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Irwin's Journey - The Cardsmith-Chapter 264: Vibrating ship
Hind woke slowly, and for the first time in over a year, there was barely any pain- just a dull, distant thrumming. There was none of the old sharpness that felt like daggers being thrust into her head and soul before being rotated constantly.
I… What happened?
The bed below her seemed to tilt ever so slightly, then swayed somewhat.
I'm on a ship!
She opened her eyes, looking at the smooth ceiling of a ship's cabin, then raised her left hand up. A single card sat there, the sharpness of its lines showing it was at least topaz. She faintly recalled grabbing it, then everything had gone dark.
Why could I slot it? Am I fixed now?
She probed her soulscape, but a burst of pain made her quickly withdraw. She had never been able to enter it after forming it and had no idea of its state. Still, nightmares of broken barriers and chaos soulforce drifting through it had plagued her ever since it had happened.
"Are you feeling alright?"
A young voice caused her to blink, and she looked to the side where a small woman, no a girl still, sat. She had purple-blue hair, a sharp, curious face, and icy blue eyes that still managed to radiate warmth.
"You're a Yuurindi," Hind said, blinking stupidly.
The girl's eyes narrowed, a look of hostility replacing her curiosity.
"No, wait, I didn't- I mean, there's only a few here! Does that mean I'm at Smith Irwin's ship?" she asked quickly, shaking her head to try and clear it off the thick fog of sleep.
The eyes widened slightly, but a bit of hostility remained.
"I'm Earila," the girl said. "The Captain said to bring you to him when you woke."
"The Captain?" Hind asked.
"Captain Irwin?" Earila said, raising an eyebrow.
Right, I knew that Hind thought. The Eternal Ice, take this fogginess!
As annoyed as she was, she was also grateful. She hadn't slept this deep in so long. A stray thought made her look at the bed, wondering if she could get away with sleeping some more. She quickly pushed it away as she looked around. The room she was in wasn't very big, but well made, and when she realized there was only one bed, her eyes widened.
Do they have private chambers on this ship?
That had to mean it wasn't just some merchant vessel because those used every inch they had to stow either supplies or goods.
"Okay, let's see Irwin," she said.
"Captain Irwin," Earila said, turning and opening the door. "This way."
Hind followed her, and like the room, she saw that the hallway was spacious, clean, and appeared new. A slight suspicion came to her, but only when they reached the cabin at the end of the hall was she sure.
"This is one of those new ships the Monarchs were building," she hissed, eyes wide as she looked around the opulent room.
"It is," a deep voice that reminded her of home if not for the odd accent.
Hind looked at Irwin, the massive Smith wearing a sleeveless tunic covered in smudges. An anvil stood behind him, but as she watched, it flashed, and a Ganvil shot through the air to land on the Smith's shoulder.
"How are you feeling?"
"I feel great," Hind said, then blinked. "Well, much better than before. How… I thought you said there was no helping?"
She saw a look of sympathy run through the Smith's eyes.
"We did what we could, and you will be able to reach home now. But… there's little I can do about your soulscape. Also, you slept for nearly two days… I didn't know what to do, and how you would be when you woke so we brought you along."
Hind's eyes widened, and she looked at the portholes and the landscape of the Portal Gallery passing by.
"How… where are we heading?" she asked.
"Not for Igniz," Irwin said. "Sorry, but we need to do something else first. We will be stopping at the first harbor we pass so you can find passage to Igniz."
Hind nodded as she looked at the man who resembled her uncle.
"Thank you. I don't know what I owe you for the card, but-"
"Nothing. Though, I'd appreciate it if you could take a message from me to someone on Igniz?"
Hind felt a slight annoyance at the thought of taking a card without pay. Her father would have scolded her if he'd known. Then she looked around, and the feeling faded. What could she even offer?
"I'll bring a message for you," she said.
Irwin smiled. "Good, then I'm going to need to practice a bit more. Earila can bring you to get some food and introduce the others. We are going to be a few weeks before we reach the next harbor."
Hind stared at him, wondering where he was really from. He'd said he had turned the way he was from a card, but she'd never heard of a card that made anyone look like a Fiz'rin.
"Thanks again," she said, turning to follow the small Yuurindi out.
Irwin watched Hind walk away, again surprised at how much they were alike. He wanted to ask about her health, but another question came.
"Ambraz, why do I look so much like a Fiz'rin?" he asked as soon as the door closed. "I mean, I understand some resemblance because of our shared Copperion element, but this? From how she acts and talks, I could be one of them."
"No idea, kid. Perhaps long ago there were others that had the same cards as you? Who knows, your children might look like this."
Irwin frowned, then shook his head. "I've never heard of body changing cards, changing the way the children look. I would have heard bout that, right?"
