I've Become a Genius Actor-Chapter 62:

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Chapter 62:


"Did you really not know? Director Gu Chanik told us not to tell you because he wanted to inform you himself."

Jang Jaeyi shrugged her shoulders and added.

"He's always been a playful one, that man."

Yooil unwittingly touched his face.

Director Gu Chanik, playful?

It's not a joke, he probably really forgot.'

The Berlin Film Festival.

One of the world's top three film festivals, along with the Cannes and Venice Film Festivals.

Although it might not be as well-known as the other two festivals, its prestige remains undiminished.

This time, The Mysterious Garden was invited to the Panorama section, not the competition section.

Jang Jaeyi hinted that it was okay to look forward to the red carpet outfits she had selected, with a twinkle in her eye.

"Berlin is more casual compared to other festivals, so you have a wider range of choices."

Yooil, who had been stunned by the shocking news of the invitation to the Berlin Film Festival, snapped back to reality at the sight of Jang Jaeyi's sparkling eyes. Memories of the fitting hell during the Busan International Film Festival flashed through Yooil's mind.


"This time were planning to film the fitting and upload it to the agency's YouTube channel."

Had Jang Jaeyi's smile ever looked so mischievous?

Yooil nodded weakly.

"Thank you, Director."

* * *

[@jinnnny Ha, my actor's going to Berlin (news capture)]

[@yuulll_33 How can a newcomer have such a portfolio?]

[@djWjfkrhdy CrazyReally seems to pick the right projects]

[@jinnnny Ah It's worth being a fan]

Lee Hyejin felt like she could be full without eating these days.

While uploading a storm on BlueChat today, she couldn't resist her rising fan feelings and turned on The Missing Case of Saetbyeol High again.

"Hey, don't you get tired of that? How many times are you watching it, sis."

The words of her brother, who had come home after a long time, didn't reach Lee Hyejin's ears. Her admiration for Han Yooil only deepened day by day.

A few days ago, when her friends were checking their love fortune with tarot cards, she staunchly checked her fan fortune.

Hmm Student, I don't know who it is, but you've chosen well. He's a good person. Kind, lucky! You won't have any troubles. And he's good at what he does What do they call it professionally handsome?'

The joy of hearing those words from the tarot master.

She wanted to jump up and shout, Yes, the actor I chose is exactly that kind of person!', but she managed to hold back.

Reliving that proud moment, Lee Hyejin's phone rang.

A YouTube notification.'

And it was from JJ Entertainment's YouTube channel. Lee Hyejin's hands moved faster than light.

[JeterView] New Year's resolutions of the passionate Saetbyeolz! If you're curious, come and see~


The thumbnail was a trap. Three actors smiling brightly, among them, the one who caught Lee Hyejin's eye was Han Yooil. A face shining brighter than Lee Hyejin's future.

The agency's doing a great job'

However, Lee Hyejin was slightly disappointed by the short duration of the video. Noting the video was only about 4 minutes long, she pressed the play button slowly.

[The first meeting of the three actors after shooting!]

Have you both been well?

Yes, I have.

Me too.

Subtitles showed Yooil, Suna, and Younghyun conversing in a somewhat awkward yet affectionate manner.

Suna, now that we meet again in the same company, how do you feel about it?

Kim Suna pondered for a moment upon Yooil's question.

Hmm It's nice. The company is bright and also bright.

Oh, you mean the interior?

Yes, it's bright. The walls are white.

Yooil, with wide-open eyes full of curiosity, and Younghyun, nodding seriously in agreement.

Their interaction made Lee Hyejin burst into unexpected laughter.

[Like turning on 100 fluorescent lights in JJ Entertainment! (Actually, it's more than 100)]

The video included witty subtitles and inserts showing the bright and white interior of the agency.

Ah no, I meant the atmosphere is bright.


Ah! I'm sorry.

Sweatdrop graphics appeared over Yooil's face, who was laughing awkwardly. After the brief conversation, each actor shared their resolutions for the year.

"Ha So good"

As Lee Hyejin was capturing every second of Han Yooil's face, she belatedly shifted her gaze to the comments.

OMG it's the Saetbyeolz

As it happened, the leads of <The Missing Case of Saetbyeol High> all became part of JJ Entertainment, so people continued to use the nickname they had during the drama's broadcast.

Lee Hyejin started reading other comments with a proud smile.

Saetbyeolz, may you only walk on a path of flowers!!!!!!!

1:01 Neither Kim Suna nor Han Yooil thought anything was odd about Park Younghyun's response, which was hilarious

?? : Bright and.. also.. bright

And Park Younghyun being so serious about it

Yooil.. If you're not an actor, then who is..


Ah 2:45 When Han Yooil says I'm embarrassed to call myself an actor', look at Kim Suna and Park Younghyun's expressions

They're both cursing with their eyes, aren't they

Uh oh.. I keep seeing Kim Suna as Yein..

Me too Every time Suna speaks, I flinch

Used to Seunghyun's bright sunshine, seeing the calm and gentle Younghyun is a bit hard to adjust to

Beep beep, that's normal

There are only good actors in JJ Entertainment,,

For real

Go Heeyeon is also an amazing actor..

While happily liking comments, Lee Hyejin realized there was another new video posted.

[JJSpoiler] JJYooil. Already a year?! And there's going to be an online fan meeting?! (Must watch till the end)


Unable to contain her excitement, Lee Hyejin clicked on the video.

