear. Even without hope, he held onto his convictions.

He knew how to prioritize those he cherished... as a husband, there could be no better match.

Ner hadn’t just fallen in love with Berg.

Despite trying to resist and reject it... she couldn’t help but fall for him.

And now, that very person was distancing himself from her in disappointment.

She was being hated by someone she thought she could never meet in a lifetime.

Just looking at him felt like a miracle that brought tears to her eyes.

She couldn’t count the days she felt grateful he was hers.

It seemed destined that she would be happy living with him forever.

Yet, their relationship was now in grave danger.

...She was in a situation where she might never be loved by him again.

Even though she had shed endless tears over the past few days and could somewhat control them now... She couldn’t stop the tears from flowing if she let her guard down.

The king continued speaking amidst this situation.

“...Therefore, I will grant a fitting reward for these deeds. Chosen by the God of War, Dian... Arcan, step forward.”


The centaur Arcan ascended the platform to immense cheers.

But Ner paid no attention to the centaur, instead looking up at Berg.

Her breath quickened, and an uneasy feeling grew, making her feel the need to say something.


How many times had she called his name in the past few days?

And how many times had Berg ignored her?

“As the closest friend of Felix, his contributions are significant. He always read the flow of battle from the center of the war, leading to minimize casualties. To the warrior of war...”

Every time Berg didn’t respond to her calls, it felt like her heart was breaking.

She kept experiencing a pain she never wanted to feel again.

But she couldn’t stop calling out to Berg.

If she didn’t say his name... she couldn’t bear the distance growing between them.

“...Berg, please, just look at me once.”


Berg closed his eyes for a moment... then slowly looked at Ner.



How long had it been?

The black eyes she loved so much were now looking at her.

The color opposite to her white tail.

Ner felt the differences between them anew.

She knew well how much effort Berg had put in to bridge that gap.



As Ner tried to continue her whisper, thunderous applause erupted.

Arcan stepped down, and Sylphrien ascended the platform.

Various birds circled above her, expressing their joy as well.

“Chosen by the God of Harmony, Nikal. Thanks to your sacrifice...”

Amidst everyone’s joy, Ner wiped away her tears and persistently looked at Berg.

As the applause died down, she whispered to him again.

Berg’s eyes remained on her for the moment.

“...I was wrong.”


“You know... I was always... alone...”

She leaned closer to Berg.

She didn’t care how others saw them.

Standing on tiptoe, she brought her face closer to his.

She tried to make her whisper clearer.

“My grandmother’s prophecy helped me... When my brother and sisters pushed me away... she told me that I’d find an ally. That my fated partner would appear.”


This time, Berg didn’t ignore her.

Ner clung to that glimmer of hope and continued to whisper desperately.

She forced back her tears, not wanting to waste this chance.

Though her voice trembled, she spoke with determination to hold on to Berg.

“...I endured, waiting for that prophecy, Berg. Even when I was bullied... when I had no group to rest with... even after Grandma passed away... when I was ridiculed for this tail, like a mark of disgrace... I held on to the belief that my fated partner would appear... There were so many days I wanted to die... Hic... I held on, trusting only in Grandma’s words...”


The king continued.

“...the chosen saintess. Please step forward.”

Despite the saintess being called, Berg’s eyes didn’t leave Ner.

Ner grasped Berg’s arm.

He didn’t push her away.

“...Grandma said I’d regret it if I missed that person. That weighed on me so much... so... I was so scared...”

Did he understand her words?

Berg’s cold expression softened slightly.

A glimpse of the kind Berg from the past appeared.

At the same time, Berg spoke with difficulty.

His words were strained through his pain.

“...That person...”


“......might have been me.”

“She said the person was a noble, so I thought...!”

Ner raised her voice, overcome with emotion.

It might have been desperation.

“So I thought... living with you would be painful... so...”


“Hero Felix! Step forward!”

The moment the hero was called, Ner’s voice was drowned out by the cheers of the crowd.

Ner tightened her grip on Berg’s arm and raised her voice in desperation.

But their words couldn’t reach each other.

For a brief moment, their eyes met.

They were speaking with their eyes, words unable to convey their feelings.

Ner looked into Berg’s eyes.

Now, she saw his face more clearly.

The strong man was in so much pain.

A pain hidden behind his resolute demeanor.

It took a long time for the cheers for the hero who beheaded the Demon King to die down.



For that long period, the two couldn’t take their eyes off each other.

For a long time, they simply stared at one another without saying a word.

Ner couldn’t understand why this moment felt like the last.

She could hardly breathe in the face of that thought.


In her anxiety, Ner called out to him.

‘...My husband...’

She thought of him even in her heart.

He was the only one she had ever loved with all her heart.

Berg was the person she had never loved as much as she did now.

