I've Turned Into A Fox Girl?-Chapter 221 [Christmas] - Snowy Adventure

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?It was the evening with the sun barely peeking over the horizon, providing just enough light to see. Snow had fallen from the sky covering everything in a thick white coat, making it somewhat troublesome to travel.

However, this wasn't a problem for the group as Elysia effortlessly melted the snow with her flames. Traversing through the snow, the group were exploring the fox realm since Freja tipped Shaman and Elysia off to a nice place to go during the winter.

Everyone was covered head to toe in winter gear, but due to the fox realm having some of the harshest winters it still felt like it wasn't enough.

Currently the group was walking through a bamboo forest at the bottom of a mountain, slowly getting closer to the base.

"So do we actually have a place in mind?" Clara did not know where they were going as well as Elanor and Silver.

"What she said, you dragged us out into the cold and haven't said anything." Silver pouted wishing he had his thick fur coat when he was a wolf.

"Hey, you have at least an arm warmer with you." Clara turned around glaring at Silver who had an Elf attached to his arm. Elanor avoided all eye contact pretending she wasn't even there and ignoring what everyone was saying.

"It's not like I had a choice." Silver blushed as ever since they went outside, Elanor latched herself onto Silver for warmth.

"Hmmmmmmmmmmmm." Shaman was constantly eyeing off Elanor, not approving of her actions, but Elysia kept Shaman at bay by pulling her along.

"Ahem, we will be there soon… I hope." Elysia answered Clara's question the best she could since she didn't even know how close they were.

*Sigh* "I guess we will see soon." Clara accepted their fate and only hoped it would be worth the trip out in the snow.


Continuing through the bamboo that grew thicker the deeper they went, the group finally made it to a clearing.

"I think we are here." Elysia spotted an entry to a cave that Freja described to her.

"A cave?" Clara found it ridiculous that where they were heading was a cave and didn't make much sense.

"Where we have to go is through this cave apparently." Shaman gave some details about the location, but it didn't subside the immense amount of curiosity Clara had.

"Hope this is worth it, if not I'm going straight back." Elanor was wanting to go back more and more since she hated the cold.

"I'm hoping as well, the last thing I want is to get there and it turns out to be just one massive joke." Silver became more sceptical as time went on and slowly was agreeing more with Elanor in turning back.

"I'm sure it will be fineeee." Shaman believed this would be okay since when she spoke to Freja it was in a tone she only uses when she is serious.

"Urggg let's just go in, it will be warmer in there at least." Clara overtook Elysia as the snow was less dense making it much easier to walk in.

"Oi don't go too far." Elysia chased after Clara alongside the others who didn't want to be left behind.

* f𝗿e𝙚𝘸e𝐛𝚗𝐨𝙫𝚎𝙡.c𝒐𝐦

<Inside the cave>

The cave wall was lined with blue glow bugs which lit up the cave perfectly well. It was a rather beautiful scene and without taking a closer look, it made it seem like a wall of light bulbs.

"Damn I wouldn't think something like this is just in a random cave." Clara took a moment to admire the scene while the others caught.

"You're not wrong, but hey at least it gives me hope that what Freja said is true." Shaman became less worried that this trip was for nothing since they were already seeing a wonderful scene.

"This isn't the final destination so it makes me think about what will be at the other end of this cave." Elysia was itching to find out what was through the cave and kind of wanted to hurry.

"Still haven't told us what she said." Elanor had finally let go of Silver as the cave was out of the cold breeze which made it unbearable cold for her.

"If I'm honest she didn't tell us much, the only thing she said was to go to this cave and have a nice date." Shaman finally revealed what Freja said which wasn't surprising for anyone.

"Ah I see why, it kind of ruins the suspense." Clara felt her curiosity fall flat as she would have thought Freja enticed Shaman and Clara with something, but in reality, there was nothing.

"Still though, it has been promising so let's not get too down. It is Christmas after all." Shaman thought this would happen and didn't want to say anything, but she felt bad keeping it a secret from everyone.

[Shaman, they don't have Christmas here.] Rea echoed in Shaman's mind letting her know that this holiday didn't exist. f𝐫𝑒𝗲𝙬𝒆𝚋𝐧૦𝘃𝗲l.c𝚘𝘮

"Ch-Ch-rist-mas?" Elysia turned her head confused as the word sounded like it came from a different language.

"Oh right, well we have a day in my old world where you exchange gifts and meet up with family. Basically a holiday at the end of the year to celebrate." Shaman gave a quick explanation, but it didn't seem to do much.

"Is it like the day of the tree? I know we elves do something different but it's to celebrate the world tree." Elanor realised what Shaman described sounded like a elven tradition, but it was something celebrated in the middle of the year.

"Maybe? I don't know too much about the traditions of this world so I hoped things would be similar." Shaman had no idea but assumed it was since her Christmas did originate from religion.

"Hmm, probably not the best people to ask since we have been ostracised from society, especially Elysia and Elanor." Clara had no idea what the holiday could be since she only knew of the demon land's traditions which didn't fit any of what Shaman said.

"Oh well, we can make it our thing. I will ask Freja if she made it a proper holiday, but I feel that would be too much of a task." Shaman was a bit sad that it may no longer be a thing but had some hope since Freja also came from her old world.

"For now let's keep going, I still don't see an end in sight." Silver ended up ahead of everyone and couldn't see the end of the cave meaning they still had a lot more walking to do.


<End of the cave>

Light from the outside leaked into the cave, indicating they made it. This was the final reveal and once they were through they will finally see what Freja wanted them to see.

All of them walked out together and were met with quite a unique scene that Shaman didn't think was possible.

As their eyes adjusted to the light, they stood over a massive cherry blossom forest that was enclosed at the bottom of a volcano, but something was odd. They were blooming and the petals on the trees were of a blue colour.

