I've Turned Into A Fox Girl?-Chapter 46 Water Skills

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?Shaman and Elysia arrived at the dungeon and were surprised to see the lack of guards. The guards that were there looked worried and constantly on edge.

"This must be because I killed the city lord when I escaped." Shaman whispered in Elysia's ear of what happened during her escape. Elysia was shocked and could not believe Shaman would do such a thing.

"He was also in bed with a woman, which was something I did not want to see so I killed him out of pure disgust." Shaman giggled a little as she found the situation rather funny. Elysia on the other hand started to switch to her rampage mode.

Due to Elysia now being more attuned to her element of fire the temperature started to rise.

"Wait, Calm down, he is already dead and he did not touch me." Elysia woke up from her angry daze.

"so-sorry, just when you said he was with a woman I only assumed he had also tried to touch you." Elysia was looking down fidgeting as it was unreasonable for her to react that way.

Shaman started to pat Elysia's head as a way to accept her apology but this also showed Shaman that Elysia's yandere tendencies are only getting worse.

"Elysia, we really need to work on this behavior of yours." Shaman sighed a little and Elysia nodded in agreement.

"It is just whenever I am alone or hear something that happens with you I can not help but think that something horrible is happening." Elysia continued to look down in shame as it was rather embarrassing for her.

"It is also something I cannot not help with either." This made Shaman raise an eyebrow and thought it was more of a behavior problem that could be easily treated with some therapy but it may be more than that.

"How so?" Shaman wanted to know more about what Elysia meant.

"I just get this splitting headache and something inside me snaps and then I just continue to spiral until I hear from you or see you." Elysia had shut her eyes as she thought Shaman would scold her.

"oh? how about we find a magic item in the auction house that allows you to see how I am going so when you are alone you can use it to calm down." Shaman thought there must be magic that can allow it to check on Shaman's status and it would be a temporary measure to help Elysia.

Although Elysia could check the system it did not update and was more like a status sheet not a live feed of Shaman's HP or her current state so Shaman wanted to get something that could do that for Elysia.

Elysia's eyes lit up, breaking from the shame she felt before as it sounded perfect for her.

"Alright, we will go buy you one after the dungeon." Shaman smiled as Elysia's reaction warmed her heart.

"Alright let's kill that damn boss." Elysia had fire in her eyes and wanted to get this dungeon over and done with.

"Oh yeah let me check on that quest just before we head in." Shaman realized that she could check on the quest and wanted to see what the requirements were to make sure it was killing the boss.

[Quest: Conquer the dungeon]

[Defeat the floor boss]


500 attribute points

4x skill select

8x tier 4 boxes (A/N this is just a combination of armour, weapons and accessory boxes)

6x skill level ups

Shaman was shocked once again by the rewards and felt bad she was going to take all the rewards if she soloed it.

Shaman also asked Rea mentally to ask how the reward distribution worked.

[It depends on how much the person contribute to killing the boss which includes damage and various factors that may help defeat the boss]

Shaman sighed as the system rewards were based on contribution but was glad it was not based on damage.

"uhh Elysia, I think we should both kill the boss. I really don't want you to miss out on the rewards from the quest." Shaman was a little embarrassed from this little slip up.

"Oh okay fair enough." Despite Elysia's calm reaction she was very glad she would be able to help Shaman and not sit around and wait.

"Well before we do fight the boss I should make some water spells." Shaman was going to make them during the boss fight and use the boss as a punching bag but now she was going to do it beforehand so they were fully prepared.

"good idea." Elysia nodded in agreement and was curious what Shaman would come up with.

"Well lets sneak in shall we?" Shaman was confident they could sneak in as the main forces would be at the city lord's castle and not the dungeon.

"Yes." Elysia then prepared herself to get picked up by Shaman

Shaman then swooped Elysia up in a princess carry and let Wolfy jump on top of Elysia.

Shaman then dashed into the dungeon with [Shadow cloak] without any issue and so they entered the dungeon without raising any suspicions.

They arrived in the dungeon and met with the familiar scene of all the split territories of the races that resided in the dungeon.

