Leveling Up With My Pet-Chapter 364 In Person Deep Down!

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364 In Person Deep Down!

Liu Yong was immersed in a vast and awe-inspiring expanse, as though he had stepped into the pages of a science fiction epic. The sight before him was nothing short of astounding! It took him considerable time to regain his senses after being spellbound by the ethereal spectacle.

With the light source guiding his way, Liu Yong cautiously explored his surroundings, marvelling at the enormous space around him. However, he was cautious not to venture too deep into the mysterious abyss, fearing that he might lose his way amidst the labyrinthine expanse.

The scale of the interior was truly immense, and the grandeur of it all left him breathless! The experience was surreal, akin to encountering the most advanced technology crafted by otherworldly beings.

A few moments later, Liu Yong began retracing his path back along the route he had taken initially. The ocean's pressure weighed heavily on him, limiting the time he could spend exploring the depths. Soon, the wreckage of the spaceship emerged into view, and once he was outside, Liu Yong propelled himself upward, ascending the colossal distance of over 3,000 meters in a mere 20 minutes.

Reaching the surface, Liu Yong let out a relieved sigh. He felt a wave of tranquillity wash over him as he caught sight of the grand yacht anchored in the distance.

Boarding the yacht, Liu Yong finally fully relaxed, replaying the astonishing scenes he had witnessed in his mind. The wreckage he had encountered, without a doubt, belonged to an extraterrestrial spacecraft. The damage it sustained was evident, particularly the section that had penetrated through the massive breach.

Deeper inside, however, the damage seemed less severe, but Liu Yong remained uncertain about the specific section of the spaceship he had explored.

The spacecraft's interior had been an immense and surreal space, with colossal pipelines stretching out before him, their sheer size and length defying comprehension.

Every detail presented to Liu Yong was breathtakingly spectacular, a testament to the advanced technology of beings not of this world.

"Boss, are you alright?" Chen Hu approached Liu Yong with genuine concern. His eyes reflected his profound admiration for his leader, fully aware of the depths Liu Yong had braved, delving into the unfathomable oceanic abyss.

Though Liu Yong didn't say a word, Chen Hu could gauge the extraordinary feat his boss had accomplished, descending to a depth of two or three thousand meters. His sheer respect and admiration for Liu Yong resonated deep within his heart. "My goodness, the boss is truly extraordinary. To venture to such unfathomable depths, he possesses incredible prowess," Chen Hu thought.

As he rested on the yacht, Liu Yong knew that his journey was far from over. After a period of recovery, he would undoubtedly continue his exploration. Regrettably, the depth of over 3,000 meters had posed immense pressure, severely limiting the duration of his underwater escapade.

Had the depths been slightly shallower, say around 2,000 meters, Liu Yong would have been able to linger beneath the sea for an extended period, potentially exploring for over an hour.

The cold, dark waters extended to an unfathomable 3,300 meters, where even the brave Liu Yong could only linger for ten minutes before the pressure and inhospitable conditions forced him to return to the surface.

Descending to such depths was time-consuming, taking approximately 20 minutes to reach the ocean floor. This left Liu Yong merely ten minutes to explore the spaceship before ascending again. Frustratingly, the time spent at this depth was far too brief for meaningful discoveries or progress in his mission.

But Liu Yong knew there was hope for a solution – the Overlord. This magnificent creature possessed the remarkable ability to grow in size and power, enabling it to venture into even more profound, more treacherous seabeds. As the Overlord expanded, so did Liu Yong's strength, granting him the capability to endure greater depths alongside his aquatic companion. This harmonious bond allowed them to brave the perils of the abyss together, staying submerged for longer durations and unlocking untold secrets concealed in the ocean's enigmatic depths.

After a much-needed respite aboard a luxurious yacht, where he savoured the tranquil atmosphere and indulged in a refreshing cup of coffee, Liu Yong felt rejuvenated and ready to dive into the mysterious underwater realm again. 𝗯𝐞𝗱𝐧𝗼𝐯𝐞𝗹.𝗰𝗼𝗺

Equipped with a cutting-edge deep-sea light source, Liu Yong plunged beneath the waves and embarked on another daring descent. The further he ventured, the dimmer the light became, until at two or three hundred meters, the sea's illumination seemed almost ethereal, barely penetrating the surrounding darkness.