"That's based on the low-rank, weak cards from Giard. I do know there are many worlds and species out there that prohibit anyone changing cards. Perhaps this is one of the reasons?"
Irwin thought about it, then shrugged.
"Let's continue purifying the Gneisian ore. We need to relieve Greldo soon."
For the rest of the morning, he focused on flattening the ore, one part of him humming and the other part playing the soulstrum guitar. He'd found that caused his Ethereal Strings card to improve, and Ambraz said if they continued, it should reach diamond rank within a week. Then, if his hammer card had been a good example, it would take between one and two months to reach Ammolite. A speed Ambraz said was probably unheard of- at least the move from Ruby to Diamond was.
I really need to teach Trimdir and the others how to play and Smith, Irwin thought.
After he finished and locked the metal away in his Captain's safe, next to most of the cards they had, Irwin quickly cleaned his sweat and then dressed in a thin jerkin. The soft chattering of Montain and the other smiths echoed in his mind, and the part of him that was there was listening and sometimes chatting back.
"One more day, then we should be able to get them out, right?" Irwin asked as he walked up the deck.
A quick look around showed the narrow corridor of the Portal Galery they were flying through, an alternative route to the Chaos Maze. You'gyn had said it would be best not to go there, as they might be asked about him.
Hou'dor sat at the prow of the ship, his massive form nestled on a slight elevation meant specifically for the purpose. The other three rank five Ganvils that were with them sat on similar perches, one on each side, and the final one high at the back of the ship on a spot that would allow it to oversee all.
"I'd say two," Ambraz muttered. "We are making good speed, but we are passing too many ships still. It's… busier then usual."
Irwin agreed as he walked along the long deck towards the double stairs leading to the upper deck. The Concerto was over twice as long as The Sonata had been, and the upper deck had a small, semi-open room with a table with a crystal covering it from the weather. Below is one of the most precious things on the ship: a map of this part of the Langost branch provided with Brazardian.
Greldo stood in front of the steering wheel, still looking slightly worried as he kept glancing at the barriers.
"Took you long enough!"
Irwin grinned and faked, wiping something from his arm before he took over. "You did great."
"Whatever," Greldo muttered, cracking his neck. "So, she finally woke up. She's been chatting with Earila and Boohm for a while, mostly questions about how you made that card. Which reminds me. How did you make that card?"
Irwin shrugged. "It was mostly Ambraz. He was able to pinpoint the mistakes in the music sheet and find out how to fix them. I just-"
"Played a very difficult song while reforging it," Ambraz snorted. "I know I'm great, but cut yourself some slack. That was something none of those supposedly 'promising' smiths in your soulscape could have done."
"True, I'm awesome," Irwin said, nodding lazily.
There was a moment of silence, and then Greldo laughed while Ambraz grumbled something.
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"So, on to more important things? How are the cards? Did you get used to them enough?"
Greldo sniffed, and a moment later, twelve Coals popped up all across the upper deck, looming in the shadows. As large as the deck was, that many charbull-sized hounds made it feel crowded.
"They are amazing- and focusing on their passives to increase my soulforce, even more was a good idea," Greldo said. "I'll be combining them into my second full hand later today."
"Good, then we are going to reforge it into a heartcard tomorrow when Earila is on the helm," Irwin said.
"I can't wait," Gerldo said as he walked away, all of the Coals vanishing. "Now I need to eat. I'm famished!"
Irwin laughed as he watched his friend strut away. When he was gone and the deck still, Irwin looked around, then up at the massive sail. Unlike those on a sea vessel, it would remain stretched until it needed repair or they needed to slow to a halt. And even then, it would only tilt. Zender and Earila had cleaned it twice already and would need to continue each morning. The only reason they even managed to do so was Earila's ability to teleport and Zender's greatly increased physical abilities.
We will need to find some more people to clean the sails, Irwin thought.
"The return trip to The Dimarintsia River will take way shorter, even with this slight detour," Ambraz said. "Even better, as long as we don't get any trouble there, we can go full speed once we reach it."
"I'm looking forward to that," Irwin said as he took a look at the barriers zipping along the sides. "Do you think we can outrun one of those Currant Hunters if we met one?"
"We should be the same speed," Ambraz said. "So, unless they want to burn their tens of thousands of soulshard sails, I'd say they won't bother."
Irwin nodded happily, but Ambraz wasn't done yet.
"However, they will have a few dozen ranged carded on their ships," Ambraz said. "So, I'd suggest to use our speed to rush them instead."
"Attack?" Irwin asked, looking at his shoulder in surprise.
"If they are anywhere within five hundred feet, yes, "Ambraz said. "Otherwise, the chances of them just following us with a constant barrage will be too large."
"Won't they just turn and flee?" Irwin asked.
"They can try, young smith, they can try," a loud voice boomed from the front of the ship.
