Jujutsushi Wa Yuusha Ni Narenai-Chapter 227.1 - Night Before Decisive Battle

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Chapter 227.1 - Night Before Decisive Battle

When it came to magic items, the first thing that came to my mind was the 『Droplet of Life』. However, there were various RPG-esque items. After I was separated from Souma's party, they seemed to get such items from the palace.

For example, something that had a protection effect, the 『Guard Ring』, something that increased speed, 『Ornamental Feather of Speed』, something that prevented fear, 『Medal of Bravery』, and many others. Still, the 『Droplet of Life』 that could instantly heal even mortal wounds was the most conspicuous one.

The effect of magic items was naturally incomparable to the power of vocation. Even if the current Mei-chan was equipped with the 『Bracelet of Strength』, the change was insignificant. And the 『Ornamental Feather of Speed』 was useless for those who mastered the 『High Walk』.

However, it was really useful for those who were physically weak like me, its reinforcement effect was something that I needed.

「HAHAHA, So this is how those Pay-to-Win players feel when they equip their cash item!」

I couldn't stop laughing before numerous items piled up in front of me.

Well, since this wasn't the strongest equipment, it really couldn't be called pay-to-win either.

These magic items were the harvest from previous exploration. It turned out we might be able to find the treasure chest that we missed if we explored the area that had been cleared before.

Thanks to that, we now had enough to distribute it to two per person and still had some surplus of useless magic items since its effects were canceled by the effect of other items.

And gathered here were those useless items. Thus, there was no problem even if I monopolized the items.

There could be complaints if I got to choose first and equip the magic item to me. That was the reason I waited for everyone to get their share before taking the rest with me.

「First is strength! Strength means POWER!」

『Bracelet of Strength』: The bracelet is enchanted with reinforcement magic, 『Force Boost』.

Quite literally the bracelet enhances my arm's strength. Just like when Ooyama used 『Force Boost』.

「This is awesome. I've become twice as strong as before.」

I tried to lift various materials scattered across the workshop to check the effect of the item and found out that I could lift a 50 kg object with ease.

Not on the level of superhuman, but this was the level achievable as long as someone trained their muscle strength. But since it allowed even my scrawny arms to generate this much power, its effect was truly amazing.

「I guess this is the kind that enhances STR by number instead of percentage.」

In the game, there were two kinds of enhancement— the type that raised my base stats in accordance to percentage such as 10% or 20%, and the type that directly added fixed numbers such as STR+10 or +100.

Since even someone with poor base stats like me could gain such a visible effect meant that this was the item that raised stats according to fixed numbers. That might be the reason the effect seemed to be really significant to me, yet insignificant to Mei-chan.

「So the effect is really insignificant for those who are already strong, to begin with.」

Thanks to that though I could get enough boost for my trash stats, meaning that those small fries wouldn't be able to defeat me that easily anymore.

「Next is defense. I hate pain after all!」

『Guard Ring』:A ring which has the same effect as martial art 『Guard』 when invoked.

I've proven this guy's effect. It was hard enough to withstand a punch or thrown rock.

It wouldn't be enough to stop martial arts, but it was enough to protect me from the claws of the gargoyle. They were the most annoying obstacles due to their sheer number.

「And most of all, I'm not fast enough!」

『Ornamental Feather of Speed』: Enable faster running speed as if invoking 『High Walk』.

Movement speed was important. When push came to shove, the ability to escape was vital.

This item allowed me to run as fast as Usain Bolt and enhanced my jumping power too.

Maybe I should try to do some parkour in the ruined city area.

「Next is my body.」

『Vital Bracelet』: Bracelet that reinforces physical strength and stamina.

I couldn't check its effect since I had no idea what this "Physical Strength" was, but it might allow me to survive a critical hit. It would be better if it could also suppress pain, but beggars can't choose.

The effect on stamina was pretty neat. This item allowed me to run a full marathon at full speed.