This confused Shaman and didn't quite sit well in her head, but it was also another reminder that she is in a different world.

'I really shouldn't be surprised.' Shaman knew she shouldn't be caught off guard since she has been in this new world for so long, but she couldn't help but get confused at times.

"Wow, it's so… beautiful." Elysia and the group were amazed by the scene as paired with the snow, the bright blue petals almost looked magical.

"I see why Freja didn't say much." Elanor couldn't believe such a place existed, let alone that it was completely untouched.

"Let's get closer." Silver wanted to get close and see the trees up close, but as he took a step out of the cave, he slipped. In a desperate attempt, he grabbed the closest person to him which was Elanor.

Dragging her down with him, they rolled down the side of the mountainside which was covered in snow.

Shaman, Elysia and Clara quickly jumped down and slid on the snow. At first, they almost tumbled and joined Silver, but once they gained their balance it allowed them to catch up.

"Hang in there." Shaman was able to use her ice to create a platform under her which made her faster. Going to the side of Silver and Elanor, Shaman opened up a rift portal right in front of them. She then opened one in the sky and created an ice slide so she could make a smooth landing.

Silver and Elanor went through the portal and landed on the slide together.

Reaching close to the bottom, Shaman tried to flatten out the slide and created a bowl at the bottom. Although Shaman intended so it would let them slowly slow down, they instead took off into the sky.

"AHHH!" Elanor screamed as they were launched into the air and came crashing down towards the snow.

Elysia and Clara wanted to help, but they didn't have the skills that would help and if anything would make it worse.

Shaman wanted to do another ice slide, but then realised they were too close to the trees and not wanting to ruin them hoped the snow was deep enough.

Crash landing into the snow, Silver and Elanor vanished showing that it was deep enough. Once they landed, Shaman, Clara and Elysia rushed over to help them out.

Pulling Elanor out of the snow, they saw Silver who had been crushed by her with eyes resembling spirals and completely out of it.

*Sigh* "And Elysia you say it's a good thing Elanor is clingy to him." Shaman squinted her eyes at Elysia who had kept Shaman at bay the entire trip.

"It's kind of cute you ask me." Elysia winked and poked her tongue out thinking that this wasn't a bad thing at all.

"Geh." Shaman rolled her eyes and went ahead pulling Silver out of the snow.

After a few minutes, Elanor and Silver got out of their daze and realised what happened.

"We're alive?" Elanor freaked out and touched her body all wondering if she turned into a ghost.

"My head hurts." Silver grabbed his head and tried to get his bearings.

"Phew, looks like they are fine." Shaman casted her [heal] on the 2, making the headache they felt go away.

"It was rather amusing, but my question is Silver, why didn't you use your shadows to brace the fall?" Clara brought up a great point and figured he would be able to react in time.

"U-ummm well, when you are spinning and getting smothered, it's hard to think in the moment." Silver blushed, feeling a bit embarrassed that he wasn't able to save himself.

"Pffhaha, don't worry too much about it, if anything it was a quick way to get down." Elysia made light of the situation which helped with Silver's embarrassment.

"Well now that we are here, let's find a spot to relax." Elanor didn't want to hold up their trip anymore, so she got herself up and helped Silver up.

Suddenly Shaman's hair floated slightly and her eyes glowed blue as she glared at Elanor helping Silver up. However, Elanor was completely oblivious and before she turned around, Elysia jabbed Shaman in the ribs to get her to stop.

"Ahem, let's continue." Elysia then dragged Shaman by the collar and led the group into the forest of blue sakura trees.

While walking through they enjoyed the atmosphere and surprisingly it was rather warm. They deduced that since this place was in a volcano-like mountain, there was something underneath them producing this warm feeling.

When they reached the middle, there was a clearing that was void of snow and was instead of grass littered with blue petals.

All of them took a seat on the grass while Elysia set up the portable kitchen she carried in her personal inventory.

"What did you do for this Christmas event?" Clara was intrigued by what Shaman mentioned before and wanted to know more about it.

"Hmm it wasn't too special, but usually we would have lunch like what we are doing now and have a great time. We would say merry Christmas and enjoy our meal, but the main event was the present. However, this was mainly for the kids and a good time for them to get something they want." Shaman elaborated more and Clara found it sounded like a great event. She even thought if Silver was younger, he would love this kind of event.

"Damn, wished we had something like that, but I guess like you said we can have it as a small tradition between us." Clara thought back to when she was a child and winter were some of the most boring times for her.

"We can and I know a great gift for you and Elysia." Shaman put her hand under Clara's chin teasing a kiss.

"Sheesh, not here while Elanor and Silver are here." Clara blushed and averted her gaze while also secretly hoping Shaman would continue.

Elanor and Silver both looked away trying not to intrude but found it hard not to keep peeking.

"Of course, it will have to wait until later, but at least you have something to look forward to." Shaman winked and pulled away her hand. Clara pouted, but she tried to not make it known what she really wanted.

"Lunch is ready!" Elysia shoved a hot pot between Clara and Shaman, breaking up the tension.

"Food!" Silver's eyes widened at the appearance of food and instantly held out his bowl.

"Alright, one at a time." Elysia placed the pot on a stand and began to pour what looked like curry. Shaman raised an eyebrow as her head was in a Christmas theme and didn't think this meal was Christmas-themed.

Regardless she still took a serving, not thinking too much about it since realistically they can do what they want.

"Before we start eating, did we all want to say merry Christmas as a little homage to my old world?" Shaman figured they may as well celebrate it since it will also be a reminder of her old world.

Silver, who almost took a bite, slowly lowered his spoon and nodded. Everyone else nodded and waited for Shaman's signal to go.

"On go… 3.. 2.. 1.. go"

"Merry Christmas!"