Kidnapped Dragons (KR Web Novel)-Chapter 41: Anti-demon War Simulation (3)

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Rank: 6

The 50th Team’s rank appeared. Perhaps due to their first fight being earlier than others, the starting rank of Yeorum’s team was sixth out of fifty teams.

“R, rank 6…”

Soujiro flickered his eyes. It was his first time being in a rank this high in Lair.


Kim Ji-in was likewise surprised by the number that floated up on her device.

The team that was pronounced dead followed their guardian and left the room while grumbling. Their guardian gave a slight bow at Yu Jitae, who then returned a nod himself. Now, they would have to wait for three hours as a death penalty before starting off at a different location.

“Why do you guys look so damn happy?”

Someone poured cold water on them – it was Yeorum.

“N, nn?”

“Is something like the rank important? It could get pushed back anytime.”


“Like, what were you guys doing? If you’re a sharpshooter, you should obviously be hiding in a spot and preparing to snipe right?

Yeorum spoke in annoyance. Throwing a glance at her, Soujiro lowered his head.


“I don’t need an apology; just give me an answer. I’m asking why you were standing still.”

“T, that’s…”

“Sorry for being clumsy.”

That was when Kim Ji-in interjected in a loud voice. After opening her mouth, she seemed to have realised that her voice was larger than she had expected and glanced at Yeorum and Yu Jitae’s faces while biting on her lips.

Soon, a seemingly crawling voice escaped her lips with an excuse.

“But, there hadn’t been any talk about positions right? Usually it’s the front guard leading the way with sharpshooters supporting from behind…”


Yeorum gave a frown, before closing her eyes tight.

She seemed to be thinking back on the things she had learned. Instead of getting angry first, she was checking whether that was true.

The normal formation of a three-man raid team was as Kim Ji-in had said, but that was only for open areas. In underground dungeons and places with barricades, it was safe to say that Yeorum’s judgment was a bit closer to the correct answer.

“Anyway, sorry for being clumsy. Seriously.”

“U, umm. You know… then, what if we adjust our positions like this?”

Soujiro carefully revealed his thoughts. Laying stones on the ground, he explained the positions and roles of each one of them. It was a formation with the sharpshooters taking the lead.

After finishing his explanation, Soujiro threw a cautious glance at Yu Jitae.

“Hmm. Seems that you have a brain at the very least.”

Although the confirmation wasn’t from Yu Jitae which he had been waiting for, Soujiro’s face still turned a level brighter when Yeorum gave her agreement.

“No. If we both go to the front, there’s no-one to support Yu Yeorum.”

“Ah, th, that’s true.”

“In any case, we will be over if the front guard dies. Being separated for three hours would definitely mean our death…”

Carefully moving the stones, Kim Ji-in formed a new formation. It was a 1-1-1 formation with one person supporting Yeorum from behind.

The question was who would be the sharpshooter at the front, as it was an extremely important position, while also being exposed to danger. While Soujiro was rolling his eyes in thought, a voice escaped.

“…Although I’m not bragging or anything, my eyes are quite good. The blessing I awakened to was the [Eye of a Marksman].”

After cautiously finishing her sentence, Kim Ji-in glanced at Yu Jitae, but he remained silent.

“Your eyes are good?”


“Do you see that?”

Yeorum pointed at the other side of the dark corridor. Soujiro couldn’t see anything through the thick darkness but Kim Ji-in slowly gave an answer.

“Stone pillars… three of them…?”

“It’s four. Tch.”


She clicked her tongue.

“But at least you have eyeballs.”

Having understood Yeorum somewhat, Kim Ji-in knew that it was Yu Yeorum’s way of complimenting.

“It’s a shame that they’re like frozen fish eyes though.”

…No, was it really a compliment? Pondered Kim Ji-in.

“Good! First off, I don’t think your opinions are trash. We won’t know whether it will work decently before doing it though. So, how is it, in your opinion?”

This time, Yeorum asked while turning towards Yu Jitae.

In his eyes, it was extremely inefficient.

It seemed that the cadets were still unaware that they would be the only ones ambushing. They would never be ambushed, and there won’t be any of those common skirmishes either. Due to that, instead of a formation made with consideration of all sorts of situations, having an effective formation for a guerilla type of tactic with focus on ambush appeared better.

But he decided to overlook the child’s play. Since the next operator won’t be himself, what they needed was a formation that followed common sense.

“Not bad.”

Only then did Soujiro and Kim Ji-in give sighs of relief while wearing looks of certainty. In fact, the two were having a slight fantasy while looking at Yu Jitae.

‘…Maybe he is a famous former operator?’

He had merely directed them with a path once. But his command was greatly outside common sense and yet succeeded in bringing forth an ideal situation as a result.

Amongst cadets, there was a saying that the command of an operator that has exceeded a certain level would actually make the superhumans flustered. They would direct them with a method that made zero sense, which would somehow overflip a disadvantageous situation in the end.

‘Perhaps this mister guardian, is someone like that?’