Then, the same meeting room from the previous video appeared.

[Just after filming the New Year's greeting video]

Yooil, about to stand up with the other actors, was approached by an employee.

[Employee: I'll be right back, so please don't go anywhere and just stay seated! (Anxious)]

[Manager: Yooil! I have something to take care of too, so I'll step out! (Awkward)]

To anyone watching, it was obviously unnatural acting, but Han Yooil seemed completely unsuspecting.

The video then showed a rapid montage of employees setting up the cake, putting on party hats, and the actors, interspersed with Yooil sitting quietly in the meeting room.

While the surprise party was being prepared, there was a humorous incident where a promotional team employee had to rummage through the storage for new party hats because the strings of the ones prepared broke.

Meanwhile, Han Yooil sat upright, quietly waiting for the employee.

The camera focused on Yooil was mounted on the ceiling, so his expression wasn't clearly visible from the front, but at least a small glimpse of his face was visible.


With a small subtitle, Yooil's zoomed-in face appeared. He was staring into space with his mouth slightly open and a blank look in his eyes.

My actor looks good even when he's zoning out'

Discovering this new fact about Han Yooil, Lee Hyejin playfully hit her pillow while capturing the moment.

Soon after, the video JJ Entertainment prepared was projected through the beam projector.

Yooil, biting his lip and looking unsure of what to do, eventually covered his face with one hand and bowed his head.

[Finally, the employees make their entrance!]

Happy first anniversary~ To our beloved actor Han Yooil~ fr eenovelkiss.com

The employees, along with Kim Suna and Park Younghyun, appeared with the cake, and finally, the camera moved from the ceiling to show Yooil's face up close.

He was a mix of confusion, joy, and surprise, his lips twitching slightly.

Thank you

[Genuinely surprised Actor Yooil]


Who knew a grown man could look so adorable? Lee Hyejin rapidly captured the moment again, hitting her pillow. After the pleasant surprise party ended, the video was drawing to a close.

And then, the moment Lee Hyejin was eagerly awaiting appeared in subtitles.

[We are recruiting members for Actor Han Yooil's official fan club!]


[We plan to decide the fan club's name together with the fans at the online fan meeting, so we hope for your participation!]

Lee Hyejin's face stiffened as she picked up her phone. The online fan meeting was scheduled for ten days later.

With a solemn heart, she was inputting the date into her calendar when her phone rang.

Boss: Hyejin, are you available to come to work next Friday~? Minju said she has a schedule that day~

Hyejin quickly sent a refusal message.

Sorry. It seems I'll have a schedule that day too

A part-time job? That's none of her concern.

Her actor is having an online fan meeting!

And they're even deciding the fan club's name there!

I will definitely participate.'

Determination surged through Lee Hyejin's clenched fist. It was a resolve that no one could break.

* * *

The day after the video was released.

Yooil stepped out of his house wearing dark blue jeans, a beige knit, and a thick padded jacket.

It's still quite cold.'

He felt a chill even just coming down to the underground parking lot. As Yooil opened his car, he spotted Min Woojin wearing a white short sleeve.

"Hyung Aren't you cold?"

"I turned on the heater. Plus, I don't usually feel cold that much!"

And he pointed to the passenger seat where he had his padding jacket ready.

"On a day like this, we should have hot beef soup. What do you like, Yooil?"

"I well"

Yooil, about to answer naturally, suddenly stopped.

"Hyung, don't tell me you're asking this on purpose too?"

"You don't trust me now, do you?"

"I trust you, it's just that"

"No, the company asked me to ask you just once! That was all!"

Seeing Yooil's meaningful expression, Min Woojin shook his head vigorously, looking wronged.

A playful smile appeared on Yooil's face at the sight of Min Woojin's flushed face.

"I trust you, hyung but it feels like our trust has been slightly shattered since then?"

"What, no?! Hey, Yooil!"

Min Woojin was always fun to tease.

The manager, vehemently denying any wrongdoing, eventually closed his mouth with a sad face.

However, after a few minutes, he started sharing various stories as if nothing had happened.

"Right. You said you contacted Director Gu Chanik, right?"


Yesterday, Yooil had called Director Gu Chanik.

Ah, yeah. I was about to contact you. Looks like we'll be flying together.

Director Gu Chanik's tone was as usual.

Is this your first time in Berlin? Ah, you haven't been anywhere except Vietnam, right?

After the call, Yooil ended up listening to Director Gu Chanik's favorite Pho places in Berlin before hanging up.

Even Brion seemed taken aback, keeping silent for a while after the call ended.

Yooil also contacted Hwang Riu afterwards.

Senior Hwang Riu: See you in Berlin. Stay healthy until then.

Fiddling with his phone, Yooil shifted his gaze to the window.

The Ofilm building, where he had been for a meeting with Director Won Heesu before, caught his eye.

"We're here, Yooil!"

"Thanks, hyung."

Goal Achievement Rate: 23.1%

Yooil glanced at the goal achievement rate floating in front of him before getting out of the car.

Perhaps it was the excitement. Even though the cold air hit his cheeks, it no longer felt chilly.

"Please come this way, Actor Han!"

Yooil followed the staff's lead and entered the spacious meeting room.

It was the reading session for the film <Jinhee>, which was shrouded in secrecy even in its casting.

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