Is this really a Game?!-Chapter 33 Evolution

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Lightning still lingered in the area where Reign moved, the headless body of the hobgoblin captain falls, lightning still flickering at where his neck used to be.

[Lightning charge] Rank A

Description: By releasing all of the mana stored in the body the user can gain an enormous boost in all stats, by converting all the mana into electricity and coating the body in lightning, the user further gains a boost in his agility and reflexes, reaching unimaginable speed in a straight line, the more times the skill is used the more stress is put on the body, user is advised to be careful, by stopping the skill the leftover mana will flow back in the body.

The skill Reign just used was a new one that he created by accident, while training in his room one night he decided to strengthen his body with mana again and train it. By seeing it work he tried to strengthen more body parts at once, in the end losing control and making his mana go wild inside, trying to suppress it and using his lightning to disperse the mana that was leaking he suddenly found himself being coated in it, feeling as if he was hugged by his late mother.

Reign tried hard to recreate it again, not only because of the familiar feeling that he longed for, but because he also felt an incredible power in that moment, far above his usual.

Currently Reign was panting, the skill took a huge toll on his body and he couldn't use it for a long time. Looking around he sees that the hobgoblins were nearly wiped out, only 5 remain after the onslaught they delivered, not to mention Beasts and Wolfs ranged attacks that wounded and killed a couple, even the wolves managed to kill 2 hobgoblins before retreating, Greenie was the only one that stayed back without doing anything so far, the smart goblin knew he couldn't fight the enemies right now so he was waiting for his chance.

Wolf was fighting against the wounded captain and was currently being the one on the offensive, the wound the captain suffered on his arm proved to be more serious than he thought at first, barely being able to use it he had no way of attacking Wolf who was attacking in a maniacal fashion, disregarding any notion of defense and using everything he had for every attack, slowly but surely the captain was getting tired, and his wounded arm only got worse.

Tank was fighting 3 hobgoblins by himself, using his giant shield and the mace he was able to keep them at bay without endangering himself, from time to time an arrow or dagger would make their way towards his enemies, making them dodge and letting him counter attack.

Seeing everything is going well Reign turns to the 2 hobgoblins that were alone, they were going for Wolf, trying to attack him while he was busy with the captain. Running at them Reign initiates a fight immediately, stabbing his sword at one of them.


The hobgoblins manages to deflect the attack to the side, although not fully as he gains a wound on his right arm. Stopping the hobgoblins observe the opponent in front of them, they knew he fought one of their captains and were flustered to see him in front of them. Looking at the side they suddenly see the captains headless body lying on the cold ground and gulp heavily. They knew the strength of the captain very well, knowing that the human in front of them managed to kill him so fast made them realize that they were not his match at all, still they held their swords in front of them and got ready to fight as they knew that there was no other way to survive.

Reigns charges at them and starts the fight off with a flurry of attacks, slashing from side to side, up and down, stabbing, he does everything he can to kill the hobgoblins quickly. The hobgoblins were overwhelmed with the attacks, they manage to block most of them but some still slip through their defense and wound them, they were weaker than Reign in every aspect, that and the fact they were already scared of him and thought of themselves inferior in power made their fighting prowess drop even further.


Reign fakes a slash to the chest, pulling his sword back he slashes at the hobgoblins legs, managing to cut deeply in the right leg. Taking back his sword he blocks an attack from the other one and retaliates by kicking at his chest, pushing him back and allowing Reign to continue with attacking the wounded hobgoblin. Reign tries to cut his head but the hobgoblin blocks it while two handing his sword, seeing a chance Reigns turns his sword and slashes down, cutting off a part of the hand. The sudden pain makes the hobgoblin open up his hand and drop his sword, immediately realizing what he did he tries to pick it back up, but before he can Reign slashes again and kills him.

Jumping back Reign dodges a stab from the remaining hobgoblin, now that he only had to fight one he was incredibly relaxed, he knew that victory was near as there was no way the remaining bunch can defend for a long time. Kicking off the ground he leaps forward and slashes down at the hobgoblin who tries to defend. He was successful with the block but it came with a price, the strength of Reigns attack made his drop to one knee and lower his sword, letting Reign cut at his shoulder.

Reign again kicks the hobgoblin who manages to defend this time, but the kick was still a success as it managed to drop the hobgoblin on his back. Not wanting to waste such an opportunity Reign goes forward and start slashing at the legs, wanting to immobilize the hobgoblin first before he finished him off. The hobgoblin screams and tries to dodge and block the attacks but was not successful with that, lying on the back while your opponent is standing in front of you with a sword is something not even masters in jiu jitsu would ever want to face, let alone a hobgoblin with barely any fighting knowledge.

Blood spurts from the wounds as Reign finishes brutalizing the poor thing, taking a step forward he stabs him in the stomach and then slashes the wrist that was holding the sword, his enemy was now unarmed so Reign simply comes forward and thrusts his sword into the goblins neck, ending his life. 𝑓𝑟eℯ𝒘𝗲𝑏n𝑜𝚟𝙚𝒍.𝒄o𝐦

Finishing the battle Reign runs to Tank as he sees that Wolf was winning his fight and had no problems.

Him and Tank joining together spelled the beginning of doom for the hobgoblins, as one of them attacked one the other blocked two enemies, swiftly they kill one hobgoblin and move on to the remaining two.

Reigns fight ends quickly as Beast launched an arrow right before the fight started, the arrow made the hobgoblin switch his focus for a moment and Reign capitalized on that by cutting an arm off.

Tank was destroying his opponent too, using his absolute advantage in strength he easily blocked any attack with his shield while using his mace to deliver devastating attacks on the hobgoblin that was now on his knees. Tank lifts up his mace, wanting to finish him off, but stops before he does so. The hobgoblin was confused for a moment, it didn't know why the human spared him, but before he could think of anything a sword stabs the back of his neck and kills him. Greenie starts jumping in joy as he drops the sword and turns the hobgoblin around, using a knife to cut his chest he rips out his heart and starts eating it.

"What the hell is your pet doing Reign?" Tank asks Reign in confusion.

"I'm not sure, but I think he's trying to evolve?" Reign scratches his head and tells Tank, immediately after that Greenies body suddenly starts glowing, the glowing body changes shape, becoming taller and broader. After a short while the light subsides and Reign and Tank see a bigger than average hobgoblin standing in front of them.