Staring at Yu Jitae, they felt a small doubt floating within.

“We’ll depart immediately.”



After walking twenty minutes or so, Yu Jitae extended his hand and revealed a sign language, going 5 5 5 5, 4, 1. There were four people standing twenty metres in front, in an extremely vulnerable situation against ambush.

Kim Ji-in was in awe yet again, as even she couldn’t see anything through the darkness. But in any case, they were all proud cadets of Lair and after receiving a mouthful from Yeorum, their movements changed.


The moment immediately before Yeorum kicked off the ground and a small shock was felt through the ground, Kim Ji-in’s mana gun let out a flash. A snipe from a small distance of less than twenty metres hit right on the mark.

[HP: 100 -> 45]

“Auk! An attack!”

A spark appeared on the opposing cadet’s face. Their vision was shaken for a mere second, but that was by no means a small gap. Having dashed in during that period of time, Yeorum swung her sword with all her strength.


One of them who had a fast reaction speed tried to parry her attack with a sword, but it was a naive decision. The cadet probably had no idea that their difference in sheer strength was that big.

With a fierce shock, the sword bounced off the cadet’s hand, while he also fell back after losing hold of the sword.

Soon after, Yeorum’s indiscriminate attacks fell.

Slam, slam!

[HP: 40 -> 5]

One of the opposing cadets who came to himself in that instant, attempted to counterattack with his long spear. His movement supported by a tremendous amount of mana was extremely agile, but it missed and slashed past the vicinity of Yeorum’s head.

[HP: 100 -> 85]

“What the fuck, I didn’t get hit though?”

A mortified voice left her mouth.

It happened because the mana core wasn’t that subtle or exact.

Meanwhile, Soujiro who had been waiting for the opportunity from behind, flew in like an arrow and sniped the cadet holding a spear, who then lost his balance and was smacked by Yeorum into a rice cake.

“You damn it. All because of you, die!”

“Aaht! Uahh…!”

One of the other cadets in the opposing side aimed for Soujiro in the meantime, but Soujiro escaped while shooting at the opponent. When Kim Ji-in’s support was soon added on top, the opponents crumbled in an instant.

The situation was quickly taken care of – in a much better process than the previous fight.

“Let’s leave immediately.”

As soon as they finished collecting their breath, Yu Jitae carried his feet. The ‘50th Team’ defeated eight more teams that day until nightfall.


Rank: 2

Their rank quickly hit the second place.


– No.42, out.

“Okay. Leave until further notice, which should be three hours after the death time.”

Inside the control room of the dungeon – at a place that could overlook the entirety of the virtual dungeon, with gazes of curiosity, the professors and assistants watched the situation unfold all around.

– No.15, out.

– No.9, out.

– No.33, out.

Many teams were attacked realtime, and were declared dead. Since depleted health bars could not be regenerated, there were no eternal winners in that place. Even the victor of a fight would have their HP reduced after a battle.

Of course, there were some teams that were outside common sense.

“No.48. Look at these guys using small tricks, haha.”

The professor of combat experience laughed.

The 48th Team had a unique plan. All they did was stand and wait in a room at a corner, while ambushing those that went by. Due to that, the number of fights and wins they had was merely 3, despite it having been more than a day now.

However, they had no death records yet.

“And their rank?”

“They are Rank 28. They’re doing quite decent due to not receiving any death penalty yet.”

“Survival time is also included in the marks after all. Every year there are teams like this who rely on petty tricks.”

The professor turned around.

“Then, who will be the first place in your opinion?”

“Hmm. Currently, it’s a tight match between Team 1 and Team 50.”

“Team 50? Are they those kids from that Level 4 society? This is also same every year, huh.”

“Ahh, that’s not it. The cadets of the Level 4 martial arts society is in Team 3.”


An odd light flickered in the professor’s eyes.

“Then, what’s No.50.”

“It’s a team with Cadet Yu Yeorum inside.”

Yu Yeorum – the female cadet with a crimson hair resembling flames. The thing that happened at the Azure Dragon study group was quite famous among professors as well.

If it was her, it was understandable since her strength didn’t match her age group. But from what he remembered, the other two that were in her group were ones who couldn’t find a team till the very end.

Having a tight match with Team 1 while having those two…

“Open the data of the two teams.”

Hearing that, the assistant opened the information lists of the two.



Rank: 1

Victories: 13

Survivor: 3

Remaining HP: 82% / 81% / 46%


Team 1 had three cadets belonging to a Level 5 society.

Their results were to be expected. Level 5 societies took first place in almost every subject every year and it was an organisation of cadets who were miles better than some of the currently active superhumans, so it was a natural turn of events.



Rank: 2

Victories: 12

Survivor: 3

Remaining HP: 92% / 81% / 35%


But this team was completely unexpected and seeing this, the professor’s expression turned rigid.


It was highly likely that Team 50 was a one man team with Yu Yeorum in the lead, but for that to be the case, there were too many victories. Maybe they got lucky? Maybe they met weak enemies left and right.

