I've Turned Into A Fox Girl?-Chapter 215 First Kill

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?Approaching the farmlands of the elves, Shaman spotted a few young dark elves towing the land. Elanor and Shaman both went up to the cobblestone fence that surrounded the farm, using it as cover to hide from the unsuspecting elves.

"Alright, they will be your target, there is no reason to hold back so go as strong as you want." Shaman didn't expect Elanor to be able to fight for long as the mana required to kill a basic tier 6 was a lot.

"Got it." Elanor trembled a little as although they were just basic mobs, she knew they were tier 6, which was 2 tiers higher than her. She also felt a little uncomfortable as they reminded her of her own race, but then she imagined the faces of the nobles who harassed her, turning that uneasiness into anger.

"We will be right here, so if you think your life is in danger, scream out and we will come." Reassuring Elanor that she won't be in danger, Shaman hoped Elanor wouldn't hesitate in the midst of battle.

"Alright, I will yell out if need be, but I think I should be fine." Confident in her power, Elanor looked ahead, determined to beat the elves.

"Good luck, you can go whenever you are ready." Shaman saw the confidence and didn't want to get in Elanor's way anymore, so Shaman took a step back to let Elanor free-rain.

Taking a deep breath, Elanor looked at her fan blades, going over in her head about how she would go about it.

Plucking up the courage, Elanor stepped up and rushed towards the elves who were yet to see her. Jumping over the fence while opening up her fans, the wind began to swirl around Elanor which alerted the elves.

However, before they could turn and run to get reinforcements, Elanor swung up with her left fan raising a wooden wall. Delaying the elves from retreating allowed her to get close enough to use her fans. One of the elves turned around to try to slow down Elanor while the others tried to get away.

Spinning on her feet she slashed across the neck of the elf and made a deep cut, but it didn't kill the elf nor stop him from retaliating. Lunging forward with the pitchfork in his hand, he aimed for Elanor's head.

Leaning back, Elanor barely dodged the pitchfork. She continued with the momentum and did a backflip while kicking the elf in the chin.This worsened the cut, enlarging it further and dropping the elf to his knees as he bled out.

The other 2 elves seeing their friend being murdered became enraged! Instead of alerting the other elves, they went on the attack.

Elanor panicked for a moment as she didn't expect both of them to charge at her. Quickly slicing up with her right fan, she sent out a wind slash while also swinging down with her left fan causing vines to emerge from the ground.

Restraining one of the elves with the vines while the other one attempted to block the wind slash, Elanor used this time to move back and prepare her next attack.

The elf managed to block the wind slash with their pitchfork, which surprisingly was the equivalent of a basic tier 6 sword. However, the other elf struggled to get out of the vines as his skin would burn merely from touching them.

Elanor, only having to deal with one elf for the time being, dashed forward. The Elf stood still with the pitchfork in front of him waiting for her to get closer. Once she was a couple of metres away, the elf stabbed forward aiming for her stomach.

Using the ends of her fans she was able to deflect the elf's attack, but not without consequence. She felt her arms almost break from the short clash as despite the elf being weak for its tier, the difference in base power was still significant. Gritting her teeth through the pain, she swung up with her left fan creating a wooden spike underneath the elf.

Piercing the elf, the wooden spike emerged from its mouth killing him instantly. Meanwhile, the insides of the elf were being purged with fire, making Elanor realise something.

'Is it because it's holy nature?' Knowing her element had a holy effect, she deduced that since the dark elves were of a corrupted origin, she was in a sense purifying them.

The other elf was still stuck in the vines and some of his body parts were close to melting through. It was a rather gruesome scene, but it confirmed that the nature element she produces is for the dark elves harmful to the touch.

[Level up!]

[Tier up!]

Notifications popped up in front of Elanor and she was confused about what was happening. Shaman, seeing that the fight was over, came out from behind the fence.

"Great job Elanor! Despite the power difference, you made short work of them. It seems like your nature element is their weakness." Shaman came to the same conclusion about why the elves' skin was burning and was pleasantly surprised that it had such an effect.

