Jujutsushi Wa Yuusha Ni Narenai-Chapter 232.2 - Yamata no Orochi Subjugation Battle III

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Chapter 232.2 - Yamata no Orochi Subjugation Battle III


A large earthen wall rose up surrounding us along with some tremors. The reason for the tremor was that it was around half a meter thick.

Uhm, this slow-forming formation kinda reminds me of her first 『Terra Kris Sagita(Rock Lance)』

In the first place, magic didn't always show immediate effect.

The reason Randou-san's magic invocation was so slow was simply because it consumed a lot of magical power to form. She only needed a small amount of magical power to launch 『Terra Sagita』 at high speed like that of a bullet.

Thanks to the revolver made by Tendou-kun, she seemed to be able to control her magical power in those parts, but when she infused a lot of her magical power, the manifestation couldn't be done instantly due to their sheer size.

Meaning that she went all out when invoking this 『Terra Rampart Defense』.



The gargoyles were rushing toward us, maybe they detected our presence. Or maybe because there were too many of them around us, their number was close to innumerable after all.

「The shelter has been completed, defend it with your all!」

The first point was to build a shelter to ensure the safety of our excavation.

The design was similar to that of a bunker. It took quite a lot of time since we made it bigger than the bunker to ensure our freedom of movement.

Randou-san had undergone intense training to build the strongest possible shelter within the shortest amount of time.

Firstly, she built each of the four side of the wall with 『Terra Rampart Defence』. Though it took quite a long time compared to building four sides of walls at once, the overall time needed to build the shelter was shorter and consumed less magical power than when she built all four sides in one go.

Randou-san had to be really focused on invoking her spell during the process. That's why everyone had to protect her during the process.

The one who acted as protector by her side was Sakura-chan who could use 『Oracle Field』 to protect Randou-san from unexpected ambush. Since the barrier could be expanded to protect several people at once, it also acted as our last line of defense. That's why we stopped erecting barriers around ourselves.

Standing around her was Shimokawa, Arachne Rem, and me who acted as the rear guard.

We were supporting the vanguard like usual.

Lastly, our vanguard was composed of Mei-chan, Yamada, Rem-Dark Knight, and Minotaurs Rem were raising a killing spree on the gargoyles who headed toward us. Since I had gotten down from Alfa, she was free to kill the enemy too.

We only finished half of the wall. We needed to hang in there for another minute.

But the number of gargoyles didn't increase either. Well, thanks to that our vanguard could still fight with some leeway. The effect of Shimokawa's mist was obvious. Bringing him along with us turned out to be right.

「Don't let your guard down, another batch is coming!」

Shimokawa raised his cane to fire water jet into the sky while rousing everyone's vigilance.

Though imperfect, the flying gargoyles proved to be a really annoying opponent due to their number.

If our opponents were just gomas, all we needed was a wall to keep them at bay. But no amount of wall could stop the flying monsters.

I could see the silhouette of the gargoyles falling down from above the mist as their wings fluttered in the air.

「Those sneaky ba*tards!」

「We can barely cope with their air raid.」

Yes, we were having a hard time knocking down the gargoyle in the air. Well, I doubt that something like anti-aircraft gun would work on them.

My weakest genre was FPS where you had to aim at the airborne enemies. That's why I looked up to people who aced clay pigeon shooting.

「Nevertheless, since they're overcrowded――」

Shimokawa was getting flustered seeing the number of shadows in the sky above us.

I released my beloved weapon, the 『Fool's Cane』, mounting it on my shoulder, preparing to launch its『Air Launcher』 function.

The thing I used as ammo was a grenade made from firelight ore.


Crimson flower bloomed along with a loud explosion that erased my warcry.

「Oo~h, it hit them right in the face.」


A single grenade killed a lot of gargoyles, but their smashed body that got heated up ended up raining down upon us.

「Sorry Shimokawa-kun, I'll be very careful next time.」

「Why are ya the only one who got protected!?」

Maan, Arachne Rem immediately moved to protect me from the falling hot splinter. Since Arachne Rem was in charge of carrying our luggage, she carried our spare weapon too.

She was quick-witted and took out a shield to protect me the moment she saw the rain of hot splinter.

Yup, loyal servants are the best after all.