“What about their movement speed and the teams they fought against?”

“Team 1 is about 1.5 times faster than them. Although Team 50 has a strangely efficient travel path, their walking speed is slow. As for the teams they fought, this is the list.”

Checking the list, it became evident that they weren’t just facing weak teams either. Right before the doubt was about to enter a labyrinth of suspicions, the professor thought about the operator.

‘That guardian…’

That Yu Yeorum, and Yu Kaeul from the declaration ceremony, as well as Bom who had been fervently praised by magic studies professors – a guardian of that household, who had a rather dangerous smell following him…

Their movement path was so efficient that it was baffling. Even if the professor himself was to do it, he wasn’t sure if he could do it that cleanly and it was clear that the guardian was doing something.

“Uh, their path is a bit too good right? Should I try contacting them?”

“Contact them, and say what?”

Hearing the professor’s question, the assistant closed his mouth shut. Thinking about it, it was illogical to ask an operator why they could find enemies so well. That was what operators were for.

“Ah, by the way… professor.”

That was when a newbie assistant opened his mouth with a serious expression.

“It appears that Team 1 is marking the area.”


“Yes. Team 1, the third and the fourth ranked teams have never met despite them being very close. Although there’s no concrete evidence, it seems that the top ranked cadets are somehow sharing messages with each other.”

The new assistant’s words and his expression were extremely serious.

Sharing signals? In a sacred prac lesson like this?

His voice seemed to be implying such things. Due to that, the professor wore a serious expression as well and responded.

“A, are you sure about that…?”

But soon, with a grin, the professor smiled as other assistants followed suit and giggled. The new assistant who ended up being the only serious one copied them by making an awkward smile, but was unsure what was happening.

“Hey you assistant. Are you a referee of a sports game?”

“Sorry? Ah…”

“Our subject is a practical lesson. Is your head a flowerbed or something?”

With those words, the professor dismissed the new assistant’s words. Electronic devices and artifacts brought from outside were unusable. The fact that they could somehow exchange their intentions despite that, was something that should be in fact complimented in the practical side of things.

Even then, the new assistant couldn’t get rid of the thought that this was too unfair. Wasn’t it too unfair for the teams that didn’t plan beforehand?


With his hazy gaze, Yu Jitae stared at the other side of a room of the dungeon. There was a man-made claw mark with three claw lines and those were densely packed with mana.

Since guardians weren’t allowed to use mana, it meant that that belonged to a cadet but the quality of the remaining mana was quite decent for it to be a cadet’s. It was good to the point that its quality and density was very obvious.

He hadn’t cared too much when he saw a few of them before but after seeing several of these similar claw marks, it was no longer ignorable.

What did these mean? To him, it felt like… some sort of a letter.

It seemed that there were some people using petty tricks behind his back.

“Ah, shit. Why are we second place?!”

Yeorum slammed the ground with a frown. She had a thin leg and a small foot and yet her strength was immense. Small bits of stones on the dungeon ground were chipped off.

“Why? Isn’t second place, s, super awesome?”

“Shut up, you!”

“S, sorry…”

While Soujiro was in a depressed state, Yu Jitae called Yeorum and explained what he saw.

“What? I knew it.”

Seeing the claw mark, Yeorum made a deep scowl.

“It’s this. Right. These fucking random human bitches…! I knew they were up to something. Dirty bastards.”

After gushing out with profanities, she asked Yu Jitae.

“You know, can we find those rascals that left this mark behind?”

He shook his head.

If he wanted to, it would be possible but it was extremely inefficient. In his standards, the cadets were no different from ants – strong ants and weak ants. To distinguish them, he had to stand still and feel the auras for a few hours and their rank would fall behind.

“These bitch ass bastards.”

Yeorum was greatly upset. Fifty teams were required to all move individually and yet there was a secret connection between some groups. Perhaps she had some suspicions beforehand, and was thus more angry after actually facing the truth.

Comprehending what the situation was, Soujiro and Kim Ji-in’s expressions also turned darker. It was likely that they had a rough idea of who was behind it.


Soon, Yeorum seemed to have thought of something and widened her eyes into circles after stopping her words.

“What’s up, Yeorum?”

Kim Ji-in asked in doubt.

Wearing a blank expression, Yeorum walked up to the claw mark and after lowering her body, she smelled the mark.

“This… I think I can understand.”

“Nn? What is it?”

“Wait. Also, I saw some things similar to this on the way here, fuck.”

Yeorum closed her eyes and reflected on her memories. From within her memories that contained not a single blank section, the structure of a mana formation which she had skimmed past floated up thoroughly.

Soon, after thinking of dozens of such marks, Yeorum analysed them and sought a pattern from them. Although the process took a long time, it didn’t go over thirty minutes.

“I got it. These bitches…”

After finally finishing the decryption, she chuckled in a low voice.

Uhuhu. Uhuhuhh…

Although Soujiro and Kim Ji-in were in the same team as her, they still felt goosebumps crawling up their skin.