"Hehe, thank you." Elanor hearing the praise did a small jump in excitement.

Clara, Elysia and Silver all came out as well, proud of her achievement in killing a tier 6.

"So, what level are you now?" Silver was curious if she was already ready to evolve as killing something 2 tiers above must have given a lot of experience.

"Hmm, it says I am level 127. It also said I went up a tier, but I'm not too sure what that means." Elanor opened up her system menu and read out the notifications which caught everyone's attention.

"Wait, wait, it said you tiered up?" Shaman was confused as Elanor should have been stuck at level 100 and should not have broken through until she evolved.

"Yes, it says I'm tier 5 now." Elanor didn't know why everyone was looking at her with shocked looks, but suddenly a voice echoed out in everyone's head.

[That's because Elanor is naturally a tier 7 elf, so she doesn't need to go through the process of evolution like you all.] Rea had a cheeky tone as if she was holding in a laugh while she explained.

"Ehhh?! This is so unfair, why am I not a naturally higher tier? I am royalty after all" Shaman felt cheated as she just realised that both her and Elanor are nobles, but Shaman wasn't naturally a higher tier.

[That's because you are a "different" person so you had to start from the beginning.] Because Shaman was from a different world with no magical power, it correlated over to her new body making her go through the process from scratch.

"Hmph, it isn't like it's linked to the soul right?" Shaman refused to accept the explanation. She already had a cheating system so why couldn't she cheat levels?

[Sorry, can't help you, now byeee~, also hi Elanor I'm Rea the system assistant. We can talk later but I need to put in some earplugs before Shaman starts screaming at me.]

"O-oh hey." Elanor was confused as to why she could hear a voice in her head, but it seemed like everyone else could hear her as well.

"Oi! Don't run!" Shaman squinted while looking up into the sky, hoping her stare could be seen.

"Pfft, calm down Shaman, we also have to go through it so at least you are not alone." Elysia hugged Shaman from behind hoping it would calm her down.

*Sigh* "I guess I am overreacting for no reason." Shaman figured she should be happy instead of annoyed as now they can easily get Elanor to the right level before they get to the tier 7 floor.

"Anyway, shouldn't we get Elanor to continue killing the elves? The closer she gets to tier 6 the easier it will be." Clara getting everyone back on track wanted to continue Elanor's level grind.

"Yes, sorry for acting like that, Elanor." Shaman felt bad since Elanor had no control over it and there was no reason to act like that. 𝑓𝗿𝐞𝘦𝘄e𝘣n𝘰𝘷eƖ.c𝘰𝗺

"It's okay, I don't really understand what's going on so it went over my head." Elanor tilted her head while smiling as she was struggling to comprehend what the hell Rea talked about. It was certainly news to her that she was apparently somehow stronger.

"Okay good, now spend your attribute points which are on the status page and then we will continue killing some more elves." Shaman directed Elanor to her attributes and she began to put her points in.

After Elanor spent her points the group moved on to the next set of elves, but this time they assisted in killing them to speed up the process. Still, they would leave the smaller elves to Elanor so she could practise some of her combos.

Making quick work of the town, they were about to kill the last elf which was a child.

"He is kind of cute." Elanor kneeled down looking at the child dark elf that held a stick in his hands.

"It's a bit morbid but as you saw, they are not really children, so don't feel bad." Clara, who struggled to kill the younger elves, thought it must be a little difficult for Elanor since they are of a similar race.

"I know, but it still hurts a little to see." Elanor did feel her heart hurt, but she knew there was no point in feeling sympathy.

While Clara and Elanor were talking, the child took the opportunity to run up to Elanor and hit her head with the stick.

"Ow!" Jumping back, Elanor held her head as it was a rather hard hit. However, the child didn't give up and continued to chase her.

"Wait no." Elanor wasn't ready and so she ran away from the child while she fumbled to get her fans out.

Everyone else looked in amusement and found the situation hilarious, so they let the chase continue.

"Guysss help me pleaseee." Elanor struggled to use the inventory where she stored her weapons while running around the town, struggling to escape from the child.

Read An Extra's POV