Is this really a Game?!-Chapter 46 Opening The Gold Chests

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Reign and the others left the office and got together in Reign's room.

"We didn't have time before, let's check those chests and the two titles out." Reign sits down on his bed while saying so. Waving his hand he brings the status screen in front of him and looks at the titles.

[ Title: Dungeon Hunter ]

Description: A title given to those that manage to finish a hidden dungeon with a perfect rating. While staying inside a dungeon, all stats, attack and defense will rise by 5%

[ Title: Dungeon Pioneer ]

Description: A title given to those that managed to finish a hidden dungeon fist. While being in a dungeon it will be easier to find clues towards secrets inside of it.

"Alright, the effects are not bad, but how exactly will it be easier to find clues I wonder." Wolf looks at the descriptions in front of him and frowns.

"Maybe we will get a notification or like a beep whenever we are close to one?" Beast scratches his head while answering, everyone nods their heads in agreement as his guess made sense.

"Alright, let's check the chests now, chest, chest!" Tank jumps up and down on his chair excitedly, looking like a little kid who was preparing to open presents.

Everyone takes out their chests from the inventory, the chests were golden in color and even shined a bit, with the new information from the system they knew that equipment has a color based on their rank, gold was the color of B rank items, they were very expectant towards these chests.

"Alright, let's open them," Reign says and opens his chest together with everyone.

[ Mysterious Gold chest opened, player has gained Rank B Fire Casters Gloves ]

"I actually got a rank B," Reign exclaims in surprise as he checks the gloves out.

[ Rank B Fire Casters Gloves ]

Atk: 10

Def: 10

Spirit + 3

Willpower + 3

Description: Gloves made from lava spiders silk, have strong fire-based properties and will increase the power of any fire-related skills and attacks by 30%

[ Mysterious Gold chest opened, player has gained 100 S coins and Rank C Feather Boots ]

"Not too bad. " Wolf nods his head as he looks at the boots in front of him.

[ Rank C Feather Boots ]

Def: 20

Agility + 3

Description: Boots decorated by feathers of a strong storm bird, channeling mana to them will increase the wearer's speed by 15%

[ Mysterious Gold chest opened, player has gained Rank E boots, Rank D Enchanted Dagger, Rank E gloves, Rank F metal pipe, and 30 S coins ]

"Noooooo!" Shadow cries out after seeing the items he got, the only usable things are the coins as everything else was just trash, including the dagger.

[Mysterious Gold chest opened, player has gained Rank C Belt of Power and Rank C Ring of Enduring ]

[ Rank C Belt of Power ]

Def: 10

Strength + 2

Vitality + 1

Description: A belt decorated by runes to enhance the power of the wearer's body.

[ Rank C Ring of Enduring ]

Endurance + 5

Description: A ring imbued with mysterious magic, has the effect of increasing the endurance of whoever wears it. f𝓇𝘦𝒆𝘄𝑒𝗯𝑛𝗼ѵ𝙚l.𝒄𝘰𝓶

"Sweet!" Tank smiles happily after seeing the items he got, even though he wasn't as lucky as Reign the items were something he could use and their rank was not low.

Everyone suddenly turns their heads and stares at Beast, he was the last one to open his chest, based on what happened the last time everyone had a feeling he would get lucky once again.

[ Mysterious Gold chest opened, player has gained Rank B+ ( half grade A ) Broken Sword of Dominance ]

[ Rank B+ ( half grade A ) Broken Sword of Dominance ]

Atk: 60

Strength + 4

Agility + 4

Spirit + 4

Description: A broken sword of a forgotten swordmaster, even though its power is nowhere close to its glory days it is still a mighty weapon. When using the sword the users' mana will have a 40% increase in mana efficiency and a 40% increase in attacking power. Using an enormous amount of mana the user can bring the sword back to its former power for a short period of time.

"Holy mother of god." Shadow stares at Beast with his mouth agape, everyone around him did the same.

"I knew your luck was good but man, what the fuck." Tank says to the embarrassed Beast who was scratching the back of his head with a shy expression on his face.

"Well, let's see, we got a rank B item, B+, 3 rank C's, and some trash that Shadow picked up." Reign snickers at the last part, happy that he was no longer the only person to draw an F item.

Shadow sits down grumpily on the side and turns his head sideways, ignoring Reigns' remark. Beast suddenly gets up with the sword in his hand, going over to Reign he stabs the sword in the ground and says.

"Nobody else uses a sword so this one is yours, cap'n." Smiling from ear to ear he tells Reign, he always felt a bit awkward that he had higher-level equipment than the others, even though his effect in battles was lower than Reign, Wolf, and Tank.

"Then I won't stand in ceremony, thanks Beast." Reign stands up and pats Beast's shoulder while thanking him, looking over to Wolf he says, "The gloves are yours, Wolf, they're pretty much useless for anyone else."

"Sure, then I'm giving the boots to Beast, that's the least he should get after getting such a high-rank weapon." Wolf gives Beast the boots as he takes the gloves from Reign.

"Umm Shadow you can take – " Before Tank can finish Shadow interrupts him "I already have a belt and the ring is useless to someone like me, you should wear both, you're our meat shield anyway, the tankier you are the better."

Tank stops in his tracks and simply nods his head at Shadow who had a slight smile on his face. "So, weren't we talking about going leveling, the faster we do so the better, we got a town to visit." Shadow gets up and tells everyone, they all nod before equipping the new equipment they got.

Getting outside they take the familiar path to the gate, eager to check how different the forest and the monsters inside are now. Before they leave though they see Jack waiting for them beside the gate.

"Seems like you guys got some nice new toys huh," Jack says while observing them, his gaze stays a bit longer on Reigns' new sword. "Don't forget what the captain said, no moving towards the town before hitting level 16, even then it will be a dangerous journey."

Everyone nods at him before he continues.

"Also, don't go too far inside the forest, even though you are much stronger now you never know if a big group of monsters will appear, or worse a boss-type monster." Jack lectures them some more about how the forest has changed and that it will be harder to find smaller groups now before he finally sighs and moves away.

"Anyway, just be careful and don't get yourselves killed."

"Don't worry, we're not suicidal or anything, we'll just explore a bit nearby to check out the differences before coming back," Reign tells Jack with a smile that makes him frown.

"Looking back on your past actions I highly doubt that." Turning around he gives them a wave before the gate opens and they leave. He slowly walks up the stairs to the wall and stares at their receding figures.