Is this really a Game?!-Chapter 47 Changes In The Forest

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A hobgoblins head flies high in the air as a fountain of blood spurts from its neck, dying the surroundings red.

"Phew, that's the third group so far." Shadow wipes the sweat off his forehead, ever since they entered the forest they've been avoiding any small groups they would come across, with their levels the monsters in the beginning areas of the forest give a minuscule amount of exp, they only fought larger groups, this one was the third.

"It's definitely different now, we would come across smaller groups much more often before, not to mention that groups of this size were non-existent till now." Reign wipes off the blood from his sword before putting it back in the scabbard on his hip. Surrounding the five of them were numerous corpses of the monster group they just killed, just from the first glance you could number at least 14 of them.

[Battle has been concluded, distributing experience...]

- lvl8 Goblin Thief killed, 96 exp points gained- freℯ𝓌e𝚋𝐧𝘰vℯl.𝐜𝚘𝗺

- lvl8 Goblin Thief killed, 96 exp points gained-

-Lvl8 Hobgoblin killed, 96 exp points gained-

-Lvl7 Hobgoblin killed, 84 exp points gained-

-Lvl1 Goblin killed, 12 exp points gained-

-Lvl2 Goblin killed, 24 exp points gained-

-Lvl3 Goblin killed, 36 exp points gained-

-Lvl3 Goblin killed, 36 exp points gained-

-Lvl5 Goblin killed, 60 exp points gained-

-Lvl4 Goblin killed, 48 exp points gained-

-Lvl2 Goblin killed, 24 exp points gained-

-Lvl7 Hobgoblin killed, 84 exp points gained-

-Lvl8 Hobgoblin killed, 96 exp points gained-

[The players have earned 1165exp points and 65S coins, distributing…]

[Player has earned 233exp points and 13S coins]

"The amount of exp gained has really gone down by a lot." Wolf walks over to Reign with his greatsword resting on his shoulders. Looking around he says; "I think we should just go around these guys as well, let's just go in deeper and find some stronger enemies, it'll take us ages to level up like this."

"I agree, fighting against these guys is no fun." Tank chimes in from the side, ever since getting classes, everyone got a huge increase in their strength, monster groups like this one posed no problems for them.

"W- well at least it's safe like this." Beast looks up at Tank while stuttering, even though he was slowly getting used to fighting and had his confidence go up a fair amount, he still had some reservations when talking with everyone.

"Don't worry about it Beastie, right now the only thing that can endanger us would be a high-level boss or a huge group of stronger enemies, everything else is just cannon fodder for us." Tank laughs heartily as he pats Beast's shoulder a couple of times in succession. Beast smiles nervously and nods.

"Well I agree with what Wolf said, let's go in deeper and find some stronger monsters, I want to go to that town as soon as possible." Shadow looks at the forest with a burning gaze, after finding out both of his parents were still alive and all right the only thing on his mind was to become stronger so that he could see them again.

"Let's go then." Reign simply nods at his friend, he understood what Shadow was feeling right now, he had the same thoughts as well, besides their little groups, the only people he cared about were Shadow's parents and his uncle to whom he already sent a message and was waiting for an answer.

Everybody slowly walks towards the forest, it wasn't as scary as it used to be, with their current strength they had enough confidence to challenge the Elite boar they came across a long time ago, even the ogre that chased after them would be a target for them now.

Going through the dense forest they made sure to be quiet and go around any groups they came across, it was only after more than 30minutes that they finally came across suitable opponents.

[Lvl 10 Gnoll ]

[Lvl 10 Gnoll ]

[Lvl 11 Gnoll Hunter ]

[Lvl 11 Gnoll Warrior ]

There were 4 gnolls in front of them, 2 of the gnolls were almost the same as the lower leveled ones they came across the first time they entered the dungeon, the only difference was that their fur was a bit thicker compared to those. The hunter and warrior were very different though, the hunter was carrying a spear with him and had some light leather armor covering his body. The warrior on the other hand was equipped with a short sword and a thick reinforced wooden shield while wearing a similar kind of leather armor as the hunter.

"Sooo, we just charge in?" Shadow looks at everyone for confirmation, everyone shrugs their shoulders in response, the enemies in front of them are strong but, they're still weaker than Groll was, while they were much stronger.

"I'll just use my charge at them first, you guys join in after that." Tank gets up and starts walking towards the gnolls that have now been alerted and were observing him with a vigilant gaze.

Tank continues walking slowly as he stretches his neck left and right, getting ready for the fight. Lowering his posture a bit he breaks into a sprint at them, the phantom of a bull materializing around him.

Bulls Charge!

Looking at the powerful attack coming at them the gnolls widen their eyes and get ready to fight, instead of trying to block Tank though they simply dodge out of the way, leaving themselves vulnerable to Reign and the others.

Beast and Shadow take a level 10 Gnoll each, those gnolls had no armor or shields with them, making them more suitable targets for their long-range attacks. Greenie was standing right behind them, ready to jump in if they get into trouble while the two wolves were each on one side of Beast.

Nocking an arrow Beast releases it towards the gnoll who barely dodges it, making him stumble a bit before continuing to run towards him, Shadow, on the other hand, was using both his ability and knives to attack the gnoll who was barely making any progress at closing the distance, it could be seen who was more experienced from this exchange. Beast was stronger than Shadow at long range, but his shyness and nervousness made him hold himself back in fights, the only way to overcome it is to get face to face with a dangerous situation, stimulating himself and slowly changing him.

Wolf slams his greatsword down on the gnoll warrior, making his legs bend a bit from the force transmitted from his shield. On the other side Reign was facing the hunter who was trying to stay at a distance while attacking him with his spear, Reign of course understood the intention and was aggressively attacking, slowly shortening the distance between them.

Tank managed to destroy 2 trees with his charge, looking at the situation in front of him he lowers his shoulders before sitting down and watching the show, he knew the battle was already half won, it was only a matter of time before all 4 gnolls become corpses.

The gnoll at Beast's side finally managed to shorten the distance, being near the striking range he immediately lowers his posture before trying to jump at Beast who launched another arrow at him. The gnoll evades it by simply moving to the side a bit, but as the arrow passes by him it suddenly explodes and knocks him to the side, the fire burning the left side of his body.

Shadow on the other hand had stopped using the long-range attacking method and was facing the gnoll in a melee fight, using his superior speed and footwork to dodge every strike while dancing around the monsters and wounding him with his daggers from time to time.

Wolf and Reign had already gained the upper hand in their battles, the warrior was strong, but under the ferocity of Wolf's attacks he had no chances for a counter, simply using his now cracked shield to survive the onslaught. The hunter was in no better shape, Reign was able to get close to him, preventing him from using his spear efficiently.

"Yup, this fight turned out to be boring too," Tank sighs while watching them while sitting down on the ground in boredom.