Is this really a Game?!-Chapter 32 An Instant

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A group of 20 hobgoblins slowly made their way towards the party. Lead by 2 lvl9 hobgoblin captains they walked forward with no fear in their eyes.

"Hey Reign, do you think you can shock them while taking on a captain simultaneously? " Wolf asks him as he readies his greatsword, pouring mana on it and making it heavier with every second.

"Hmm, I think so, why what's your plan?" Reign thinks for a second before answering Wolf.

"It's simple, use overwhelming power to decimate them before they can do anything, Tank, do you have enough mana to use your other skill?" Wolf turns around suddenly and asks Tank.

"Yeah, it won't be a problem." Tank confidently nods.

"Alright, Beast and Shadow you guys just need to stay behind and attack from range, Shadow can use his ability to hinder their movements if needed while Beasts wolves can help us out by attacking a hobgoblin together from behind, if we're lucky they will manage to kill some that way." Wolf quickly makes a plan in his head, hearing his words everyone nods, not bothered in the slightest that he was ordering them. He was best amongst them when it came to tactics and battle so everyone subconsciously thought of him as the groups strategist.

"Okay, here I go!" Reign shouts and breaks into a sprint towards the enemy group, running with all of his might he summons his lightning on both of his hands, the right one holding his sword while the left hand was clenched into a fist. The hobgoblins look at him and get ready, even if they outnumber their enemies they still made sure to not underestimate them, otherwise they might end up as the numerous corpses in front of them.

The hobgoblin captain on the left side was Reigns target, zooming in to him he prepares to use his skill to try and take him out immediately. The captain draws his sword and it starts gloving with a pale red color, lifting it above his head he prepares to face Reigns attack head on.

"It's glowing, these guys can also use skill?!" Reign thought as he charged forward, it was too late to stop now, putting all of his strength and faith in the attack he was about to unleash he jumps and stabs at the captain.

Lightning immediately forms all around the sword and Reigns right hand, the lightning formed spear goes straight at the hobgoblin captain that slashes his sword downwards. The red sword and blue lightning collide, breaking into a stalemate for a moment before the lightning moves forward, overpowering the captains attack. The attack does manage to divert the lightning and so the captain only suffers from a sword wound and burns on his left shoulder.

Landing on the ground Reign immediately opens up his hand and uses his lightning at the nearby hobgoblins, stunning many of them. Turning around he faces the captain as Wolf arrives at the shocked enemies.

Holding his greatsword on the side Wolf stops right in front of the enemies that are immobilized and using all of his strength he swing the giant sword at them, leaving a trail of fire in its wake. 𝒇𝙧𝚎𝐞𝙬𝒆𝑏𝑛𝑜v𝚎𝒍.c𝑜m

[ Flame Slash ]

The flaming sword hits the enemies, setting them on fire, finishing his attack Wolf immediately jumps backwards to avoid an attack from the other captain, and to avoid Tanks attack.

Tank suddenly jumps from behind Wolf, soaring high up he looks like a copper statue as his skin had completely changed color. From high up he suddenly starts falling down, right at the middle of the hobgoblins that were trying to extinguish the fire.

[ Wrecking Ball ]

Description: The user gains an incredible boost of physical strength for a moment, letting him jumps incredibly high in the air, reaching the peak of the jump the skin will start turning into metal (if user has a body type ability it will turn into that) and fall down towards his enemies, destroying anything in his path.

Tank hugs his legs while in the air and starts spinning while falling, his body as tough as copper currently gains a boost in speed and destructive power with that. Finally he reaches the ground where he smashes 3 hobgoblins immediately, while producing a small shockwave after hitting the ground.

"My turn again!" Wolf shouts as he manages to draw distance from the captain, Tank immediately retreats while the hobgoblins are in a confused state. Wolf jumps on Tanks shoulders and uses him as a springboard to jump high before falling down and punching the ground.

[Volcanic Fist]

Description: Focusing the power of flames on the hand, the player is able to generate an incredible amount of power on it, hitting an opponent with it will make it explode on his body and deal massive damage, while hitting the ground will make the fire go below and explode up.

The ground nearby suddenly explodes as fire breaks out of it, unfortunate hobgoblins that got caught in it immediately start screaming in pain as they burn alive.


The captain growl in anger while watching his subordinates die, he tried going after Wolf but two hands made from his shadow suddenly grabbed his ankles, making him fall on the ground in that moment, getting up he slashed them apart and charged at Wolf.

Right before he manages to get to him his instincts suddenly flare up, making him turn around just in time to see an arrow speeding right at him. Quickly slashing with his sword he manage to block it, only for the arrow to explode right in front of him. His right hand suffers burns and a flesh wound, making it hard for him to now use it.

Wolf doesn't waste the chance he was given and immediately attacks, swinging his greatsword at him.


The captain uses both of his hands to wield the sword, flinching a bit the second he applies strength to grip it with his right hand. Blocking the attack his hands immediately go sideways as the strength behind the attack coupled with the weight of the sword proves to be too much for him right now.

On the other side Reign was having a tough battle with the other captain, being only wounded a bit the captain still had most of his strength, making him a strong opponent.

"I can't let this fight drag on, the more mana we spend and the more tired we get will just make the final batter harder. Reign retreats a bit and looks at the captain with a serious look. "Sorry, I originally planned to use this against your boss but it seems I'll have to do it now, I'll be ending this battle in an instant."

Circulating mana in his whole body Reign suddenly starts leaking it everywhere around him, the mana that went outside his body turning into lightning that lingered around him, coating his whole body.

"This is the first time I'm using this in a fight, it still doesn't have a name but you're the first opponent to ever see it, not that you understand what I'm saying of course." Reign looks at the captain who was preparing to attack, his sword already glowing with a bright led light. "It's useless, I already told you didn't I?"


"I'm ending this in an instant."

Reign moved his leg and suddenly appeared right behind the captain whose head was cut off.