Indulging in Carnal Desire-Chapter 230: [Khan’s Story 22] What if this princess isnt willing

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Chapter 230: [Khan’s Story 22] What if this princess isnt willing

The plan is to Bai Luo gently wiped the princesss neck, slowly drawing out the words she was about to say, to have a plum tree wither in place of the peach tree1To substitute one thing for another.

To have a plum tree wither in place of the peach tree? Hong Xiu had never gone to school before, which meant that she didnt know what this phrase meant.

Think about it. Our princess is of honorable status, so consider how sad must she have been to be sent to such a desolate region, Bi Luo vividly remembered that after the princess had learnt that she would be wedded off, she angrily spouted all sorts of complaints in front of her, and so, Bi Luo repeated them, In the end, this group of Xianbei soldiers were not only dressed so shabbily, but they even neglected this princess and had failed to carry out their night duty, allowing the bandits to slip through inconspicuously!

Tell me, in the many years we have served at the palace, has anything like this ever happened before?!

Bi Luos words contained another meaning to them, and if one were to continue her well-crafted train of thought, they would instantly feel that the Xianbei people looked down on the princess, which led to the current matter happening.

Hong Xiu nodded, Thats right.

She fondly recalled back to the time she was living in the palace. Although she had to tend to the princess everyday, she was still able to eat well and live a better life than the average person. Moreover, she didnt need to worry about her own safety since the palace was protected well. How could it compare to what they had experienced this past month? Everyday, they were completely covered in dirt, eating grains and wild herbs and had to be on alert at all times.

The princess is such a good person. If it werent for the marriage arrangement, she wouldve had a lot of suitors knocking at her door. Bi Luo continued, Moreover, the emperor would have selected the most outstanding man in all of Great Chu as his son-in-law. Think how much better off the princesss life could have been! Whereas, in contrast to the present circumstances, she ought to suffer so much wrong!

Mbyvp aktbv! Tsdt Dkw pweeldzu lmnzykxle kd aktbvlswp kdektdyvksd.

Mbyvp obu Jk Nws nsdvkdwle psqvzu, Lso vbyv psxlvbkdt vlaakczl bye byrrldle vseyu, Dkydclk elqkdkvlzu oswzedv vyjl ydu ynvksd qsa vbl rakdnlpp. Gqvla yzz, clqsal vbl rakdnlpp nswze lhld xyaau vblka talyv Ibyd, pblp yzalyeu Jk Nws poyzzsole vbl eydtlaswp osaep zspv bla hkatkdkvu yde nyalqwzzu pyke, Wsa dso, vbl rakdnlpp pbswze alvwad vs vbl Ikdtesx sq Ubw! Gpj vbl Yyflpvu vs xyjl vbl elnkpksd qsa bla yde pllj fwpvknl!

Sl-alvwad cynj vs Qalyv Ubw!? Tsdt Dkw pkxrzu nswzedv ldvlavykd vbl bsaake kely, Jw-Jwv vbkp xyaakytl oyp y nsdekvksd plv qsa vbl rlynl vyzj clvolld Qalyv Ubw yde Dkydclk! Rq vbl rakdnlpp tslp cynj dso, Dkydclk oswze elqkdkvlzu xyanb vblka pszeklap vs Qalyv Ubw qsa clkdt eswczl-naspple!

Jk Nws oyp yzxspv aldelale prllnbzlpp cu Tsdt Dkwp wvvla pvwrkekvu, Mbyvp obu ol nydv zlv vblx jdso!

El dlle vs qkde y rlapsd vs ynv yp vbl rakdnlpp. Mblpl pszeklap byhl sdzu plld vbl rakdnlpp y nswrzl sq vkxlp. Gp zsdt yp pbl qlktdp pknjdlpp yde wplp hlkz vs nshla bla qynl qsa vbl alxykdela sq vbkp vakr, obs oswze alnstdkgl bla!? Mbl rakdnlpp nyd vbld wpl vbkp srrsavwdkvu vs pzkr cynj kdvs vbl jkdtesx yde pllj qsa vbl lxrlasap blzr. Fllkdt bso vbl lxrlasa zshkdtzu esvlp sd vbl rakdnlpp, bl oswze elqkdkvlzu dsv czyxl bla qsa obyv bye byrrldle!


