I've Turned Into A Fox Girl?-Chapter 45 Information

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?Shaman had woken up from her mana deprivation and was fully recovered. It was currently morning as the sun could be seen creeping through the curtains of the room.

Shaman had tried to sit up but stopped when she felt something on her chest was stopping her from moving. Shaman looked down and could see Elysia was on top of her, trapping her on the bed.

'Well at least I was kept safe.' Shaman could not help but giggle as she could tell Elysia must have been really worried about her.

Shaman freed her arm from Elysia's hug and started to pat her. After petting Elysia, Shaman had a great idea on how to wake her up.

'hehe~ lets hope this does not back fire.' Shaman then slowly moved her hands to Elysia's side and got ready to poke her. After making sure her hands were in position Shaman jabbed Elysia lightly in her ribs causing Elysia to jump up in an instant.

"Ahhhh~" Elysia had let out a moan and shot up and was now sitting up straight on Shaman.

Shaman had a blank expression as it sounded like Elysia felt pleasure instead of a shock.

"Jeez Shaman, you know I am sensitive and whenever you touch me like that I can't help but moan." Elysia let out a complaint and turned red since she did not like being woken up in such a way.

"Well I did not expect my girlfriend to be so damn horny." Shaman then jabbed her again causing Elysia to fall back and almost fall off the bed.

"Ahh~" Elysia had let out another moan but now Shaman was free and was able to get out of bed.

Shaman stood over Elysia with a grin and could see a red faced Elysia looking at her with a begging expression to stop as she had only woken up and was not mentally prepared for the attack that was about to happen.

Shaman then proceed to continue her jabbing assault no matter how much Elysia protested.


After several minutes of torture that felt like an eternity to Elysia, Shaman's assault was finally over.

Elysia was out of breath and was now laying on the floor covered in sweat. Shaman had a grin as she now had satisfied the urge to poke Elysia.

'Feels good again to poking people just like I did back at home.' Shaman began to reminisce on all the times she had annoyed her high-school friends by poking them in the ribs.

'Those were fun times.' Shaman had a grin but the more she thought about home the more depressed she got.

'I should not think about home, it will make me homesick and I would rather not.' Although Shaman did want to return home, thinking about it made her feel sick and also made her feel depressed which she did not want especially in front of Elysia.

Shaman shook her head and left Elysia to rest and went for a bath so she could get ready to go to the dungeon.

Elysia saw Shaman go to the bathroom and let out a sigh of relief as the torture was over. Elysia was now debating to jump in with Shaman since she did not want to go through the same torture but in the bath.

Out of nowhere, Shaman somehow read her mind and yelled out of the bathroom.

"I won't poke you while in the bath, now get your ass in here." Shaman spoke with lightheartedness.

Elysia became happy as it sounded genuine so she mustered up all the energy to stand up and walk over. Elysia's legs were shaking and when she entered the bathroom Shaman noticed this and straight away supported Elysia.

"Sorry, did I go too far." Shaman now felt bad as Elysia could hardly walk.

"No it is fine, but please do not be that intense." Elysia was not against the idea but it was too much for her to handle due to her extra sensitivity.

"Alright I'll make sure to tone it down." Shaman was happy that Elysia would continue to be her poking bag and gave Elysia a small hug.


Shaman and Elysia finally washed up and even gave Wolfy his weekly bath. They were now ready to head out and clear the first floor of the dungeon. But before they left their apartment Shaman wanted to ask Elysia for a favor.

"Alright now that you are level 50 is it alright If I solo the boss, I want to test how much I have improved." Shaman had improved a lot and wanted to see her capabilities on her own. Another reason was also to make some water spells as too much had happened for her to make some.

"That's fine but I will jump in as soon as you are in trouble." Elysia was a little worried as her protective nature towards Shaman kicked in and would rather help her than let her be in danger.

"That's okay but please you got to trust me more." Although they trusted each other greatly Shaman noticed that Elysia did not trust her alone since she always felt the need to be by Shaman side.

"I wasn't the one that got kidnapped." Elysia had a grin as it was an irrefutable point. Shaman pouted a little as Elysia had got Shaman stumped a little but still managed to throw an excuse out.

"Well at least I can keep my temper and not destroy a city just because I am not next to you." Although Shaman thought it would not throw Elysia off, it was super effective as Elysia's face became bright red.

"sh-shut up okay, I could not control myself , I even turned the dungeon into a fiery pit." Elysia was squirming a little and was fidgeting.

"Oh my lord." Shaman spoke under her breath as she was amazed she did that and now knew why she hit level 50.

"I guess your message about you being more helpful if you stayed in the dungeon was no joke." Shaman gulped a little as she was considering forcing Elysia out to help but since she could easily leave she did not bother.

"You think I would lie to you." Elysia broke from her shyness and was now pouting.

"No, I just thought you were joking and not being serious." Shaman waved her hands in protest.

"anyway we should get going to the adventure guild as I want to buy information on the boss." Shaman wanted to hurry as she wanted to evolve to tier 4 as soon as possible so they can either go into the next floor of the dungeon or move cities.

'Alright fine." Elysia took a deep breath and let the playful attitude disappear.

"No need to lose the energy, we still have plenty of time before we enter." Shaman was quite fond of Elysia's playful side as it gave her a fuzzy feeling when they played around.

Elysia would usually be playful but thought that it would be better to keep her distance out in public so as to not draw attention. However after hearing what Shaman said she had turned to Shaman with a bright smile as she was able to stick to Shaman like glue and be playful once again without worry.

"Hehe~" Elysia let out a small giggle as she was now acting like a child but Shaman did not care as she was enjoying the attention and happy look on Elysia. f𝘳ℯℯ𝙬𝒆𝚋𝐧oν𝑒Ɩ.c𝑜𝙢

"alright let's go." They both left the apartment and made their way to the adventurers guild.


They arrived at the guild and went to the information desk.

"Can I get information on the tier 4 dungeon boss?" Shaman spoke to a man who had raised an eyebrow as it was not everyday people would attempt to challenge the boss. But when the man saw it was the 2 fox girls he was no longer surprised as they have become mini-celebrities amongst the adventurers.

"Sure thing, that will be 50 gold." The man did not beat around the bush and got straight to the point.

Shaman winced a little on the inside but when she saw the 1600 gold in her inventory she felt a lot better about spending that much.

Shaman handed the man the coins and was given a small booklet about the boss.

"Thanks." Shaman and Elysia walked off and started to make their way to the dungeon.

Shaman was currently invested in the book and found something interesting.

"Oh okay, so apparently we can encounter an elemental troll depending on which dungeon instance we are in." Shaman was surprised that the dungeons had some form of variance between the different instances.

"Wow okay, how can you tell?" Although it sounded like a self explanatory question she was implying if anything with the dungeon itself changed to indicate what type of boss they got.

"Well from what it says if the boss cave entrance has no grass and is just void of nature it is fire. If there is marsh land around it the troll it will be water. If there is a flower field it will be nature and if it is just grass it will be wind." After Shaman explained, Elysia nodded.

"I hope it is the fire troll so I can use my water magic and test out some new skills." Shaman was praying that luck would be on their side and get the fire troll.

"Well I am pretty much useless." Elysia had taken a hit since she mainly used fire so she would only be able to use her basic arrows she had in her inventory.

"haha, don't worry I am sure we will be fine plus I have the water element so it should not be a problem." Shaman wanted to reassure Elysia since she can use water and by having a direct counter they should be able to win with ease.

"I guess you are right." Elysia sighed and hugged Shaman's arm as they made their way to the dungeon.