Undeterred, Liu Yong activated his handheld light source, illuminating the murky abyss before him. With its bright radiance, he could perceive the world hundreds of meters ahead, bringing a semblance of clarity to the gloomy depths.

Approaching with majestic grace, the Overlord emerged from the shadows. Its awe-inspiring presence commanded respect as it swam closer to Liu Yong, offering its back for him to sit upon. The symbiotic relationship between man and creature had forged an unspoken bond, a connection that transcended language and united them in their quest for discovery.

"Master, please sit on my back," the Overlord conveyed through some unknown means.

"Alright, let's make our way to the cave entrance this time," Liu Yong responded, his voice steady with determination. The cave held an allure of mystery; this time, he sought to venture even deeper within its enigmatic confines.

Learning from his previous experiences, Liu Yong understood the importance of pacing their descent. While the Overlord could traverse the waters faster, Liu Yong knew a gradual approach was necessary to withstand the increasing water pressure. Rapid ascents or descents could cause discomfort and even endanger their lives.

Thus, the journey commenced, with the Overlord leading the way, slightly outpacing Liu Yong but ensuring a steady and controlled pace as they delved deeper into the ocean's embrace, the weight of the water pressed upon them, a testament to the depth they were reaching. Yet, they pressed on, guided by an insatiable curiosity and the promise of untold wonders lurking in the abyss.

At a depth of 3,300 meters, Liu Yong had learned from experience that approximately 20 minutes was an ideal duration for his ventures into the unknown.

Bawang, with a mix of determination and curiosity, found himself standing once more at the entrance of the vast underwater cavern. His companion, Liu Yong, followed closely, clutching a dependable light source to pierce the darkness enveloping them below the ocean's surface.

Drawing from their previous experiences, Liu Yong had initially ventured into the cave with a burst of speed, only to slow down after a few minutes of swimming. The two explorers leisurely made their way through the depths, Liu Yong using the light in his hand to illuminate the surroundings and observe the interior of the spaceship they had discovered.

Amidst the awe-inspiring sight of the massive spacecraft, Liu Yong's eyes gleamed with the anticipation of discovering hidden treasures. However, he couldn't immediately discern which part of the spaceship they were in. The labyrinth of colossal pipelines suggested they might have stumbled upon the spaceship's power cabin, but Liu Yong wasn't entirely convinced. He had yet to catch sight of any engines or similar components that would confirm his theory.

The condition of the spaceship's interior was a mix of well-preserved pipelines and noticeable damages, the entrance they used being one such visible rupture. Liu Yong couldn't help but speculate that perhaps these damages were why the spaceship had stopped in this underwater realm, seemingly fearless in its stance.

As they continued their exploration, a fleeting thought crossed Liu Yong's mind—could alien beings lurk within these walls? While the notion added an element of intrigue, it also added a sense of caution to their journey. Nevertheless, Liu Yong pressed forward, eager to uncover any valuable secrets the spaceship might hold.

Moments later, an unexpected sight illuminated by the light source caught Liu Yong's attention. At first, it appeared to be a robot, but upon closer inspection, he realized it was the remains of an alien. The creature was adorned in full-body armour, standing more than five meters tall, with four hands and four legs instead of the familiar human form.

Despite the passage of 50,000 years, the armour seemed remarkably intact, and Liu Yong couldn't contain his excitement. The thought of possessing such advanced alien armour was exhilarating. He wasted no time, utilizing every ounce of strength to drag the alien's lifeless body—armour and all—

towards the cave's exit.

Despite his determination, the task proved arduous, and Liu Yong found himself straining to make it out of the cave. Upon reaching the surface of the sea, gasping for breath, he couldn't help but feel relieved. The pressure at 3,300 meters beneath the ocean tested his limits, and he knew he needed a substantial rest before attempting another dive.

Back aboard the large yacht, Liu Yong allowed himself time to recuperate. The first order of business was to rest and recharge. He secured the substantial light source beneath the vessel and peeled off his rubber diving suit. The refreshing shower onboard washed away the weariness from his body, leaving him feeling rejuvenated as he slipped into clean and comfortable clothes.

Knowing that another descent to the depth of 3,300 meters would require him to be well-prepared, Liu Yong settled in for an extended break. More than two hours would pass before he would embark on another perilous journey into the enigmatic depths of the underwater world, where ancient mysteries and untold treasures awaited him.