Ner’s eyes filled with tears, dazzled by the light he emitted.

Her hand trembled, yet she naturally reached out to touch Berg’s cheek.

Berg, too, seemed to have tears welling in his eyes.

As Felix stepped down from the platform, the king raised his hand.

Silence fell once more.

In that silence, Ner spoke.

“...It doesn’t matter anymore who that person was supposed to be... Berg. For me, it’s only you... only you...”

Berg listened to her words... then pressed his lips tightly together.

Finally, he shook his head with difficulty.

“...Let’s stop this, Ner.”


Ner couldn’t breathe.

It felt like a giant hammer had struck her chest.

The king’s voice pierced the quiet.

“There is still one more hero. Chosen by the God of Solitude, Lynn....”

Berg squeezed his eyes shut and painfully removed Ner’s hand.

“...Let’s stop this, Ner.”

Ner felt her vision darken.

With blank, open eyes, she saw nothing.

“Berg. Come forward to the platform.”

All eyes turned to Berg.

He pushed Ner away and moved forward.


Watching Berg grow more distant, Ner stood frozen.

All she could do was watch his back.

Her mind couldn’t process the situation unfolding before her.

She knew the Red Flames had achieved significant merit... but she had thought the negotiations for rewards would happen elsewhere.

Why was Berg stepping forward like the other heroes?

Ner slowly turned her head to Arwin.

Arwin was watching her, tears streaming from her eyes as well.

As if sensing the same unease as Ner.

Berg kneeled before the king.

The king approached him and spoke.

“...I understand the Red Flames has suffered great losses. Despite being a mercenary group, the endless courage and sacrifice your people displayed led us to victory. The surprise attack on the Demon King succeeded entirely because of you.”

Berg listened to his words with a blank expression.

“I’ve heard that your brother-in-arms, ‘Adam,’ fell during the process. My sincerest condolences. Even the greatest warrior, Gale, said his final moments were heroic.”

A gentle applause followed.

“...Though we couldn’t kill the Demon King’s right hand, we undoubtedly won the war. And Berg, I made a promise to your brother Adam. A reward for his great contributions. While it would have been ideal for Adam to receive it personally... in his absence, I believe it is rightfully yours, as the one carrying on his legacy.”

Ner blinked.

From that moment, it felt like time started to move slowly.

“As the leader of the Red Flames group and the warrior of solitude, Berg! I bestow upon you the lands of Stockpin and its surrounding areas!”

Ner whispered involuntarily.


She couldn’t believe what she was hearing.

Berg must not accept a title.

He must not become a noble.

If Berg becomes a noble... Blackwood will no longer be necessary.

The only reason he maintained his marriage ties with them would disappear.

For some reason, Ner recalled her conversation with her grandmother.

‘There is a boy who suits you perfectly. He’s brave, warm, and kind. He will be loved by many women. Yet, this man will fall deeply for you. And you, naturally, will fall for him too.’

Brave, warm, and kind. Loved by many women—Berg.

‘Is that true?’

‘Absolutely. No matter who comes, he will always be on your side. He will protect you sturdily.’

‘Even from my siblings?’

‘Even from more terrifying people. Even if the whole world turns against you, he will be your ally. You two could live happily even if left alone in the world.’

Berg, who fought against anyone for her.

‘...When this boy appears, will you treat him well?’

The promise made by innocent Ner.

‘Of course. I’ll bake him pies every day.’

‘Will you really treat him well? He seems like a boy with some wounds.’

The wounds Berg carried.

The king proclaimed loudly.

“And to you, who will be the owner of that land... I bestow the surname ‘Reiker’! As the first head of your family... I hope you lead your house well.”

Cheers erupted and poured onto Berg.

Among those celebrating, Ner stood and stared blankly at Berg.

“...Ah... Ah... Ah...”

-Drip, drip...

Unstoppable tears flowed from Ner’s eyes.

“...From the beginning...”

Berg, who would no longer need Blackwood’s power.

The promise Ner had sworn echoed in her head once more.

‘Yes...! I’ll take away all of his pain! I’ll lick all his wounds clean...! I’ll treat him with utmost care!’

Contrary to that promise, Ner had only given him incomparable pain.

Saying she could never love him. Pretending to have no feelings and pushing him away. Preparing to betray him...

‘Yes. Then I won’t worry. Ner, I don’t usually want to say this...’


‘You must not lose that boy.’

Ner clutched her chest and collapsed to the ground.

“...It was you from the beginning.”

As the last piece clicked into place... she suddenly understood everything.

Why Berg seemed so lovable.

Why she felt so comfortable by his side.

...The person she had waited for all her life was right there—Berg.

With a hollow laugh, Ner slowly whispered.

“...It was you... from the beginning...”

But it was a realization that came far too late.

– – – The End of The Chapter – – –

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