Irwin looked at Hou'dor, who had shrunk to a chest-sized anvil that flew towards them like an oversized bumblebee. He landed beside Irwin, returning to a larger shape, which Irwin now knew was more comfortable for Ganvils beyond rank five.
A massive hand appeared above him, which shot to the side of the ship, slamming into the barrier as a fist and causing a dull boom to echo out.
There were surprised shouts from below while Ambraz snorted.
"I didn't ask you along to show off, Hou!"
Hou'dor didn't answer, but instead, the wagon-sized hand appeared again. This time, it made a grasping motion.
"If they try to flee, I'll grab them and hold them in place long enough for you to board them," Hou'dor said. "The others will provide shielding for any ranged barrage- up to a certain level."
"Show off," Ambraz grumbled.
"No worries, Am, I'll teach you when you get to rank four!"
Irwin didn't say anything, but from Ambraz's sudden grin, he was probably thinking the same as Irwin.
That will be soon, then!
The rest of the day was spent quietly as Irwin felt himself slowly start to enjoy controlling the ship. The Corridors were long and winding, but he knew where he had to go.
Earila took over while Hou'dor kept their silent watch.
Another day passed, and everyone slowly got used to being on the ship again. Zender and Earila were a bit quieter than normal, but when Irwin called them all to the large mess, they seemed as curious as Boohm. Earila didn't look surprised when he asked her to fly the ship while he was gone.
Irwin watched them sit down at one table, looking at him. Hind was sitting alone, quietly observing.
"When we left, I was asked to bring a few people along," he said as he looked around. "So far, they have been inside my soulscape, but it's about time they get some fresh air. Besides, this is a big ship, and we could use some more help."
As he spoke, his other self hung in his soulscape, looking at Montain.
"No offense to your incredible soulscape, but I'm really glad we can leave now," Montain said.
"You've only been here for a few days. Try being here for half a year," You'gyn said.
"Alright, here you go," Irwin said, just as he said, "Here they come."
He stepped to the side as Montain and his sisters Esther and Seleen appeared. A moment later, Dahlia appeared. All had their Ganvils on their shoulder. You'gyn appeared with them, but he flew to a perch near the roof, joining Ambraz.
They were looking around curiously, just as the others were inspecting them.
"So," Irwin said. "Some quick introductions!"
"You're Granitians!" Boohm said, eyebrows raised. "I thought you never left your worlds?!"
The three Granitians looked at him in surprise, then recognition.
"The Smiths Guild moved us to Granvox when the smiths began disappearing," Montain said. "If it was up to us, we'd have remained home. It's good to see an Onyxian, though! We have a lot on our worlds!"
Boohm laughed, nodding. "Aye, your worlds agree with us!"
Irwin waited, but Boohm didn't continue, so he quickly pointed at his friends and crewmen one at a time, calling out their names. He included Hind, who didn't respond. When he finished, he turned to Montain.
"This is Montain. He was one of the more talented smiths of the second years, and these are his sisters, Esther and Seleen. They will be coming with us."
"Hiding from the evil people after us," Seleen said. She looked almost identical to her sister, except for her hair, which was short and hung loose around her shoulders. "Also, all three of us were among the most talented smiths!"
"We are here to help," Esther said, glancing at her sister in reproach before smiling at everyone. "Pleased to meet you."
There were some muttered greetings, and then Irwin pointed at Dahlia. "And this is Dahlia. She's the granddaughter of the Deen."
Dahlia frowned, her silver eyes gleaming, but she said nothing, seemingly waiting for something.
Irwin gave her a moment to say something, but when she didn't, he shrugged and focused on the Ganvil on her shoulder.
"I don't know the names of the Ganvils," he said. "Perhaps you can introduce yourselves?"
"Juul'rish," the silvery Ganvil on Dahlia's shoulder said in a high, feminine voice.
She's like Skylar's Ganvil, Irwin thought. He saw looks of surprise among the others, but nobody said anything, though from how Zender was fidgeting, he probably would soon enough.
The frown on Dahlia's face had disappeared.
"Dar, Nava, and Sand'malder," the Ganvil on Montain's shoulder grunted in a grumpy tone. "And yes, we are all of the same batch…. Nice to meet you."
"Okay, I'm going to need some time to remember all your names," Greldo said. "But, you are all smiths?"
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"We are," Seleen and Montain said at the same time.
They glared at each other before Montain waved his sister to speak.
Esther sighed, shaking her head.
"We are officially second years, though we've been taking third years classes," she said, looking at her sister. "Well, me and Montain were still in second-year theory classes."
"Nice," Greldo said, though his voice showed he had no idea what they were talking about. "Does that mean you are also just going to be hammering away all day…?"
"Instead of?" Seleen asked, raising an eyebrow and looking back as if challenging him.