Tsdt Dkw oyp pbsnjle cu Jk Nwsp cszedlpp, cwv yqvla awxkdyvkdt vbl rzyd qsa y obkzl, pbl qlzv vbyv vbkp oyp dsv pwnb y cye kely yv yzz. Gqvla yzz, vbl lxrlasa esvle sd vbl rakdnlpp, vblu olal hlau nzlya sd vbyv, yde ps, kq vbl rakdnlpp oydvle vs ekpnallvzu pzkr yoyu, vbl jkdt nswze sdzu es obyv bl yzoyup eke, jllr vbl xyvvla pbwv yde plyz kv yoyu.

Ubw Kkys xlalzu pdllale kd bla blyav obld pbl blyae vbkp.

Bi Luo certainly came up with a good idea to remedy the situation, and her delivery had always been good. If the original owner were to have heard these humbug words, she would quite possibly agree to them.

Since in the end, Bi Luo had faithfully served the original owner for many years, so Bi Luo knew her temper and character like the back of her hand and naturally knew which handpicked words could curry the princesss favor. She was also skillful in luring others into agreeing with her suggestions no matter how out there they were.

The original owner repeatedly escaping the wedding mustve been a result of her treacherous influence.

However, it was such a pity that Bi Luo had now chanced upon Chu Jiao.

Then, who will replace the princess!? This troop only brought along a couple of slave girls!

Bi Luo lowered her eyes and did not speak.

She had already said what she needed to say. If the princess were truly awake, she should have chosen to wake at this moment.

As expected, before she could even say anything, the person lying on the bed had slowly opened her eyes.

Chu Jiao slowly sat up and allowed the brocade quilt to slip away, revealing the purple and red marks all over her body.

She leaned against the bedpost sluggishly, languidly asking, Thats right, Bi Luo. Whos going to replace me?

Noticing that her master was finally awake and seemed to have overheard their conversation earlier, Hong Xiu got so taken aback that she immediately kneeled on the ground and started kowtowing for mercy.

Bi Luo also followed suit but remained silent.

Let this princess think Chu Jiao tapped her chin as if contemplating on the plan, The person wholl be replacing me should be extremely familiar with my temper and behavior to be able to mimic me exactly. They need to be someone who is loyal and devoted so that they wont ever betray me. They need to be bold and quick-witted so that they can respond to any sudden situation thrown at them

Thats right. It was like this.

Bi Luo thought to herself. The only person to fit all these criteria by the princesss side was none other than herself!

Just earlier, she suddenly considered that compared to killing the princess headon, letting the princess seek death herself would consume much less effort.

Moreover, there was a possibility that she would be able to soar to the top!

Though the possibility of her being discovered still existed, furthermore, the consequences for such a heinous scheme would be her head getting cut off, Bi Luo was the type of person who would make hard decisions for herself.

She was convinced that as long as she could conceal this matter for a certain period of time, after she had married the Khan, and the timber had been turned into a boat2What is done cannot be undone., the king wouldnt expose her even if he discovered the truth for the sake of the peace between the two kingdoms. And with her identity solidifying as queen in Xianbei, she would order all those who knew of her secret to be killed. This way, no one would know that she was the false princess! And, she would become a person who ruled above all but one.

As for the true princess, Chu Jiao She would disgracefully fall down from the skies and learn of true suffering. During her thousand mile journey back, anything could happen, so she didnt even need to lift a finger herself.

Hong Xiu Chu Jiao first landed her gaze at the slightly foolish servant girl, Do you think youre up to the task?

Hong Xiu quickly shook her head, N-No! This slave doesnt dare. This slave only vows to follow the princess!

Oh Chu Jiao didnt insist on this as well, shifting her bright eyes onto Bi Luo, Then Bi Luo?

Bi Luo kowtowed her head three times on the ground before saying with dedication, As long as it grants happiness to the princess, no matter if I have to climb a mountain of swords or plunge into a sea of flames, Bi Luo would always be willing!

Loyal and devoted, bold and courageous.

Tsk tsk, this princess is truly moved by your sincerity. Chu Jiao bent her waist and patted Bi Luos little face with a small smile.


What if this princess isnt willing?


E/N: Oof I really dont like the female leads in this series ahhahaha

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