I've Turned Into A Fox Girl?-Chapter 17 A Goddess Has Descended (Elysia)

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?[Quest complete]


2 level ups -> Elysia

20 attribute points -> Elysia f𝘳𝚎𝑒𝚠𝑒𝚋𝘯o𝘃eƖ.co𝓂

[the remaining rewards will be given to Shaman]

After Elysia passed out Wolfy jumped on Elysia and claimed her stomach as its bed for now.

Shaman collected the core and started making her way out of the forest, hoping that Elysia would wake up as she really wanted to try Elysia's home cooking.


Elysia had finally woken and could see the city was in sight, with the sun falling behind the city indicating it was almost nighttime.

She had also realized that Shaman was carrying her and looked up to see her smiling.

"Oh good your awake, I was getting worried that I would not be able to taste your cooking." Shaman was showing a radiant smile causing Elysia to blush a little. Elysia had also remembered the events just before passing out causing her to blush more.

'Why does this girl always blush, I swear when I wake up I'm going to find a pile of love letters in our room.' Shaman was now getting suspicious of Elysia's feelings as at first she thought it was nothing special but it might be a lot more than she thought.

'Not much I can do but I should not be aggressive with her as she might get the wrong idea, maybe doing things that I did with my few friends in the past would give Elysia a heart attack.' Shaman was now going to be cautious till she was sure about her feelings for Elysia.

"You can put me down now." Elysia spoke in a shy voice. Wolfy hearing this jumped off Elysia onto Shaman's head.

"Oh sorry." Shaman put Elysia down and had taken Wolfy off Shaman's head and started patting it in her arms.

"It really seems to like you." Shaman was amazed how Wolfy was unfazed and just let Elysia do what she wanted.

"Maybe because it came out of an egg it knows when something is going to hurt so it has no reason to object." Elysia made a reasonable guess as it only seemed to take action when threatened or if there was more than one person.

"You could be right, I even forget that he is on my head because he just sits there and I just got used to him being there not moving no matter how much I moved." Shaman had actually forgotten about Wolfy as his presence was non-existent since all he did was rest on her head or on the bed.

"Well, at least it understands to a degree and is capable of protecting us so I think it deserves the freedom it has." Elysia really liked Wolfy's free spirit nature of just relaxing all the time but was willing to lay down its life for its master.

"I guess so, but before we arrive, what do you need to evolve?" Shaman had also remembered that Elysia had hit level 10. Elysia had opened her status window and clicked on evolve.

"It says I need 4 tier 2 crystals or just a tier 2 leader beast crystal." Upon saying this Shaman pulled out the tier 2 leader crystals and handed them to her.

"You killed it so it is yours and plus you need it to evolve but we will do that once we get home and eat." Shaman smiled at Elysia.

"Thank you." Elysia had put it in her inventory and had a happy expression.


They finally made it back to the city and they both made their way to the adventure guild to turn in their profits Elysia had also upped her adventure rank.

After getting some more money they headed to the food court for Elysia to pick out ingredients and utensils for Elysia to cook. Shaman had also given her a hood that she brought from the guild house to hide her tail and ears.

Before arriving Shaman had activated shadow cloak and quickly entered her apartment just in case they were being followed.

After arriving, Elysia got straight to cooking as she had a glowing expression on the way home.

Shaman had sat down on the bed and used her 20 points, 10 from the quest and the rest from the level up.


Strength: 35 -> 40

Dexterity: 25 -> 35

Defense: 20 -> 25

'Good thing Elysia got most of it despite her just getting the kill but I guess I really only defended and got one attack in, maybe we should experiment how it works later.'

'I should also check on the memories to see if there's anything useful.' Shaman then went into her mind and into the separate space where the previous owner's memories were.

'I will never get used to this feeling of being in my own head looking at memories.' Shaman then floated through searching the memories.

This time she had a clearer picture of the training and could see that she was using a katana as well.

'I must have stupid luck or something for picking the same weapon but maybe our personalities were similar so that's why I chose it although I didn't really choose it and spoke out loud, maybe it was these memories that made me say it.' Shaman was speculating on who she was but other than that nothing of interest seemed to be found.

After having a little memory dive the smell of meat filled the room. Shaman instantly opened her eyes and could hear Elysia humming away as it seemed like the food was almost ready.

'It smells so good, maybe I should just marry her.' Shaman blushed a little at the thought as she was very impulsive when it came to things that made her happy and maybe being cautious was an impossible task.

'wait no, I should not fall in love just because she can cook.' Shaman shook her head as she was having thoughts she has never had before since her love life beforehand was non-existent despite being asked out many times and rejecting all of them.

after being stuck in a loop of rejecting the idea but also wanting that to be the case Elysia had come out with the food. Shaman had also brought a small table and put it on the floor. Elysia put the dishes on the table and sat down on the floor with Shaman.

Shaman gulped as it looked really delicious.

"This is my first time using such good tools so I hope it tastes alright." Elysia was a little nervous and had to make sure she put extra effort into this dish to appease Shaman.

Wolfy had also looked up as he was drooling a little, Elysia had gotten a small plate for Wolfy as well and gave him a small portion of meat, Wolfy dived straight in.

"Alright no use staring, let's eat." Shaman then picked up a knife and fork and got the first piece of meat. Elysia was sitting there in anticipation of how Shaman would react.

Shaman put the meat in her mouth and her eyes instantly shined. Shaman could not help herself and instantly started devouring the meat.

Elysia had a relieved expression and so she started eating herself.

Shaman had finished in 5 minutes and fell back and laid on the floor.

"Oh a goddess has descended upon this world and now I just want to marry her." Shaman who was satisfied with the best food she has ever had blurted out that statement without thinking.

Elysia had almost choked at those words since all the fantasies she had been having might become a reality but she was aware that Shaman tended to say things without realizing what they implied so she calmed herself and finished eating.

Shaman had also just realized what she said and shot up with a blush.

"Sorry I kinda just blurted that out." Shaman did not want to deny it as she was now convinced about marrying her failing to not fall for Elysia's cooking.

Elysia raised an eyebrow as she noticed the way she had phrased her words.

'Wait so she does want to marry me, what is with these sudden developments, we have only known each other for a day but yet we could be married in the next few days?' Elysia had exploded a little and fell back.

'Shit she noticed.' Shaman could instantly tell what she was thinking but if she said any more it could make it worse but she still decided to say something.

"I will think about it plus it is too soon and we are skipping too many steps." Shaman also wanted to sort things out with herself. The gang that was hunting her was also a problem so she wanted to stop them before considering it plus they haven't even started dating so jumping to marriage was too much.

Elysia had shot up hearing this and nodded as she understood as things were happening too quickly and too soon.

"I'll wait." Elysia responded with a low voice but she was so happy on the inside.

Now that they have finished dinner it was time for Elysia to evolve.

Elysia had sat in the middle of the floor naked so she did not ruin her clothes, Shaman had left to the bathroom to respect her privacy and to wash up, although Elysia was fine with seeing her but she understood why.

'alright let's do this.' Elysia had clicked yes and a black egg formed around Elysia and she fell into a slumber.