「What are you talking about? Good grief, even though they're weak enemy… 『Lux Sagita』.」

Sakura-chan shot down one gargoyle after another with her bow and exterminated the descending gargoyle with a magic blast.

This damn 『Saint』 was unexpectedly equipped with powerful offensive magic. freёnovelkiss.com

「―― Huff~, the wall is do~ne.」

「Okay, move on to the next one.」


The completed 『Terra Rampart Defence』 formed a splendid 5-meter tall wall around us.

I wished she could finish the ceiling as fast as possible, but since we needed to erect a pillar to support the ceiling of the gymnasium side, making it stronger. Since it was an amateur design, the strength of the ceiling would be lacking without the support from the pillar.

「『Terra Kris Sagita』」

The one used to build a pillar was one of her earliest skills, 『Terra Kris Sagita』.

But the current Randou-san was much stronger than she was back then, and thanks to the assistance from her revolver, her skill materialized faster than before.

Befitting of true offensive magic, a thick and bulky rock pillar rose at once as if it wanted to pierce the sky.

Ah, the gargoyle who happened to descend got struck by the rising pillar.

「Vanguard gather around us, you have to deal with the enemy that is falling from above.」

Since we'd already erected a wall on four sides, those walls were more than enough to hold back the enemy on the ground. Meaning that we only needed to worry about the gargoyles who swooped down from above.

The rear guard's main job was to intercept the air raid.

I was a little anxious, but then Rem-Dark Knight changed her weapon to a black horn bow, raising the number of anti-air personnel. Being able to handle both close-range and long-range weapons was Rem's biggest trait.

「Oi, I'm going to close the ceili~ng!!」

Randou-san shouted while pointing her revolver above.

After she erected the pillar, She moved on creating the last piece of the shelter, the bunker.

「『Terra Alma Shield』」

The ceiling was made using intermediate-rank defensive skills.

As expected, it seemed that forming something away from its source was different from when forming it close to its source. That's why making it part by part was the optimum solution.

We have to be very careful when making the ceiling to prevent it from falling due to incidents.

「Haa~h, they're such a hindrance!」

Maybe because they knew that their only way to attack us was about to be blocked, the number of gargoyles in the sky increased at once. Even Randou-san started to shoot them with 『Terra Sagita』 when they got in her way.

「Just a bit more, do your best!」

「Already doing my best here!」

Just one piece of ceiling in the middle that needed to be closed and the shelter would be completed.

The gargoyles were rushing ahead toward the only hole left.


After shouting an FPS-like warning, I fired a grenade when those guys formed flocks.


Despite Shimokawa's cries, the effect of the grenade was imminent. It felt good to blow those pests in one go.



The stone ceiling formed at once the moment she pulled the trigger―― And completed it in one go.


「Noisy, I'm doing that… 『Lux Elemental Summon』」

Once all sides were closed, it was only natural that the inside of the shelter was dark.

Sakura-chan's light spirit was truly convenient in this kind of situation. I still remember how useful it was when we were exploring the insect cavern in the past.

Not to mention that we needed to avoid kindling fire in this kind of enclosed environment. We would be a laughing stock if we ended up dying due to lack of oxygen.

「Ha~~~h, so tire~d.」

「Good job Randou-san.」

Said Randou-san as she plopped sloppily on the ground. I knew that she deserved a break after finishing such a large construction but…

「Now prepare for the excavation.」

「Huff… Can't be helpe~d.」

Randou-san stood up lazily as she took the bottle containing honey lemon that I offered to her as minimal appreciation for her previous work. Since Class Rep cooled it with her spell, it was still ice cool.

「Bwaah, not bad ain't cha」

Randou-san walked to the center of the shelter with a revolver in one hand, chugging half a bottle at once.

Well then, all that was left was burrowing at once.

The natural bedrock layer was left to Randou-san. And the hard shell of Yamata no Orochi beneath this was up to me.

Honestly, I had no idea how long it would take to drill through this shell. Everything from this point was something that we couldn't verify beforehand.

I was both confident and anxious at the same time. Well, my feeling was more inclined to the anxious side, but seeing that we reached this far, there was no going back anymore. The only thing we could do was move forward.

This would mark the start of the 4th stage of Yamata no Orochi's subjugation plan, and also the longest one.


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