「Man, doesn't this mean the current me is the peak of humankind?」

My power, speed, and stamina alone rose until I reached the peak of humankind. f𝚛𝗲𝐞𝐰e𝗯n𝗼v𝗲𝚕.𝚌o𝐦

Unfortunately, the specs of such a peak were trash in this other world. It was just as strong as govu.

「That's enough to tell me just how amazing the boost from vocation is. And they're actually stronger than me…」

Both Ueda and Nakai had already displayed power that broke the limit of humankind, and JuryMary Combi was actually much stronger than both of them.

And then, the three aces were even stronger than those vanguard with superhuman stats.

Well, no need to cry over spilt milk. I mean, I still have my curse and life force!

「With this, I cleared the bare minimum requirement for base specs.」

That rocky mountain is steep. I might not be able to climb it if I try it with my base specs.

「I'm glad that my specs boosted at the last minute.」

It's not like a magic item would exhibit its effect as long as you wore it. Just like in the game, it had various restrictions… Rather, it might be a problem with compatibility or a combination of items that cancel each other.

For example, even if someone equipped the same magic item, the effect wouldn't overlap, only one of them would win. Various magic items had compatibility, when equipped together, they were either ineffective or less effective.

That's why one needed to equip a necessary amount of magic items and combinations whose effects wouldn't interfere with each other.

In my case, I didn't have to worry about the kind or number of magic items equipped to me.

I equipped the most magic item among my classmates. I equipped 4 at once.

「If only I can raise the skill level of my alchemy a little more, I might be able to modify the magic item.」

Unfortunately, the current me wouldn't be able to do that. I might end up destroying them if I messed up.

「I only made one cane, let's try that.」

After trial and error using 『Curse Alchemy Formation』 and 『Outlaw Decoding』, I finally managed to create a new cane.

Its name was 『Air Launcher』.

Shape-wise, it looked more like a bazooka launcher than a cane.

It had a mechanism to launch a bullet which was powered by a wind gem. It could shoot 『Air Sagita』 too.

Since I could now produce my own bullet series such as smoke ball, I thought that I should make full use of it. Since I am not an archer, the hit rate, if I use it, wouldn't be that high. So this cane was useless in real combat.

I couldn't afford to throw it with my hand… And I had no confidence in the control of my shoulder.

Thus, I was wondering if I could use wind gem to fire 『Air Sagita』 and load it into the 『Fool's Cane』 to launch wind magic like a grenade launcher, and started working with that concept.

I ended up wasting one cane which I got from the treasure chest, but I managed to complete this cane.

It looked like a launcher no matter how you looked at it, but essentially it was still the 『Fool's Cane』 that compressed air and fired it.

A shaman like me couldn't make full use of the wind attribute cane. But if it was invoked via the 『Fool's Cane』, it would enable me to fire 『Air Sagita』 as a curse.

It made me wonder whether it was a glitch in the law, but I had no choice but to use the 『Fool's Cane』 to use magic.

Anyhow, I offered my deepest gratitude to Ruinhilde-sama's extremely generous judgment in recognizing this launcher as the 『Fool's Cane』.

The 『Outlaw Decoding』 was really useful when it came to regulating the output of wind pressure and fire it.

I tried to take apart all the parts of the magic circle which I decoded from goma's magic circle. Then, I put it together again to see their effect through trial and error.

As a result, I managed to adjust the wind pressure and had it fired at the size of a tennis ball.

In this way, I could fire a grenade at a faraway place with ease.

Yes, Hinagiku-san stopped creating the poisonous smoke bullet, but I made a real bullet that exploded.



Tanetsuke Ojisan no Isekai Press Manyuuki~Sono Mono, Zen Shuzoku(Yuusha to Maou mo Fukumu) ni Tanetsukeshi, Sekai wo Sukutta Saikyou Musuo no Harem Ou Nari~<—Really fun but suggested to read when you're alone so that other won't mistake you for mentally handicapped

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