Shaman had put Elysia and Wolfy down and spoke of her plans.

"Alright we will head for the orc forest and hunt them down first so I can test my water magic." Elysia nodded in response and so they made their way to the orc forest.

After traveling for 10 minutes they arrived at the orc forest and found a clearing that had a group of orcs sitting around eating.

"Alright let's see what I can do." Shaman wanted to use her water as a way to trap people and use it as a more defensive/trap against her enemies.

Shaman started to conjure up a massive ball of water and once it was as big as the orc she sent it flying to an orc while keeping control of it. Shaman started to sweat as it took a lot of energy to keep the massive ball intact.

Once it made contact with the orc the ball had enveloped him and started to drown him. The other orcs had now stood up and tried to free him from the ball of water but their clubs only got sucked into the bubble of water.

A system notification rang out recognizing what Shaman had done.

[Deep sea lvl 1]

[MP -100]

[Must make contact to trap anything in the ball of water and drowns any living things inside]

Shaman felt relieved as the control over the ball was now handled by the system since it was now a recognized skill.

Elysia was impressed and gave Shaman a kiss on the cheek as a congratulations.

"We are not even done yet." Shaman straight away started to make a tidal wave and sent it towards the remaining orcs. The waves came in like a truck causing the orcs bones to break and go towards the trees. Many of the orcs got crushed by the wave killing the rest. The orc in the bubble was long dead and his corpse crushed into another orc finishing it off.

System rang out again and Elysia was watching in amazement.

[Tidal wave]

[MP 10-150]

[cost varies on size and power]

[Create a destructive wave to push enemies back]

Shaman had a smile and had thought of another spell she could create.

"Alright now to create one more skill." Shaman stood out from the tree line into the open area where all the dead orcs lay.

Shaman then started to conjure up walls of water around her and even a hollow bubble.

"Elysia shoot me with one of your arrows, it does not have to be strong but put a little force into it." Shaman wanted to see how effective a water shield would be and thought Elysia would be a good benchmark.

Elysia looked a little worried but still complied and trusted Shamans judgement despite her inner voice telling her not to.

Elysia prepared the arrow at half strength and shot it at Shaman. The arrow whistled through the air for a short moment and made contact with the water. To Elysia's surprise the arrow got stuck in the water and was completely halted without the water splashing.

"YES!" Shaman yelled out as it was a success.

[Water Shield]

[MP 50-100]

[manipulate water to your will to create a shield, the more powerful the attack the mana it takes]

Shaman was satisfied with the results and felt ready to go face the boss with Elysia.

Shaman dispelled the water and ran up to Elysia to get a hug as the excitement took over her and wanted to be praised. Elysia returned the hug and enjoyed the embrace.

After a quick hug they decided to head out towards the troll territory. They also let Wolfy hunt some orcs and trolls along the way as Wolfy was lacking in levels. Shaman had also taken the opportunity to spend the 60 points she had from when she murdered the city lord.

[Attributes] f𝘳𝚎𝐞we𝐛𝑛𝐨𝘃e𝘭.co𝘮

Agility 185 -> 215

Intelligence: 200 -> 230


After arriving near the were the boss resided Wolfy managed to get to level 50 but still no evolution. Wolfy also did not change in size much which surprised Elysia and Shaman but they shrugged it off.

"Alright now that we are here it looks like we got the wind variant of the boss as I am only seeing a grass field around the massive rock." Shaman was observing the outside of the cave and was looking at the information in the booklet again to confirm it.

"Well at least my fire arrows will be effective." Elysia was glad as if it was a fire troll she would pretty much be useless.

"It should not be hard but there is only one way to find out since the booklet does not describe his attacks sadly." Shaman was a little annoyed that the booklet did not describe the skills it had so they had to find out themselves.

"oh well, we should just go in and try to kill it as quick as possible." Elysia had a grin as she was thinking about the item that Shaman mentioned earlier and wanted to leave as soon as possible.

"Maybe but let's see how things go." Shaman could finish it early but would rather try out her new skills and have a little fun instead.