Irwin laughed when Greldo's eyebrows shot up. He'd already told Greldo that he was going to put the smiths to work, and he'd warned them to, but it seemed Seleen felt like having a go at Greldo.
"Everyone on The Concerto will need to help out," he said, deciding to just go with it. "We have a small crew, and this trip is going to take close to two months."
"Like we said, we will help," Esther said, silencing her two siblings with a wave. "However, you forgot to mention what you want us to do. We aren't very good with ships…"
"That's okay," Irwin said. "None of you would happen to have a flying skill?"
Esther blinked, then turned to Seleen.
"I can fly…" Seleen said slowly.
Somehow, Irwin had the idea she wasn't really interested in helping; then again, she seemed to do what Esther told her… mostly.
"Good," he said. "Then Zender and Earila can show you how to help clean the sails."
"Oh, that doesn't sound too bad," Seleen said, suddenly looking a lot more enthusiastic. "Does that mean Montain has to help cook?"
There was a stunned surprise as Montain groaned.
"I'll help with that," Esther said, sighing as she looked at Irwin.
Irwin nodded, then looked at Montain and Dahlia.
"I can help defend the ship," Dahlia said. "And I can help navigate. Grandfather told me to learn most of the Langost branch's main routes."
Which we won't be using, Irwin thought, but he kept quiet.
"Alright, that's good to know," he said, looking at Montain.
"I can help with the defending," Montain said. "I've been trained for battle, and all of my cards are both smithing and battle-related."
Irwin looked at him in curious surprise. The towering young man hadn't talked much about his own cards when he was inside his soulscape, and he wondered what those were now.
"How about you help me train the others?" Greldo said.
Montain looked at Greldo, his eyes passing over him before he nodded.
"Right, let's eat!" Boohm said, stomping to the kitchen area. "No better way to get to know each other than over a good meal!'
After a round of agreements, the smiths sat down at the table. Boohm brought in the food, and soon, everyone was chatting. Montain seemed to be getting along with Greldo, while Esther was curious about Zender.
Eventually, Irwin showed them to their rooms, which were next to each other. When he returned to his own quarters, Greldo was waiting for him.
"So, did you want to do my next Heartcard now, or…?"
Irwin hesitated. It would take a while, and he wouldn't be able to stop midway… Still, the next sidebranch wouldn't be for half a day, and they had the rank five Ganvils.
"Yes," he said, nodding slowly. "Have you thought about what it should look like?"
"A full focus on the shadow clones and soulforce enhancements," Greldo said immediately. "I can have five active or passive effects, right?"
Irwin nodded, taking up his book and a clean page.
"Yes, at ruby rank, it's five," he said, writing down the shadow clones and two of the passives of Greldo's final two cards.
Greldo hesitated.
"What?" Irwin asked.
"After I get this, which cards do I need to fill my lake?" Greldo asked.
"The same as with the heartcard," Ambraz said. "So, anything shadow related. If you want another option, you would need to pick another card as the core of the heartcard."
"Is there a benefit except the ability to get a wider range of cards?" Greldo asked.
This time it was Irwin who answered, and as he did he realized just how much he had learned at the academy.
"If you keep focusing on shadow, your soulcards will become more efficient, allowing you to use the abilities more," he said. "Also, it will allow you more options to slot cards for your next hand. Each soulcard will limit the handcard categories and types you can still slot. Right now, you have shadow and summoning, and those synchronize well with a lot of things. But if you add another category of soulcard or one with types, your soulscape will be far more set and rigid."
Greldo nodded slowly. "Which types and categories would work well with shadow and summon?"
Irwin wasn't surprised by the question, and he'd spent a good bit of time finding out.
"Body enhancement, but that's a given, as are any summon enhancements like the shadow clone," he said before naming a list of types and categories.
"What is the difference between types and categories?" Greldo asked as he leaned back, seeming deep in thought.
"A category can be summon weapons, or fire, things like that. They aren't usually on the descriptions of the cards when those who are able to interpret them. Types are more specific, and there are potentially an infinite number of them. At least, new ones are still found regularly," Irwin said. "They also designate special things about individual cards, like Growth or Hidden. Some don't limit the compatibility of cards at all, while others, like Sanguine Flesh, will require all following cards to deal with organic matter or have the blood typing."
"Sanguine Flesh… that sounds horrifying," Greldo muttered.
"It's a type of regeneration card that will allow you to regrow an arm or a limb within moments," Ambraz said with a laugh. "The only problem is that the arm might not look exactly like the one you lost. It's one of those that is banned on many worlds."
Greldo was quiet for a bit, then nodded. "Let's go with the shadow clone. I'll think about my next heartcard after that."
Irwin nodded as he got up and moved to the center of the room. "Then let's get you your silver eyes back!'
Greldo snorted as he followed him. "And just when I was used to my red ones again."